Best Exercises for Pregnancy Back Pain

prenatal exercise prenatal health
Best Exercises for Pregnancy Back Pain

Best Exercises for Pregnancy Back Pain

Pregnancy back pain is a common concern among expectant mothers, often resulting from the natural changes the body undergoes during this time. Can you prevent pregnancy back pain is a question I hear all the time. The answer is yes! I know how debilitating, frustrating and life-changing it can be when pregnant.

As your baby grows, the center of gravity shifts, and the added weight can put a strain on your back. Hormonal changes also play a role, as they cause ligaments and joints to relax and stretch in preparation for childbirth, sometimes leading to instability and pain. Understanding these causes is crucial for managing discomfort and ensuring both mother and child's health.

The impacts of pregnancy-related back pain can extend beyond physical symptoms, affecting daily activities and mental well-being. Women may find it challenging to maintain a healthy level of physical activity, which is essential for a healthy pregnancy.

It's important to address back pain through safe pregnancy exercises and workouts that can alleviate discomfort and improve overall pregnancy experience.

You have enough on your mind with work, planning for baby's arrival, dealing with other body changes, nausea, attending appointments and so much more.

Or if you do suffer from it, rehab it properly so you can get back to functioning how you want to in your everyday activities.

Back Exercises

1. Backward stretch Using a Chair

  1. To stretch your back, pelvis and thighs, try the backward stretch.
  2. Start on your hands and knees, keeping your arms straight and your hands directly beneath your shoulders.
  3. Curl backward toward your heels as far as is comfortable for your knees.
  4. Tuck your head toward your knees and keep your arms extended.
  5. Hold for several seconds, and then return to the starting position.
  6. Gradually work up to 10 repetitions

2. Lower Back Twist

  1. In a seated position, twist to one side until you feel a gentle stretch.
  2. Then repeat by turning to the other side.

3. Seated Leg Cross-Over Stretch

  1. While sitting on your backside, place you right foot on top of your left knee.
  2. Repeat on the other side.
  3. You should feel a gentle stretch in your glutes which play an big role in back pain if they are tight.

4. Seated Side Stretch

Sitting down with legs crossed; raise your arm and stretch across as shown in the photo below.

Related: Best Pregnancy Stretches

Can I Reduce Back Pain when Pregnant?

You can definitely reduce back pain or sustaining a back injury when pregnant. Participating in an appropriate pregnancy workout and using the correct lifting technique will help. As your body changes each week of your pregnancy, so must your workouts adapt to your growing belly.

It is common to experience some back pain as your belly grows. In fact, most pregnant women experience back pain, usually starting in the second half of pregnancy.

Your body changes all the time with each trimester.

But there are some steps you can take to stop it from becoming a debilitating injury.

Water Workouts: Gentle Aquatic Exercises for Back Relief

Water workouts, such as swimming or prenatal water aerobics, are excellent for pregnant women experiencing back pain. The buoyancy of the water provides a low-impact environment that reduces strain on the back and joints.

Aquatic exercises can improve flexibility, muscle tone, and endurance without adding stress to the body. Simple water walking or gentle leg lifts in the pool can greatly contribute to back pain relief.

These exercises also promote relaxation and can be a soothing experience for expectant mothers. It's always recommended to find a class led by a certified instructor who specializes in prenatal fitness to ensure safety and the most benefit from the aquatic exercises.

Pilates Exercises for Back Pain

When you suffer from back pain; all you want to know get are the best sciatica exercises to relieve your pregnancy back pain. Sciatica during pregnancy is just another annoying body change we have to deal with along with many others.

I want to share with you my five best exercises so that you do not have to continually suffer through this pain.

Causes of Back Pain

1. Sitting for long periods.

2. Standing for long periods.

3. Poor posture.

4. Poor technique when lifting.

5. Lack of exercise.

6. Being overweight or obese.

7. Being stressed or anxious.

8. Bad work practices.

9. Carrying, pushing or pulling loads that are too heavy.

10. Your gym workout is not designed for a pregnant woman.

Here are some of the more likely causes:

1. Muscle separation

As the uterus expands, the rectal abdominis muscles, may separate along the center seam. This separation may worsen back pain.

2. Increased Weight gain

During a healthy pregnancy, most women will generally gain between 25 and 35 pounds. As you gain weight, your spine has to support that weight. That can cause lower back pain.

The weight of the growing baby and uterus also puts pressure on the blood vessels and nerves in the pelvis and back.

3. Posture changes

Pregnancy shifts your center of gravity. As a result, you may gradually start to adjust your posture and the way you move.

4. Hormone changes

When pregnant, your body makes a hormone called relaxin. Relaxin allows ligaments in the pelvic area to relax and the joints to become looser in preparation for the birth process.

The same hormone can cause ligaments that support the spine to loosen, leading to instability and pain.

