Best Pregnancy Pillows for Comfort and Support 2024

Best Pregnancy Pillows for Comfort and Support
Discover the ultimate comfort and support during your pregnancy with our comprehensive guide to the top pregnancy pillows! In this video, we explore the best options available on the market, highlighting their unique features, benefits, and how they can enhance your sleep experience.
From U-shaped to C-shaped, and everything in between, we've got you covered with detailed reviews and recommendations. Whether you're dealing with back pain, hip discomfort, or just need extra support, these pillows are designed to make your pregnancy journey more comfortable.
A pregnancy pillow is known by many names including; maternity pillow, bolster pillow and side sleeper pillow. Whatever you wish to call it; buying a pillow can be one of the best things you do when pregnant.
From my own personal experience when pregnant, At times, I often found getting a good night sleep was difficult. For many reasons out of my control, I felt like it was impossible to sleep through the night. When I experienced sleepless nights during my own pregnancy it impacted on how I functioned the next day.
Your Belly is Growing
Maybe your backache is increasing. Pregnancy hormones are playing havoc on your entire body. Your suffering from one of the many common body changes and symptoms that prevent you from getting a good night sleep.
Any little bit of help you can get is well worth it. And this is where a pregnancy pillow can help.
I Reccomend You Buy a Recommended Pregnancy Pillow
I want to share some tips for buying the best pillow for YOU! There are a lot of good pillows on the market, but they are not all the same. When buying a pillow there are some key points to know before you make that purchase.
You can find maternity pillows at many of leading stores such as K Mart, Target, Walmart, Baby Bunting, Big W and also online at Amazon. There are also smaller boutique shops selling a wide range of brands.
Find the Pillow that Suits Your Personal Needs
You will soon find out that not every pillow is made of the same quality, materials, and design. Some look better than others. But that doesn't mean it's right for you. So please do your own research.
A good place to start is by asking your pregnant friends what type they use. While we don't want to use someone else's pillow, you can at least try it out for a minute or two.
As your pregnancy progresses into the third trimester, your belly will continue to grow. This can create some uncomfortable challenges for you. It will impact on your sleep.
The majority of pillows are designed for sleeping on your side. Why?
Because you should avoid lying on your back when pregnant. You should not worry if you wake up on your back. Just simply roll over on to your side. This is where a pillow can assist you in remaining on your side more often.
Stillbirth and Lying on Your Back during Pregnancy
New research shows sleeping on your back in pregnancy could increase the risk of stillbirth by cutting blood flow to your baby.
A recent study found that sleeping on your back reduced blood flow in the umbilical cord by 11.2 per cent on average. Oxygen reaching the unborn baby in the womb reduced by more than six per cent compared to when the women lay on their side.
This study has caused experts to warn that sleeping on back during final three months could harm babies. They say it may cut blood flow to the unborn child in the womb through umbilical cord.
They have advised pregnant women to sleep on their side to reduce risk of still birth in final months. This is where a pregnancy pillow can assist you to stay on your side.
Are you deciding whether it's worth spending the money on a specially designed pillow? Often when checking out some pillows they may seem to look like a standard body pillow. And you may be thinking that you already have plenty of normal pillows at your disposal.
I know plenty of mamas who claim they couldn't have coped without the best pregnancy pillow they could buy.
Whether it's worth it or not for you will depend on:
1. How much you value your sleep.
2. How much money you have to spend.
3. If it's comfortable you are at night.
Types of Maternity Pillows
1. C-shaped body pillow
This maternity pillow is shaped like a C instead of a U. This shape helps the pillow to curve around your entire body to support both your back and bump, while others contour your front but not the back. If you like to sleep on your side then this pillow may be a good choice for you.
2. U-shaped pillow
Th U shaped maternity pillow is shaped like a U to contour all around you with you nestled in the center of the U. It is important to note that because this pillow is quite big it will will take-up a lot of space in your bed.
3. Wedge pillow
This 'wedge' is smaller and often less expensive. It is designed to support a targeted area such as your bump or back. You will slip the wedge under your belly to relieve the weight of your bump.
4. Inflatable pillow
I hope you have a big bed! Because this is the largest pillow option available. If you like to sleep on your stomach then this may be the best option for you.
What to Consider when Shopping for a Pregnancy Pillow
Be sure to consider the following before you buy:
1. Do you want to buy a pillow that is firm or softer? Decide what will feel the best against your back or bump?
2. How do you sleep? Do you sleep on your side, back or on your stomach?
Benefits of a Pregnancy Pillow
A maternity pillow will help keep you comfortable during the last months of your pregnancy when you need it the most. The benefit is that you can snuggle with it while sleeping experiencing some relief. It will help provide you with additional support at all the right places.
The right pillow can help with sciatica pains, carpal tunnel and back pains. Propping yourself up helps eliminate the reflux.
A good one can help alleviate pain in the:
1. Back
2. Knees
3. Ankles
4. Belly
5. Shoulders
6. Neck
When Should You Start Using a Pregnancy Pillow?
