My Pregnancy Diary Second Trimester

prenatal health
My Pregnancy Diary Second Trimester

My Pregnancy Diary Second Trimester

So I've started my second trimester. As I go along I will add more weekly diary journals right up until I reach my 3rd trimester. The snooze button can be your best friend

Rest up my dear, you'll need it.

You know what, pressing the snooze button is like giving myself a little gift in the morning.

This week, I over did it. I never really needed a pause button that often before I was pregnant. Well, to be fair, I probably should have paused more often, but I kept pushing through.

Now, I just can't do it all. I just can't.

How did I used to fit everything in?

I scheduled my day like I normally would have, and I just couldn't keep up.

At 13 weeks you still feel like the new kid on the block of this pregnancy journey. It's funny the looks people give you like 'you still have a long way to go!'

But let's also remember, we're a third of the way through! It's second trimester next week! What the?

So my lesson learned from this, is I can't do everything. Don't try to teach three classes and do home workout videos and skip your nap.

Just don't do it Kerryn.

Too much exercise!

And with exercise and teaching comes ENERGY. I'm always giving 100% and to be able to continue to do that, I need to pull back a bit.

Food is energy, so make your decisions wisely

I am however, finding really good energy from the food I'm eating. I always eat healthy, but now I' m very conscious of ensuring I fuel my body well. My day now usually looks like this:


Muesli and frozen berries that I've soaked in water the night before. I mix in some coconut milk and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes, then add yogurt. It’s SO yummy, easy to digest and a great way to get plenty of nutrients straight away.

Mid-morning Snack:

Protein balls + a piece of fruit and some almonds


Loving the rice cakes with cheese, avocado, tomato and cucumber (or I have leftovers!)

Mid-afternoon snack number #1:


Mid afternoon snack number #2:

Platter of cheese, olives, carrots, celery and dips


Always plenty of vegetables in our selections, love a good curry, or meat and veg or vegie burgers with the lot (you know, beetroot, tomato, cheese, lettuce… all the good stuff!).

So yep, doing pretty well. And feeling good about it.

I now cringe when I drive past a Drive Thru. I've I really want chippies, I'll go make some home made ones.

Cleansing process of moving house:

In the last 10 months we've: Gotten married, been on our honey mood, renovated our new house, moved into the new house and now we’re 14 week pregnant with our first little bubba!

It sort of all just encourages a fresh beginning.

Today, although we officially 'moved in' two weeks ago, was a fresh, cleansing process of sorting through my memories I've kept in boxes for years.

This includes photos, letters, cards, diaries and just little random stuff that I picked up along the way of this journey called life.

You see, I'm a words and photo kinda person.

I love them.

I love seeing and reading the emotion in people as they genuinely speak how they feel. And often people do this at very special occasions.

And the funny thing is, I feel I probably didn’t appreciate it back then as much as I do now.

My Nana as an example, has written just one sentence in each of my birthday cards, but with such powerful words.

She is so proud of me, through my schooling years, through my twenties, and now.

I've kept every card she's given me, and those are certainly some of the ones that have made the'cut' into my now ONE box of memories.

I'm quite proud of myself to be able to get down to one box. To be fair, it's quite a big box. One of those storage kinda boxes. But it all fits!

I knew it was always going to take me a while to go through everything, and as I sat there for hours reading letters I loved it. I read the letters my parents wrote to me when I was away on grade six camp.

I tread through the kind words on my birthday cards throughout the years. I laughed at the funny drunk uni-party photos.

And I kept a little slice of each part of my life and put it in my memory box. Because it's all me and what's built me to be the person I am today.

I've also kept some special things from my childhood that I'm looking forward to sharing with our little one. One of which was my little teddy bear called Ted.

Quite an original name really!

Ted is actually a pink little teddy bear, so I guess we'll wait and see if we're having a little girl or a little boy first.

One thing I found looked at this week was my baby album my Mum gave me.

She actually wrapped it up for my birthday which was quite cute, and included my maternity book and all the things about me as a baby.

So very special, and soon I'll be creating one similar for our little bub.

Week 14 I officially have the best birth support crew!
Meeting my mid-wife.

I was actually so nervous before my appointment to first meet my mid-wife.

I applied to be in the Group Midwifery Practice program where I get assigned my very own midwife who ideally will see me at each appointment.

And then there will also be a few 'back up' midwives that I will get to meet if my primary mid-wife is not available for an appointment or for the birth.

I got the call weeks ago to say the date and time of my appointment and who it would be with. And now that day is here.

I have my folder with EVERYTHING in it.

Every result paper my doctor (GP) had given me, was in it. And I spent the night before double checking over everything.

I didn't have a referral letter from my doctor I released!

