My Pregnancy Diary Third Trimester

My Pregnancy Diary Third Trimester
My pregnancy diary continues into this third trimester and I chat about how it's time to get organized for labor and baby's arrival. I've had a few friends send me lists of what they got when they had their bub, and it's been really useful.
I've collated my own, sent it off to my sister for approval (she's all over this stuff!), and starting to get the bits and pieces we need.
I have the best friends, I really do. I've been given so much helpful advice and items to borrow. The only thing I'm feeling a bit of overwhelm about is the pram.
I've been offered second hand prams to borrow, but being the fitness lover that I am, I feel I'm going to use the pram each and every day for a very long time.
If there's one thing that is a priority to me to get the right one, it's the pram.
In saying that why are there so many options? Oh my! Can someone please just provide me the top three and I can choose from there.
I have turned into a pram expert though!
You know when you go to buy a mattress for your bed, and by the fourth shop you go into you already know every finer detail you want.. now you're just looking for all that at the best price?
Yep, well, I feel like I'm at that point with the prams. I've watched that many YouTube reviews and read about a billion reviews.
I think I'm set on the one I want. I think I am. I know I am. I just got to do it!
What's the healthy alternative?
It's not often that I'm craving junk food anymore.
Mainly because I'm continually eating through the day and I'm pretty successfully avoiding that hungry stage.
BUT, occasionally I get caught up, forget to eat and then BOOM, that I-need-ice-cream right-now-or-the-world-will-end kind of feeling comes on.
You know the one?
So, given I'm going to be heavily pregnant throughout our summer, I figured I better workout some ice-cream solutions. It's like any junk food, it tastes amazing when eating it, but afterwards, I just don't feel so great.
I asked and I received.
A whole bunch of healthy ice-cream recipes, and I tried them all! I went to the shops, bought every frozen fruit possible (blueberries, raspberries, mixed berries, mango, banana, passion fruit). I equipped myself with ample coconut milk, and I was set.
In my little blender I put in two fruits, a little bit of coconut milk, blended it and placed it in my icy-pole container. Because it was already frozen, it was ready for me in a few hours to enjoy!
I made Mango-passion (totally my favorite!) Mango-Banana, Mango-Berry and a Berry-Special.
If you want to know more about juicing and pregnancy then read this >
Because it's not just now that I'm going to want this stuff, post the birth of our gorgeous little bubba, I'm going to need to nourish and fuel my body with the good stuff. So I'll make sure there's always an icy-pole in there for me!
Where is time going?
I honestly cannot believe I'm in third trimester! It's been a big mental shift for me this week to get organised and to stay healthy.
My first trimester was hard, second trimester was fun and now into third trimester (with some very hot summer days ahead), I just need to stay mentally strong and physically well.
I've always included a balance in my exercise and wellness routine.
I know a lot of people who don't though.
Going hard all the time just can't be good on your body, and I know for a fact it's not good for your body in third trimester.
It's super important to be able to relax, it's what helps set your body up ideally for a good birth, and realistically, what you need as your baby grows and takes more and more of your energy and nutrients.
I'm enjoying my prenatal yoga, my naps, my relaxation audios. I'm also enjoying my walk every day and including my strength routine.
And I'm forever grateful I have a passion for helping pregnant women!
Week 27
1. Take the advice of others, and formulate your own way of getting organized that doesn't overwhelm you.
2. Now you're in third trimester, it's a good time to write down the lists of what you need. Ask friends or support groups for advice, but don't be persuaded, just take it with a grain of salt.
3. Find a healthier alternative for any cravings you are having. My rule is, if I'm craving it, I try a healthier alternative and if that doesn't work, I'll get whatever it is I want.
Trust me, it's going to help you recover better post-birth if you fuel your body right.
Week 28
Today I want to share my 'pregnancy diary' with you for week 28. I have just finished my second trimester and now getting ready for my body to experience some significant changes as I head into this third trimester.
Want the good news or the bad news? Let's start with the good! I don't have Gestational Diabetes. Thank goodness!
You know it's so funny, I never ever thought about the fact of the test coming back positive. I eat so well and have nothing indicating I am at risk, but for some women that all doesn't matter!
The testing is so strict now.
Even if you are just over the line, they'll diagnose you.
I know so many women who have had gestational diabetes and it's forced them to eat so much healthier than the ice-cream diet they were aiming for in their pregnancy, so that's a good thing!
But still, it's a relief everything inside is working well. Almost everything that is, except....
My iron levels.