This will come down to you as we are all different. If you are having trouble sleeping then that is generally a good sign to get one.
If I were to give a general time frame, then often pillows become needed in the middle of your second trimester which is when you'll feel the most comfort using a pillow, but you can certainly start before if you feel the need.
It is during this time when the womb starts to get bigger to accommodate for the growing baby. This can result in round ligament pain and other aches.
Your Checklist
1. Provides body support. Your pillow should support your entire body and provide you with additional comfort. This contributes to getting a better night's sleep.
2. Reduces body aches. By sleeping on your side, or in a better position, you will avoid unwanted aches and pains in your neck or back.
3. Can lower risk of snoring due to being on side. Studies show that sleeping on your back promotes snoring.
4. Stimulate deep sleep.
5. Can be used in different positions.
What Else?
6. Help you remain calm. Having peace of mind knowing you are sleeping on your side can provide you with a sense of calm.
7. Can be used after birth when breastfeeding for support. Yes, your pillow is also of great benefit post pregnancy.
8. Supports your growing belly.
9. Is double sided so you can roll over with ease.
10. Is fully washable.
1. Over-all Best Pregnancy Pillow
The Snoogle pillow is a good choice if you want full support that does not take up your entire bed. The Snoogle pillow's hook shape supports your back while one end goes under your head and the other end tucks between your legs.
2. If You Sleep on Your Stomach
The pregnancy pillow by Cozy Bump is an inflatable pillow with a hole in the center where you can adjust the amount of air in it to suit your comfort as your belly grows.
3. Multi-Purpose Pregnancy-to-Nursing Pillow
The Babymoov Multiuse Ergonomic Maternity Pillow is a good choice is an hourglass-shape pillow. You can place this micro-ball-filled pillow under your bump or between your legs.
4. Wedge Pillow
The Boppy pillow is a compact wedge pillow that supports your growing baby bump as you sleep. Its small size makes it easy to carry around the house and use on the couch or at your work desk.
5. Back Sleepers
The Leachco pillow is a good choice if you like to sleep on your back. This is also a good pillow when you start to sleep on your side more.
6. U-Shaped Pregnancy Pillow
The PharMeDoc's pillow is a U-shaped pregnancy pillow that surrounds you completely, front and back. You can use it to sleep in any position as your aches and pains shift during pregnancy. The detachable design lets you convert it to a C-shaped pillow.
7. C-Shaped Maternity Pillow
Boppy's Total Body Pillow is a C-shape pillow that cradles you from head to toe. With this pillow, you place one end at your head and neck and the other tucks between your legs to realign your hips as you sleep.
8. Pillow for Back Pain
The Moonlight Slumber Comfort U Total Support Body Pillow is a U-shaped pillow that may help alleviate back pain.
What Type of Pillow You Need
There are some pillows that are specifically designed for a certain type of pain. If you are experiencing discomfort, or aches, in just a few areas then you want to look for a smaller pillow.
The smaller sized pillow can go under your belly or between your knees. I would recommended you not only read the features and specifications of a pillow, but also search online for testimonials or reviews.
Where can I find a good pregnancy pillow?
A good place is to start with one of the major local stores near you. This way you can go and hold the pillow, feel it and see if it is one you want. I would recommend you do your research prior to going so you know which brands to look at and which ones to avoid.
I have a few friends who have bought their pillows on Amazon. If you use Amazon Prime, you can get it quickly and start sleeping comfortably within a few days. But, do your research first and get the right pillow for you.
How to Use Your Maternity Pillow Correctly
Ideally you should follow the instructions that come with the pillow when purchased. Essentially, all maternity pillows are specially designed for sleeping on the side.
So How Should A Pregnant Woman Sleep With A Body Pillow?
I think the answer to this question is however you want and what position is most comfortable to you. Ideally try stick to sleeping on your side. There are some rather strict guidelines for sleeping during pregnancy which mostly surrounds trying to avoid sleeping on your back.
1. The pillow should support your neck.
When you are sleeping on your side, the pillow should be positioned so that it supports your head and neck. This encourages your spine to remain as straight as possible.
2. You will want to slide the pillow under your belly.
You can do this by gently lifting your belly and sliding a portion of the pillow underneath when lying on your side.
3. Place the pillow between your legs.
This will help to relieve pressure on your joints and may even reduce swelling by improving your circulation.
4. Always try to ensure your back is supported.
Most pregnancy pillows provide a wrap-around portion that will support your back. As well as preventing you from rolling onto your back or right side during sleep.
Your friends will often be your best resource when it comes to buying a pillow. Their experience can be a good guide for you. Pillows range in price, from cheap to very expensive. Again, price doesn't always mean that is the best one for you.
Remember, Please Do your own research.
Ask your friends. Compare prices. And remember, there are some other things you can do to help good a good night sleep! Eat well, avoid the wrong foods before bedtime and participate in a regular prenatal exercise program.
I personally find prenatal yoga and some meditation helps me to sleep better. So find what works for you!