I don't know how this was missed, but it was my first lesson in not assuming everyone just knows what to do. Always double check what you need and ask questions.

After a bit of a scramble the morning of my midwife appointment I got it.

In fairness, there was a bit of a mix up because I changed my name with medicare part at 12 weeks, so a few things went missing, but now everything is sorted – I think!

I am just so happy with my midwife. She's SO good.

So knowledgeable.

She literally backed up every main point with evidence and research. So personable too, both my husband and I felt so comfortable with her.

And it was so nice to have my student mid-wife also be there.

I love that I walked in with my (and honestly I didn't mean for this) purple folder, purple water bottle, purple runners, purple jacket and the first thing she said to me was 'I'm sensing a purple vibe'.

I've looked down and said “and you know what, it's not even my favourite colour!

For two hours we all chatted and went through absolutely everything. I loved every minute of it. I feel really good about these three being my support team. My husband, my student mid-wife and my mid-wife.

I asked a bunch of questions like 'so what's your opinion on water births' 'whats your opinion on episotomies'. I wanted to hear what she thought before I gave my requests on what I’m hoping for.

I've heard a LOT of birth stories, and I've got a good idea of what an ideal birth would look like for me. But I'm also a realist and I know what can happen.

I'm preparing for best case and worst case scenarios, but if best case is available – I'm taking it!

And I'm making sure it's clear what I visualise that to be like.

I feel empowered and safe. I know I can do this.

Walking out of the appointment I felt so ready for birth. I'm sure, as the months go on and I become closer to my due date emotions may change.

But I have seen so many of our gorgeous PregActive Mamas go through this process, and now, although it still feels a little surreal, it is my turn. And I'm ready.

I like what my midwife said 'I'm here to guide and support you, but you're the one steering this ship.'

And she's right.

These wonderful people are here to help, but I'm the one making this what it is. I'm feeling confident and chock full of knowledge.

The conversations emphasised to me how much I do already know. I've been reading pregnancy books for years.

I listen to every story of our PregActive Mamas, I am continually learning about all-things pregnancy, birth and postnatal because I love it.

And now, it's all helping.

I'm now equipped with a list of really good pod-casts and books to add to my collection. Although I have a feeling it's going to be the podcasts that are going to be more useful.

I'm a slow reader (or more so I start reading and I feel tired, so I go to sleep instead of finishing the chapter!).

We talked a lot about diet. It's given me even more reason to curb any poor eating decisions.

Knowing how much my diet affects not only my baby, but also my pregnancy and potentially my birth and postnatal recovery.

I don't need fried food in my life right now.

What I do need thought is to be prepared and have snacks with me ALL THE TIME. Because when I don't, is when I'm looking around ready to eat anything I can get my hands on.

This is a long week, as my due date has now changed by three days! So Sunday is no longer my change over date, Wednesday is. So week 14 feels like it's going a little bit longer!

I've started to get some head aches. Apparently that's a thing in pregnancy!

I had no idea.

I've been given the remedy of coconut oil with a drop of peppermint oil (as long as it's 100% pure essential oil and it I mix it with the coconut oil and not put it direct to my skin) is really good to rub into my temples.

I've researched it, and it seems like it's a good option.

If you're reading this, always make sure you check with your health care professional before starting anything new.

My belly is growing more and more!

I'm huge from about 4.30pm every afternoon.

It's like my belly just expands from everything I've done in the day, and stays like that until I go to bed and wake the next morning.

I spoke to another Mama-to-be who is in her first trimester and she explained this happening to her and I just looked at her and said 'same!'

It's so funny when you connect with someone else going through the exact same thing you are.

My Tips for this Week

1. Ask questions.

Knowledge is power and keeping yourself informed is going to be the best thing you can do for your pregnancy.

2. Really have a good think about who you want in your birth support team.

And start really communicating with them now as to what you are wanting and how they can help.

3. Don't overload yourself with books, but certainly educate yourself.

4. Continue with your pregnancy workouts to ensure you stay fit and strong.

Week 15

So, I've just come back from my first chiropractor session, and I'm pretty happy!

I always said I'd see a range of health care professionals throughout my pregnancy, and I'm really glad I'm making that choice.

The benefit of different opinions is not that one is right and one is wrong, is that they look at the same issue from different perspectives, and as a result they point out different things.

So, in summary, my pelvic girdle pain

I have much less movement in my left sacro-iliac joint (SIJ) than I do my right when I sit, however lying down, they are both stiff. The whole body is connected, so of course I have other areas that are also tight.

A really good point the chiropractor said today was about having enough space for bub throughout the pregnancy to help to have a happy baby now, ideally helping to have a good birth and good recovery.