5. Stress

Emotional stress can cause muscle tension in the back, which may be felt as back pain or back spasms. This is why you may find that you experience an increase in back pain during stressful periods of your pregnancy.

6. Sciatica

Common Back Injuries

1. Disc problems

2. Structural problems

3. Soft tissue injuries like sprains and strains

4. Fracture

5. Postural stress

6. Sciatica (nerve irritation)

7. Disease

When You Have Back Pain You Cannot:

1. Exercise properly.

2. Lift your child (if you already have a child).

3. Carry heavy bags.

4. Perform required household chores.

5. Function at work.

6. Sit for long periods of time.

7. Sleep properly (when you do get the opportunity to sleep!).

Treatments for Pregnancy Back Pain

There are a number of treatments for back pain. Some you can do yourself. In the more serious cases, you will need to seek professional medical help.

1. Appropriate Prenatal Exercises

Whether you're pregnant or not, regular exercise strengthens muscles and boosts flexibility. That can ease the stress on your spine.

I have listed the safe pregnancy exercises you can do. But for now, these four basic activities will help get you started. They are yoga, walking, swimming, and stationary cycling.

2. Heat and Cold

Some women find that applying heat and cold to their back may help. If your doctor approves, start by putting cold compresses on the painful area for up to 20 minutes several times a day.

After several days, switch to heat by placing a heating pad on the painful area. Make sure you do not apply heat to your abdomen during pregnancy.

3. Improve your posture

I have an entire dedicated section in my online program to showing you how to, and how not to, pick up items. You see, slouching and using poor lifting technique strains your spine. So using proper posture when working, sitting, or sleeping is a good move.

4. Acupuncture for Pregnancy Back Pain

Studies have shown that acupuncture can be effective in relieving low back pain during pregnancy. Check with your health care provider if you're interested and only see a practitioner who is qualified for pregnant women.

5. See Your Doctor

If your back pain continues, book in an appointment to see your doctor. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking pain medications. You should call your doctor right away if you experience severe pain, increasingly severe pain, pain that begins abruptly or rhythmic cramping pains.

How to Prevent Lower Back Pain while Pregnant

1. Avoid standing on concrete or hard surfaces for long periods of time.

2. Sit in a supportive chair, do not slouch.

3. Stand with correct posture.

4. Sit with correct posture to prevent back pain during pregnancy.

5. Avoid bending or reaching and twisting at the same time.

6. Avoid reaching when lifting an object and keep load close to your body.

7. Position your computer screen at eye level.

8. Avoid using a laptop while sitting on the couch.

9. Use a wide stance when lifting.

10. Distribute the load to avoid carrying one big load.

Integrating Mindfulness and Relaxation into Your Routine for Better Back Health

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can be a complementary part of managing pregnancy back pain. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation can reduce stress levels, which may contribute to muscle tension and pain.

By incorporating mindfulness into daily routines, expectant mothers can develop a greater awareness of their bodies, helping to identify and alleviate tension in the back.

Additionally, relaxation techniques can improve sleep quality, which is often disrupted by back pain during pregnancy. Ensuring adequate rest and recovery is crucial for overall health and can aid in pain management.

Pregnant women may find guided relaxation or prenatal massage beneficial for both mental and physical well-being.

Safe Stretching Techniques for Reducing Back Discomfort

Stretching is an effective way to reduce back pain during pregnancy. It helps to maintain flexibility, relieve tension in the muscles, and improve circulation. Some safe stretching techniques include prenatal yoga, which focuses on gentle movements and poses that can ease backache.

Cat-Cow stretches also help in loosening the back muscles, while seated piriformis stretches can alleviate sciatic pain often associated with pregnancy. It's essential to perform these stretches slowly and to avoid overextending, as the ligaments are more prone to injury during this time.

When engaging in pregnancy stretching exercises, maintain a focus on breathing, as it enhances relaxation and increases the effectiveness of the stretch.

Proper alignment and posture during these exercises are critical to avoid additional strain on the back. Consulting with a healthcare provider or a certified prenatal fitness instructor can ensure that the stretching techniques are performed safely and effectively.

Start here and Gain Trust in Your Body!

PregActive for Pregnancy is my medically endorsed online prenatal exercise program. I will help will help you strengthen your pelvic floor, core, and prepare for birth. I want you to enjoy control and confidence in how your body looks, works, and feels throughout your pregnancy.

Are you a mom-to-be struggling with back pain during your pregnancy? You're not alone!

From simple stretches and exercises to the best pregnancy pillows, we cover everything you need to know to alleviate discomfort and promote better posture. Our expert advice will empower you to take charge of your physical well-being as you prepare for the arrival of your little one.

What You'll Learn:
1. Key stretches to ease back tension
2. Essential exercises safe for pregnancy
3. How to choose the right maternity support products
4. Tips on maintaining good posture while sitting and sleeping
5. When to seek professional help for persistent pain