This is where if I was texting this I'd be putting a sad face emoji. You know, the one that's not only sad but also disappointed. Yep, that sums me up. I don't know why I thought I could escape it.
I'm not superwoman!
But I think I'm growing a little superman inside me and he's zapping up all my iron stores to big and strong!
So, I went and got my iron supplement.
Those poor ladies could have been lying there for ages if I didn't resist my temptation to just fall asleep myself!
Apparently, the iron supplements can make you tired?!
Ah, isn't that the whole idea, that they help to give you iron, which ideally helps reduce the tiredness? The way the pregnant body works will always surprise me.
So yep, it's me and old people eating bran every morning and munching on prunes so that constipation doesn't hit it. Because let's face it, nobody wants that.
My haemoglobin levels were good, but it's the Ferronin that was low. So I have another test is 6 weeks to see if it goes up!
I always include these, but now it's a real focus:
- Green leafy vegetables: Kale, Spinach
- Dried apricots
- Red meat
- Nuts and seeds (especially pumpkin seeds)
- Quinoa
So let's see how I go hey!
Women supporting women
Yesterday was my baby shower, I have the most incredible friends and family, and having all my closest women in one room is just amazing.
It's funny, it's like any event. The lead up is huge! The event itself is amazing.
And then, it's all over!
I think it's really important to have a feeling of support around you now in the pregnancy, because it will really help feel supported once little bub is born.
My gorgeous Aunty said 'make sure there's someone around you on day three, that's when everyone cries'. It's a true reality, and many of those early days will probably feel very long.
But the years are short, and once out of that newborn stage it's going to fly.
I love babies, working with gorgeous Mothers and Babies all the time, I get to see so many.
And they don't stay very little for long.
I was to keep remembering that.
To embrace those early days and weeks, because as much as there will be sleepless nights, crying, vomit and poop, our little guy will never be that little again and he will one day be all grown up!
We plan to have more kiddies, so also knowing that this feeling when you have your firstborn will never be the same, it's pretty cool. Next time there is a new baby, they'll have their older brother watching on.
I've always liked celebrations.
Birthdays, Christmas, any excuse to get together, I love it! It's so not about the gifts.
I remember for my 21st being overwhelmed with the amount of presents that for my 30th, I just asked everyone to donate towards a non-for-profit cause instead.
I'm feeling so prepared and now very equipped.
It was so nice going through and opening the presents with my husband on the night of the baby shower. We did a little video of us opening them and will send it along with the thank yous.
I've been to baby showers before.
And I just didn't want that time of opening presents in front of everyone. I'd prefer to do it just us, but at the same time, videoing it was nice, because it shows our reaction and we get to still share that moment with our beautiful friends and family that gave it to us.
Will be so cool when we can take a photo of our little guy in his new 'onesies' or shoes or playing with his new little toys and reading his gorgeous little books.
There really is so much involved in getting ready for a baby.
And to have each person involved give something small to contribute was really nice.
And I tell you what, some of those little outfits are dam CUTE! TO be fair, I think anything is cute when it's miniature size!
Feeling very grateful for the people in our lives.
Week 28 Tips
1. Your diet is really going to help you and your baby. Help your body absorb the nutrients by knowing what goes well together. Eating iron rich foods with some vitamin C can help with absorption.
Black tea can hinder absorption or iron, so avoid tea around the time of eating iron rich foods (or your iron supplement).
2. Don't wait for constipation to hit in.
It's a common side effect from taking an iron supplement, so ensure you have fiber rich foods to help you!
3. If you plan to have a baby shower, it's one of the first big steps towards saying yes to help. Get in the practice of it.
And even giving guidance on what you need help with is important. Making a list of what you need to get now is a good idea, and helps you feel more organized.
Week 29
So here the latest from my pregnancy diary for week 29. I feel like age and weeks of pregnancy are similar. Once you hit 30, things change!
This is my last week of being in my 'twenties' of my pregnancy! Crazy!
It’s ironic, we went to a thirtieth just last weekend. Very proud of myself, stayed up and was on the dance floor until 11.30 pm.
Then I was done.
It turns very quickly, and at the end I was certainly ready for bed!
But hey, I was aiming to get to at least 10pm before I piked, so happy with myself that I made it past 11pm!
Then the next day was my baby shower.
So yep, Sunday night I was tired.
And waking Monday morning I stayed in bed a lot longer than usual! My body needed the rest. All that dancing and celebrating, I need recovery time now days!