I'm a big believer in that things take time.

And that looking after my health (and that's not just about eating broccoli), but getting the right food, but also treatments and releases when needed and focusing on strengthening my body well – but not over doing it!

We had so many good conversations, one being about those women who try to push hard in their exercise until the end.

When really, it might be more gentle exercise that they really need.

Just things to be mindful of for your own journey too.

Inflammation is a big topic in any health field.

And pregnancy is no exception.

I'm going to do more research on this, but he suggested to take fish oil throughout my pregnancy to help reduce inflammation.

Watch this space after I do my research on this topic and see what I do.

And I must stress, this is me sharing my journey – not me giving you advice on what you should do.

Always listen to your health care professionals, and most importantly, listen to what is right for YOU!

Because beautiful lady, we are each different and what works for me, may not work for you!

My Pregnancy Week 16

Sometimes, you just need a little bit of sunshine in your life.

And on the coldest winter weekend in Melbourne, we figured it was best to get away.

Port Douglas might seem a bit of an effort to get to for four days, but it was worth every minute. 29 degrees Celsius and sunny the entire time, thank you very much.

The hardest thing I had to do was decide which mocktail I was going to have! I’m so proud of the two of us (well three now really hey!), just relaxing and literally sitting pool side and just reading!

You see, we're adventure addicts.

When we go on holidays, we normally call them trips.

Because they are full packed and we see and do everything.

We've travelled to every continent in the world.

We have done everything from climb mountains in South America (like BIG ones!) to almost die white water rafting in Africa, kayaking with hump back whales in Antarctica, to zipping across the streets in Vietnam on motorbikes.. yep, we love it.

And you know what were also loving?

Calming down a little.

Being in our new home now and with my belly bump growing every day (and me literally having to slow down), we are liking it.

We saw some friends at the shopping centre last night who have two little ones and a third on the way and they said 'you know what, if you feel like going to the movies.. just go! Because you CAN!'

Yep, life is going to change dramatically, and we truly are happy for it to. I have no desire to go adventuring (or even out late at night!) anymore. Can you call me two years from now and check if I've changed my attitude?

Start Physically Preparing For Childbirth Today

As was my Virgin Pina Colada Mocktail. I acquired a bunch of cushions and towels and set myself up with a self-made pregnancy pillow so I could lie face forward and read. It felt SO good on my back.

Along with the regular dips into the pool.

It’s just what I needed.

We strolled along the beach, we got ice-cream when we wanted to, we just had a good time.

And what's even cooler than that, is when we got back home we found out close friends of ours are also pregnant and due two days after us! We'd been hiding it from them until we saw them and they had done the same!

I excitedly told my Mums and Bubs classes this incredible news, and one of our gorgeous Mamas said 'your life is now complete'

It really has filled my cup just that little bit more (although it was pretty full at this stage anyway). I'm feeling on top of the world.

It's just so exciting to be on this journey, but to be on it with a dear friend who I genuinely just LOVE spending time with, plus our partners are friends.

Ah, I'm smiling as I write this.

We can exchange poo-nami stories and smell like baby vomit together as we lug our five bags of baby 'stuff' into a park to have a picnic as we take it in turns napping because that’s the only sleep we've had in weeks.

I'm genuinely excited we can share this all together, and laugh (and who am I kidding.. cry as well!) our way through it.

So yes, it's been a good week. A very good week.

I'm not waking feeling at all nauseas anymore, and I can actually go for a walk before breakfast, which has been unheard of until now.

I'm still napping if I need it (which I often do!), and the pelvic girdle pain is in maintenance mode (thanks to my Women's Health Physio and a Chiropractor that specialises in pregnancy).

Oh, and we had our 16-week check up with the Obstetrician.

You see, I'm in the Midwifery Group Practice which means I get to see one midwife and meet a second back up midwife. I'm low risk, so I'm eligible for this.

I'm stoked I'm in the program, and keen to stay in it. But as part of the procedure, at 16 weeks you have to see an Obstetrician to have the all clear to stay in the 'green pathway'

And we got the all clear!

She took the babies heart rate too! So very cool to hear it. The obstetrician said 'great, 155!' and as I got off the bed I said, 'ah, what is 155?'

She was talking about the beats per minute of the baby. 155 sounds high to me, but apparently that is perfectly healthy for a baby.

If it was down to 110 she'd be worried.

As the baby comes closer to term their heart beat slows down a little. How interesting is that!

My heart beat has had a full range this week, from super relaxed on our sunny holiday, to super excited with the announcement of our friends having a baby at the same time as us.

Such a great week!

My Tips for Pregnancy Week 16

Do something that relaxes you this week.

