You Guide to Exercising in the Second Trimester

prenatal exercise Oct 26, 2020
You Guide to Exercising in the Second Trimester

You Guide to Exercising in the Second Trimester

Let's chat about your second trimester pregnancy workouts and exercise plan. Your 2nd trimester includes the weeks from 14 - 26. It is during this second trimester that you really start to notice how your growing belly impacts on your daily activities. 

Your workouts should be helping you to build the strength and endurance you need in preparation for increasing weight gain. What's important here is that you pay attention to how your body is feeling.

If you experience any significant discomfort, pain or tightness then you should stop exercising and consult your doctor. They may recommend modifications based on YOUR individual needs.

It is vital you communicate these modifications to your instructor.

Best Second Trimester Pregnancy Workouts

1. Yoga (modified for pregnant women)
2. Prenatal Pilates
3. Swimming
4. Walking
5. Stationary Bike
6. Strength training

Tips for Exercising Safely in 2nd Trimester

1. Select low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, and yoga. 

2. Exercise at a low level of exertion

3. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, three to five times a week.

4. Workout with a qualified prenatal trainer.

Second Trimester Pregnancy Workout 1

Try my 33 minute Pregnancy Yoga Workout with relaxing music to help you relax, rejuvenate, and re-energize.

This prenatal yoga workout is safe for all trimesters and perfect to help you reduce back ache and keep your body strong for labor.

Hey mama, I hope you enjoy this at home 33 minute pregnancy yoga workout that is ideal for the second and third trimester.

Second Trimester Pregnancy Workout 2

Here's a Pregnancy Yoga Workout 25 minutes in duration. Today we are doing a feel good 25-minute pregnancy yoga flow! It's safe for first trimester, second trimester and third trimester.

I hope you feel refreshed and amazing after this prenatal yoga class!

Workout 3

Designed specifically for second trimester, this Prenatal Pilates provides you with the strengthening exercises you need to help build your strength for the duration of your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Exercises for the Second Trimester

1. All Fours - Core Activation

Sets: 2

Reps: lift pelvic floor and engage abdominals, then release x 10

Rest: 15 seconds

2.  Side Plank Lifts

Sets: 2

Reps: 10 each side

Rest: 15 seconds

3. Clams

Sets: 2

Reps: 10 each side

Rest: 15 seconds

4. Glute Side Lifts

Sets: 2

Reps: 10 each side

Rest: 15 seconds

5. Bridge

Sets: 2

Reps: 10

Rest: 15 seconds


Can I Workout during 2nd Trimester?

Yes, you can. I want you to avoid high-impact exercises, like running and aerobics. Replace these with low-impact activities such as walking or swimming.

I always recommend you get clearance form your doctor before starting any pregnancy exercise plan.

What Exercises Should I Avoid in the 2nd Trimester?

Exercises to avoid in the second trimester of pregnancy include high impact exercises, exercises where you may lose your balance as we as; planking, push-ups, and lifting heavy weights.

Is it Safe to Lift Weights in Second Trimester?

According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; they state that lifting weights is safe during pregnancy. The big tip here is to not lift too heavy!

Is it Safe to do Squats?

Can I do squats while pregnant is a question I get asked all the time. and the answer is; Yes, you can do squats while pregnant and they are good for you.

BUT only if you do them right. As with all exercise during pregnancy, please get your doctor's approval first. Read entire post squats during pregnancy >

Exercises Should Focus on:

1. Core stability
2. Upper back and upper arms

Let's take that one step further and explain why these play such an important role in how I design my second trimester prenatal workouts.

1. Core Stability

At this point of your pregnancy you should avoid lying flat on your back.


Because the weight of your growing baby could cause an obstruction of venous return that impedes the return of blood from the lower body to the heart.

This is important to note as this condition may lower cardiac output and cause orthostatic hypotension which is 'dizziness' due to an acute drop in blood pressure) (ACOG 2009).

2. Upper Back and Arms

The time to also start preparing your body for your postpartum recovery is now.

When you have a baby, you will find yourself constantly picking up your baby as well as using your upper body in the daily chores you will be doing.

I want you to alternate between carrying your baby on the right and left sides. If you always put your baby on one hip, then you will create an imbalance and this could lead to lower back and hip pain.

I have included descriptive tips on how you can lift your baby and well as put your baby in their cot (crib) without causing injury to you.

As you can see, there is more to working out when pregnant than just trying to stay fit. This is why my 'functional training' is a must for pregnant women.