City Adventure
We have just come back from a lovely weekend in the Melbourne's city. Everyone has been saying to us 'go out into the city, because when you have a baby you won't want to go that far'. I still believe we will though.
It's not hard for us to get in there, even if it's just for an afternoon of exploring. Given of course, we have a baby that likes to be in the pram or the carrier.
We stayed in a hotel just opposite the Market and it was perfect. We hopped on and off of trams as we explored our home city.
We LOVE that type of stuff.
Even in a place where we are so familiar with where everything is, there’s always something new popping up!
We explored the lane ways and admired the new graffiti walls. We and had our lunch sitting watching the rowers go by.
To be fair, we spend probably a good 15 to 20 minutes watching this one family try to get in a row boat, none of them looked like they were having a good time!
It was quite hilarious to watch!
We walked over to the Night Noodle Market and checked that out, and then sat and people watched for a while. Probably one of my favorite things to do!
As we made our way back home, we walked past Town Hall and decided seeing a comedy show would be fun!
So, we looked them up and decided on one, there were a few seats still available at the door, so if we finished up dinner in time, we decided we'd go to that.
Back to our hotel room to freshen up, and off to explore our dinner options!
We had a few places recommended to try, but we ended up stumbling across a very cute pizza and pasta restaurant that was absolutely buzzing. And so glad we did!
The pizza and pasta dish we got to share were incredible!
We were so relaxed, just chatting away and enjoying our food, that by the time we checked out watches. We'd missed the comedy show! But to be fair, we didn't really care!
We even went into a new bar that's like a big floating boat on the river. It’s so cool!
It reminded me so much of New York. And get this, it even had a pool!
It's where all the beautiful people were, you know what I mean! The place to be, and to be seen! Except if you're pregnant.
But I didn't care, we looked around and then we left.
We continued to explore Melbourne on foot, seeing the fire flames across Yarra River and then making our way back to rest our sore little feet!
The next morning, we had a big breakfast, then explored the Victoria market, got some fresh produce and then made our way back home! It was such a perfect little get away.
It's also made me realized how important it is to get out of the house. I absolutely LOVE our new house. I'm so grateful for it, it's beautiful with natural light and surrounded by trees.
It's also where there are never ending chores.
It was funny to observe both of us, as we walked in the door, it was like a switch was flipped and we both went back into our 'to do' lists.
Once this gorgeous little bub comes into our lives, I really want to make an effort to try and get out when we can.
Even if it's just for a short amount of time, it will help us to refresh and reset. Which is important for anyone!
Week 29 Tips
1. Enjoy some quality time with your partner.
The pram shopping can wait, dedicate a weekend to just you two is important right now.
2. Don't feel you have to do something new.
Doing something you have done before can be lots of fun, especially if it's been a while since you have done it! We loved exploring our home city, and have done it many times before.
3. Schedule in times to get out of the house.
Even if it's just for a picnic, or a walk-through nature.
Get away from your neighborhood and your every day, you need to refresh yourself now and as best as you can, remember how important it is for when bub comes along.
Week 30
Today I want to share my pregnancy diary with you for week 30. I am well and truly into my third trimester and now preparing for birth. Here's my diary.
And here we are, week 30! I feel like it's absolutely going to fly from here… but at the same time, start to feel really slow!
Back a few months, a friend gave me a whole bunch of maternity clothes.
As I unpacked the box, I saw all these big loose-fitting clothes that looked, to me at the time, like they would just be a big sac-looking-thing.
Well, it's about time I get back into that box and find all of those loose-fitting clothes that I thought 'I won't wear that! Because I can tell you, I'm at THAT point.
The point where I just want to wear loose fitting clothes.
The tight clothes are for when I go out so people can see my beautiful bump, the loose ones are for when I'm home and just want to be comfortable. The pure focus on my wardrobe now - comfort.
And, I wore heels.
I know, why!
It's a question I asked myself for days after.
We went to an engagement party and I honestly didn't even think about it until the day of. I had the dress all planned out, and then, well, I didn't think beyond that.
So, I had the option of wearing thongs (so should have!) or, wearing the most supportive heals I have.
I went with the latter option, and to be fair, I sat as much as I could.
I got dropped off pretty much at the door by my husband and then took them off as soon as we got out of the venue at the end.
It was fun, I have been avoiding going out late at night because I get so tired by 9pm. I don't want to be curled up trying to nap in a bar, or that person that just looks super uninterested.
I had a great time!
Thanks to my 45-minute nap earlier in the day, I had great energy!
I do have a question though. Why is it that, now that I'm pregnant, cheese and meat boards are the new nibble food at every event?
