Top 5 Postpartum Exercise Must-Do's

postpartum exercise Dec 07, 2021
Top 5 Postpartum Exercise Must-Do's

Top 5 Postpartum Exercise Must-Do's

Your body is amazing, you just gave birth to a beautiful baby (or babies) and now you must also dedicate time to looking after you! When ready, you should start to incorporate a postpartum exercise routine into your busy weekly schedule.

Here's What You Should Not Do

  1. Listen to your body, never push through pain.
  2. Focus on your pelvic floor exercises regardless of your delivery mode (vaginal / c-section).
  3. Focus on what you can achieve - smaller, more frequent workouts (5 minutes counts!)
  4. Relax and Breathe.
  5. Enjoy and have fun, it's a beautiful time to bond with your baby!

Video duration: 2 minutes 29 seconds

In this video, we will be discussing the top 5 postpartum exercise must-do's to help you get back in shape after giving birth. These exercises are specifically designed to target key areas that may have been affected during pregnancy and childbirth.

Whether you are a new mom or looking to regain your pre-pregnancy fitness level, these exercises are safe and effective for postpartum recovery.

1. Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles is essential for postpartum recovery, as they may have weakened during pregnancy and childbirth. Kegel exercises and pelvic tilts are great ways to target this area.

2. Core Strengthening: Rebuilding your core strength is crucial after pregnancy. Incorporating exercises such as plank variations, leg lifts, and bridges can help strengthen your abdominal muscles and improve posture.

3. Low-Impact Cardio: Gradually introducing low-impact cardio exercises such as walking, swimming, or cycling can help improve cardiovascular fitness without putting too much stress on your body.

4. Strength Training: Including strength training exercises in your postpartum workout routine can help tone and strengthen your muscles. Focus on full-body workouts that target major muscle groups.

5. Stretching and Flexibility: Don't forget to incorporate stretching exercises to improve flexibility and prevent injury. Gentle yoga or Pilates can be great options for improving flexibility and relaxation.

Remember to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any postpartum exercise routine, especially if you have had any complications during pregnancy or delivery. Listen to your body and progress at your own pace to ensure a safe and effective postpartum recovery.