I was literally standing at the food table eating the bread and olive oil and every person that came up (oh goodness, it sounds like I was there for ages which I probably was!) said 'hmmmm' there's not much on here you can eat is there!
And then another gorgeous pregnant mama came up and starting eating the bread with me and said 'I'm pregnant too. And there was my new best friend for the night.
We bonded over food, and ending up being the ones sitting down at the end.
Will I ever be the dance floor queen again?
I always promised myself, that when I became pregnant, I would focus the:
1. First trimester on adapting my body as best I could to being pregnant.
2. Second trimester on enjoying the pregnancy and preparing for birth.
3. Spend a portion of the third trimester really prepping for life after birth.
And that's what I'm doing.
I'm forever grateful for the PregActive community of amazing mothers and mothers-to-be that give such helpful advice.
I'd love to know the percentage of mamas-to-be that purely focus on the pregnancy and birth, buy a few things for baby and then get to that point once bub is out and go, “now what?"
The focus on post-birth is often not there, and I've seen it happen over and over again. That overwhelm, the 'no body told us'. And to be fair, no one can tell you.
There is no way you can be fully prepared for what's about to happen, but you can certainly be as prepared as you can - in the right way.
It's the same with birth.
There is no point getting all worked up about it. But knowing some skills you can use and some useful pointers does give you more confidence.
I'm excited for what's to come, and so pleased I have a tribe of supporters around me that I know are there for us. And we need to learn to ask for that help.
We had a great VBAC Inspirational Birth Story went live on the Podcast this week and I am loving the idea of having so many more 'mother' and 'birth' stories come through the podcast.
It's giving me even more confidence and excitement of the new adventure. I know it will be tough, but I also believe it's going to be one of the best things ever, all at the same time.
Week 30 Tips
Start focusing on post-birth if you haven't already. And by that I don't mean what little toys have you got for him or which cute outfit will be his photos.
Start by:
1. Writing a list of things YOU will need post-birth (including big grandma undies!)
2. Talking to other mothers who have recently had a bub about self-care tips for you
3. De-cluttering your house (as it's about to get a whole lot more cluttered with baby stuff!)
4. Having clothes that will be comfortable for you to wear post-birth, as it will be a wardrobe shift for you.
Week 31
Today I want to share my pregnancy diary with you for week 31. I am now modifying my workouts as my belly grows. Here's my diary.
I am loving that I see a range of health care professionals. And the key is asking them why. If they say something, I'm the first to ask them to explain it.
Because if they can explain it, and it makes sense. It means they know what they're talking about.
It's when it's random facts that you yourself question, and they can't back it up.
That's when you need to make sure you stop listening to what they say and get a second (or third!) opinion.
My appointment with a Women's Health Physio went a little like this:
1. Wrist: just a little 'achy' so I wanted to get it checked out, as one of the most common injuries for new mothers is wrists. So, it turns out I've just been over using the computer mouse and need to do some stretches.
2. Hips - they are doing so well, but I always like to get even the slightest thing checked these days. It's going to make a world of difference later in the pregnancy and in my recovery. It's still tighter on the left side, so just got to prioritise the psoas (hip flexor) stretches and glute activation work.
3. Pelvic floor completely functional pelvic floor, contract and release really well, but hey, when you're seeing a women's health physio, it's so important to get pelvic floor checked!
Supplements and Eating Nourishing Food
At the moment I'm taking prenatal supplement.
I'm also taking iron supplement along with vitamin C in the mornings.
Important to add a probiotic and fish oil now that I'm in third trimester. It helps with inflammation and brain development in bub. I've also been reading about DHA levels and that not having enough in your system post-birth is linked with something.
I can't remember now! I'll have to look it up and get back to you. But do some research on it.
I'm all about the food right now. As in good food. As in fuelling my body.
It's so funny when people say to me 'oh you're good!' when they see me eating my healthy food. And then they also say 'you look great, you have so much energy!'.
Where do you think I get it from?
Good food, exercise, proper prenatal hydration and rest. It's an equation that's always worked for me, and my clients that have the most success.
And it's something, that now I'm fueling both me and my gorgeous baby, of course I'm going to prioritize it even more!
If I rest, I don't get the cravings. If I don't, I'm not so great to be around. If I exercise and get out in the fresh air and have a laugh in my day, I'm on fire! I feel amazing! If I don't, I could potentially cry for no apparent reason.
It's all about balance.
And prioritising what you need.
I'm about to head to the shops and get some dates. So, have you heard?
Apparently eating dates helps 'increase cervical ripening'. There's bee a bunch of research, and you know what, I don't care if it doesn't work, I'm going to try it out.
I've had a bunch of mamas say they've read up on it and it's all facts. But to be honest, I like dates anyway!
So, it's not the worst thing.
But I often don't get the medool dates. So, this will be a treat!
Talk to me in a few weeks and I'll be over dates I'm sure, but for now, it seems like a perfectly good idea!
Just reducing any inflammatory foods is important for me (and any pregnant woman really). To be fair, it's important for everyone. That's why clean eating people often feel better.
In pregnancy you have to be super smart about it.
Because it's not about going on a diet. Hell no! By the way, never go on a diet, they aren't great. Just change your eating patterns to eat better for life!
Any who, in pregnancy and early postpartum it is SO important to increase the foods that nourish you!
Right now, in my kitchen I have eggs that I've just hard boiled. There are 2 cups of cooked quinoa that I have now for a week worth of adding to salads and dishes. And pumpkin roasting away in the oven.
These are just staples that I can add to any meal or snack that I need.
Belly Growth
My gorgeous belly is growing! The very top of my belly button has started to (sort of) pop out.
Apparently, this can stay like this! It's interesting to watch as each week goes by.
He's moving heaps now, which I absolutely love. Even if I'm focused on doing something and he moves around I often find myself stopping, even just briefly and saying hello to him.
I have a feeling I have much more belly growth to happen, and it's going to be interesting to experience!
Week 31 Tips
1. Ask why. Know you have a right to know what someone is doing for your body and your baby.
Never just assume with an expert, ask them why and listen to the explanation and if it doesn't make sense to you get a second opinion or ask them to explain in a different way.
2. Nourish your body.
Even if those ice-cream cravings are happening, make sure that the majority of your day you are fueling your body, as it needs it.
Now is certainly a time to replenish your stores, as your baby is taking a lot of your nutrients and you don't want to be completely depleted after birth.
3. Prepare in advance.
If you get into the habit of preparing for the week ahead (or even just the day) now in your pregnancy, it's going to help you a lot post pregnancy too.
It's so much easier to just grab something quick, but if you really want to nourish your body, it takes a little bit of thought and prep, but trust me, it's worth it!
Week 32
Today I want to share my pregnancy diary with you for week 32. I am now in my third trimester and seeing my belly grow by the day. Here's my diary.
For our wedding, instead of having a guest book, we created postcards of our adventures across the world.
We had one for every guest and asked them to write on the back a memory, story or note to us as a couple.
Since our one-year anniversary, we've been looking at one a week.
It's a nice way to tune into us and celebrate us as a couple whilst remembering our special day and the love that surrounded us of our family and friends.
This week, the photo was of us at a friend's wedding a few years back, just looking back at that photo we looked so different. I'm wearing a hot red dress and my tummy is so flat.
It is so funny looking at it, because my belly is growing at a rapid rate at the moment.
Beautiful and round, and getting quite big.
I've never felt so beautiful than I have felt in this pregnancy. My body has an extra purpose and I've really been embracing each moment as it is changing so rapidly.
I've always been into my fitness!
But, as with so many teenage girls, I didn't like my body back when I was going through high school. It's always a time to compare and want what you don't have, right?
Moving into my twenties I became more confident and enjoyed my body as I looked after myself and embraced self-care through my uni days and early working career.
And then, I just kept listening to my body.
As it changed, so did the way I looked after it. As my metabolism slowed, I adjusted my eating and movement patterns compared to my early days when I was an eating machine!
What I’m alluding to, is that each stage of life is so different, and embracing your body and yourself in that time of your life is so important.
Throughout this pregnancy, I've gone through a full wardrobe change, which I've never had to do before.
I've always been about the same size.
I've really used it as a cleansing point, to move on from the past and move into the future, and that goes for my clothes too.
I've donated a lot of my super tight little dresses that I used to wear as I know, especially in that first year after having our gorgeous bub, I don't need the pressure to fit back into them, nor do I probably want to!
They were very tight, and as a twenty-something-year-old, they were great!
Bring on the flowing, beautiful, colorful dresses that make me feel good!
Because there is no point comparing to others!
And even more so, no point comparing to you at a different stage in life.
I'm certainly going to be working to regain my strength and tone after little Mr. is born.
But I'm also going to give my body the loving kindness it needs, because right now, it's working overtime to create life and I'm just feeling so blessed it's doing so well!
Acupuncture when Pregnant
I had my first acupuncture session in my pregnancy this week, and it felt good.
There’s something pretty special about Traditional Chinese Medicine and the way it all works.
The main things for me were stress (as it's the lead up to Christmas and also me planning to take time off working), as well as low iron.
Today as I write this, I'm feeling so much more relaxed. To the point where I went to do a workout this morning and all I was craving was a good stretch, and so that's what I did.
It's been an interesting shift moving into the third trimester.
I certainly feel different and my energy is lower, but in a kind of grounding way. I'm slowing down, but it's a good thing.
I've really been enjoying ramping up my self-care and tuning inwards, especially in the lead up to Christmas and planning to have time off working.
Admittedly I've got so much on my plate at the moment that I need to really prioritize to get it all done, but at the same time not stress myself out.
These morning workouts and prenatal yoga sessions are just bliss, as are my swims and walking when pregnant. But also resting, naps are an essential part of my daily routine as the night time sleep isn't what it used to be!
His room
We're getting very set up now! We got the pram this week (thank goodness!).
I feel like that was the biggest decision of all. I know I'll be using it a lot, but man these things can be expensive!
I'm happy with our choice (I think!). And looking forward to actually trying it out.
It's still in the box and I think it'll stay there until he arrives.
I've been loving setting up his room and imagining us in there.
Week 32 Tips
1. Don't compare yourself to others, or your past self. It's not going to help you, embrace the change and look forward to an even better you!
2. Slow down. If your body is telling you to slow down, then listen.
Everything else can wait, time for you and your baby to connect and to help them grow, you need to rest and stop stressing.
3. Enjoy the process of getting your new life ready. And do it step by step so it's not overwhelming.
Week 33
Hospital Bag for Pregnant Woman
This style of packing is like no other I've ever done before. Normally, when going on holiday, I lay out what I'm going to take, and then, last minute I do a mad rush and pack half the house with me too.
But this time it's different.
My last-minute rush to pack (as my husband is waiting in the car and we should have left 15 minutes ago), leaves the house in a mess and me coming home from holidays relax and realizing I was a little stress head before I left.
This time, as I pack, I'm also prepping the house to ensure that when we come home with bub that we're organized. The 'coming home' part is more important than what I'm actually taking with me to the hospital.
I'm not sure how long I'll be in hospital.
But as part of the Group Midwifery Program, it's normally quite a short stay and then they come and visit you at home. So, I don't feel I need to take half the house with me, but I will pack for a little bit longer than I think, just in case!
This is what I've got in my hospital bag so far:
For me:
- Nightie
- Loose clothes
- Heat pack
- Nipple cream
- Maternity pads
- Music (Boom portable blue tooth speaker that links to my phone)
- Charger
- Battery candle (that reminds me, I need to look for some more of these)
- Snacks
- Maternity book (with all the numbers I need to call highlighted - birth suite, midwife, student midwife)
For him (baby):
- Clothes
- Nappies
- Swaddle
I'm sure over the weeks to come, I'll keep adding to this. I had a tip to have a few different sizes for him, so that's what I've done! Who knows how big he'll be!
And to put the same size stuff in a zip lock back and label it that size. So whoever needs to find it can, easily enough. Great tip, thanks Simone!
Maternity Photo shoot
I actually can't believe the time has come for this maternity photo-shoot. I'm excited, but it also signals to me, my goodness time is flying and I'm getting much closer to meeting my baby!
When I booked it in with the gorgeous Sigrid, it was ages ago. I love her work and I remember seeing some photos of a friend that had their photos with her and thought - yep, I want her to be my photographer for maternity and newborn.
I'm such a photo person, always have been.
I love it.
Looking back on the memories brings me so much joy.
I could sit for hours and just go through old photos. I feel like each time you look at a photo you remember something different.
I'm getting excited for our shoot, the weather is looking good, which helps!
Week before Christmas
As a promise to myself, this year it's all about a chilled Christmas. No need for added stress and trying to race around seeing everyone.
We'll see my family Christmas Eve for some relaxed afternoon drinks, then have a relaxed morning just us on Christmas Day and then head to my husband's family for lunch, and then, we're heading to the beach!
So blessed to have a beach house down there that we love going to. Instantly we relax when we go there. Hopefully we have some nice weather and we can just laze at the beach, swim, walk, read our books and not worry.
I'm looking forward to it already!
Tips Week 33
1. Write a list for your hospital bag, and then start gathering the stuff in one spot. Snap lock bags are a great idea to help keep a few things tidy.
And remember your hips are going to expand even more than they are now, so that's why you need some undies that are one size up!
Comfort is everything!
2. I've never spoken to anyone who regrets getting maternity photos done. Unless of course, they didn't turn out nice. If you are choosing to get some done, check out they style of the photographer. They have their own style and make sure it matches with what you want.
3. Don't add more stress to your life. Whatever stage of year you are pregnant, there's always going to be events. Stay relaxed and don't overwhelm yourself.
Week 34
Yep, he's growing! My belly is getting much bigger now! And I don't even have to notice for myself, I have plenty of people reminding me.
You have to take it in good humor, otherwise, you'll cry. And if you are, have been or know a pregnant woman, it's very easy to make her cry. Those hormones, I tell you!
Oiling my gorgeous belly three times a day now, morning, middle of the day and evening. Every day. They say stretch marks are in your genes, but hey, if this oiling helps me out, I'm going to do it!
Plus, if I don't, I feel itchy and dry. So, why not!
I bought a daily repair oil from the company I get all my skin and body care products from. It's not cheap, but it works. And I love it.
No, You Can't
It's so funny, we spend so much time talking about “Yes, you can!” that to even write the words 'No, you can't' seems odd.
But sometimes, you just can't.
And I'm learning that throughout this pregnancy journey. Especially when it comes to lifting. I've been working so hard to keep my body pain free. I'm not just lucky, if I wasn't making the choices I'm making then for sure, I'd be in a lot of pain. Because earlier this pregnancy I was. And I kept doing too much.
I'm small, but I love how strong I am.
And I can lift heavy. But right now, if I lift too heavy it's my hips that hurt.
Either straight away or the next day. And when I say 'heavy' I'm talking a 12kg bag, a 15kg toddler. Stuff that, when you're in a rush, you just do.
I've had to say no to lifting my nieces or my friends kids. I've had to ask my husband to take the heavy shopping from the car. I've had to ask strangers to assist me when I need it.
Because, I just can't. Well, I can, but I'll hurt myself, so it's not worth it.
Inspirational Women
Book mark is a photo of my Mum, sister, aunties - to keep inspired. We all spent Christmas Eve together and it just reminded me how special each of them are in my life. It doesn't matter how much time goes by, they have been there since the start.
As we lead up into late 3rd trimester, the reality of birth becomes closer and closer. But that gentle reminder that all these mothers, every single one of them - did it! They birthed beautiful babies into the world and supported them to grow up into their own person.
It's a fitting book mark for me to have for the book I'm reading. It's just split second I look at it each time, but each time I do it makes me smile.
Stress Free
We successfully made the lead up to Christmas stress free! I finished up the PregActive Classes, but I'm not sad as I know this community is so strong it will keep thriving and I'll still be in regular contact. It's funny when it's not good bye, it's just 'see you later!'
Every year Christmas lead up seems to be stressful, we also try to do both families on the one day, running from one to the other.
This year, we had relaxed Christmas Eve drinks with my family and then a lovely Christmas lunch with my husband's side - and then we went to the beach! It was awesome!
Tips Week 34
1. Each time you look at your belly, remind yourself that you have a beautiful baby growing inside. And as your baby grows, so do you!
If anyone dares to call you fat or big, either laugh it off or give them that 'I'm pregnant, don't you mess with me' kind of stare. It works well.
2. Give in to not being able to do everything. Your body just can't handle it. Nor should it. The pressure not only on your pelvic floor muscles, but on the ligaments and supportive tissue is just too much if you lift heavy. Someone else can get it for you.
3. Remind yourself that the incredible women in your life that are mothers have been through exactly what you are going through, and about to go through.
Week 35
Today I want to share my diary with you for week 35. I am well and truly into my 3rd trimester and now preparing for birth. Here's my diary.
I'm not sure what I love more Christmas itself, or playing 'All I want for Christmas is You' by Mariah Carey on constant repeat.
Yep, I'm one of those people.
And proud of it.
Every class I taught in the week leading up to Christmas.. we played it.
Setting up the Christmas tree - we played it.
Christmas Eve.. we played it.
Love Actually has to be in my top 10 movies of all time. Not one, mind you, that I watch with my husband. Either girlfriends or me just watching solo!
So yep, Christmas Day we turned 35 weeks pregnant! Still with fingers crossed that we make it to at least 36 weeks and into 2020.
We had a lovely morning and followed by a relaxed Christmas lunch. I fell asleep on the couch after my three servings of lunch and started the trend.
By 4 o'clock we left and 5 o'clock with were beach side, relaxing in the sun on another gorgeous day. We have this entire week here at the beach and just so happy to be here.
It's so good to get away. We love our home, but to escape it and get down the coast is just the best. Packed with our beach towels, bathers and books, we are literally set for the week.
And of course, I take four books hoping I'll finish them all, and end up falling asleep on the beach under my beach umbrella listening to the ocean - so no, I didn't finish any books, but I felt very well rested.
It's happening. My feet and calves are swelling in the heat, or if I sit or stand too long. Lying in the ocean has been the best thing this week.
We go to the front beach, so it's so calm, and shallow enough that I can just float face down and support myself with my hands. It's the best feeling ever at 35 weeks pregnant and in the heat.
I have been wearing my sandals pretty much every day, everywhere I go. If you're pregnant in summer, get some. They are so good.
They have the arch support, so my hips feel good after wearing them (compared to any unsupported shoes where my hips are yelling at me after a few hours).
Plus, I don't need to do them up! Winning!
And even as my feet expand, I can still fit them. I live in those and runners.
Week 35 Tips
1. Find what you enjoy, whether it's music or something else. If it brings you joy now, it can also help in those hard days when you've had no sleep. Make a list of the little things that bring you joy.
2. Getting fresh air and being in nature is important, now and when bub arrives. You may not be able to go as far from home, but make a list of places you love near to you and ensure you get to at least one every week to help you and your partner stay at ease.
Swelling in the ankles is real when it comes to pregnancy, especially third trimester and especially in the heat. Ensure you move as much as you can, avoid being still for too long (unless horizontal). And give yourself (or get your partner to give you) a good foot and calf rub each night.
Week 36
I want to share with you my own personal experience and story when I was 36 weeks pregnant. I'm sure you have many questions of your own about what to expect in week 36 of your pregnancy. So here's what I wrote in my own pregnancy diary.
It's the New Year
We made it! We always wanted our bub to arrive in 2020.
That's when he's due, but hey, it doesn't always mean that's when he'll arrive! Babies often come at random times. I was speaking to a lady just before Christmas.
She asked when I was due. I said 29th January 2020.
She said, 'oh I was due end of Jan with my second as well, but she came on the 21st of December.'
It was the 23rd of December when I was talking with her.
Yep, reality hit that day.
But now, we're into January and hey, we might even go into February! Who knows!
Loving being at home.
We spent an amazing week down at the beach, and now well rested, we're glad to spend some time at home. Feeling very ready and organized with the house and just doing little bits and pieces to help us once he comes along now.
It's so nice to be in a home that we renovated. Every so often I find myself looking up and thinking 'yep,' I remember the day I painted that ceiling.
It's hard work doing it yourself, but so very rewarding.
And so glad we're not doing it with a little one here!
Vivid Dreams
I have no idea what's happening with my brain, but my night time sleeps are no good!
I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm up all night. I'm just not sleeping restfully, I'm having weird dreams and yep, you guessed it.. I'm getting up in the middle of the night to pee!
But, my 30-40 minute nap in the middle of the day is awesome! I rest so well. Can't sacrifice that one at the moment.
Everyone says 'sleep as much as you can' and I'm certainly trying!
He's moving!
This little guy is moving all around. But there's no denying it, I love it. He's certainly growing and I think he's going to be an active little bub!
It's still the coolest thing I've ever felt, to have a little baby inside you kicking about. So very cool.
I think I'll miss that part, and my big round belly. But certainly getting excited to see what this little guy looks like!
Tips Week 36
1. Be grateful for whenever your bub decides to arrive into the world. So much pressure on times and dates. It's just nice that when they are here they are happy in your arms.
2. Enjoy your home. Create it to be your sanctuary. And prepare for a whole lot of extra 'stuff' to accumulate over the next 12 months+
3. Enjoy those movements. It's like nothing else. Not so great getting a kick in the ribs, but really, just knowing they are healthy is good. Feeling movement is absolute key with this.
4. Continue with your 3rd trimester pregnancy yoga workouts.
What to Expect when it Comes to Body Changes
You are likely still struggling to get a good night's sleep.
It's become impossible to lie on your belly and lying on your back is not advisable, so sleeping on your side becomes the only option. You will continue to get up several times a night to go to the toilet.
Your pelvic bones will be separating and loosening in these last few weeks which can mean you feel sore and aching.
Continue to practice the breathing techniques you learned with your partner during your childbirth class.
Baby could arrive any time so confirm your travel plans to the hospital and have your hospital bag packed and ready to go.