If you can get away - do it! It doesn't have to be a flight, it may just be one night somewhere a small drive away. If this is your first bub like us, remember this might be the last six months you can easily just get away!

Embrace this time, as second trimester is generally when you will feel your best.

Not every woman, but often first trimester hits hard with nausea and third trimester hits hard with exhaustion. So all I'm saying, is if you are feeling good now, appreciate it!

If you don't have friends that have little ones (or will have little ones by the time yours comes along), maybe head over and start to become part of some forums or groups.

Week 17

I always promised myself when I became pregnant that I would be open to everything. And seek plenty of information from a range of sources, and so that is exactly what I'm doing.

I'm going to a range of different information nights, reading an array of books, listening to podcasts and watching some very useful video clips.

At the moment this is how I feel:

1. I feel empowered with the knowledge that I have, and grateful that I have been reading pregnancy books, talking through birth stories and pregnancy journeys with PregActive Mothers and equipping myself with resources across the last ten years.

I did it to improve my skills in working with pregnant women and new mothers, but also, as an investment in the day I became pregnant myself.

And it's certainly paying off now.

2. I have plenty of breathing techniques that I use, but I'm always interested in learning more ways to help relax and calm the mind and body.

3. I don't have a fear of birth.

As it becomes closer, I'm sure my feelings towards it may change.

But I've been blessed to see so many women go through this journey and hear hundreds of incredible birth stories (as well as not so nice ones as well of course!).

I'm excited to meet my baby and have trust in my body that the changes that are happening now, and will continue to happen up until baby is ready to come out, are all happening for a reason.

I trust in both my body.

And my birth support team and feel confident in my own skills, mental strength and physical ability.

4. I have faith in my ability to relax and let go, and am letting go of 'stuff' that doesn't matter even right now.

5. I guess the only thing I'm nervous about is what I don't know, which is completely normal feeling to have.

Birth is the great unknown.

I'll continue to chat, read, watch and listen to learn more and more, but I'm also focusing on preparing for once bub comes too. I think so many women get stuck so focused on the birth, that they don't give much thought to the weeks and months that follow.

Thank You!

So, thank you to everyone who has contributed to helping me feel like this, there are many of you.

I'm pretty quick to stop people who go down the path of scary, unhelpful 'horror' stories about pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

So, if you've got one of these, I'll politely stop you, because to be honest, I don't want to hear it.

Those Nasty Cramps

On another note, who invented these pregnancy cramps anyway? Because I’d like to have a long talk to them, whoever it is.

They aren't fun!

I'll take the blame on this one though. I did a workout in the morning without stretching afterwards, and then just before bed we went for a big walk up the hill near us, I didn't have my magnesium tablet or magnesium bath for a while and - BOOM!

Just like that, CRAMP!

My left calf went into spasms and I squealed!

So back on the stretching, magnesium and salt baths for me!

Week 17 Tips

Believe in yourself. And if you have concerns about your pregnancy or birth, now is a good time to start looking into them. The women's body is pretty unbelievable, so watch closely as things start to change.

But also feel free to ask questions to your health care professional.

Birth is not just about one day, prepare yourself in the lead up.

Mentally and physically.

Across the coming months I plan to see one of the following health care professionals once every 3-4 weeks, and as I get into third trimester probably make that more frequent:

  1. Chiropractor (that specialises in Pregnancy)
  2. Massage Therapist (that specialises in Pregnancy)
  3. Women's Health Physio (that specialises in Pregnancy)
  4. Acupuncturist (that specialises in Pregnancy)

Give your feet and calves a rub before you go to bed with some moisturise too, as it'll help with circulation and reducing your risk of cramps.

Week 18

So, it was Father's Day this week. It's a pretty cool reality that this time next year our little bubba is going to be giving their daddy cuddles and smiles and be the best gift to him, ever.

But I still went ahead and got my husband a little something.

1. A Little 'baby jumpsuit' that says 'I'm as cool as Daddy' (totally adorable!)

2. A journal, for us both to write in to our bub - which is just the best and we both love it.

3. A weekend getaway to a little Bed and Breakfast in the Country

I've always loved thoughtful gifts.

There is no price tag needed to make someone happy. I got an amazing deal on a little Bed and Breakfast place that looks like it has everything we need. A nice in-expensive get away for us!

The reality is that we'll be in October soon, then November is already busy, December is always jam packed with Christmas and the lead up and then, we're having a baby in January!

So, when we had a spare weekend in September, I booked it!

And we go next week!

My amazing student midwife has been sending resources to us, links to watch and information to read. I just love it! And one was a link to a documentary called ';New Dads.'.

It goes through the journey of five new dads, each with very unique stories and at all different stages of Fatherhood.

We watched the video together and I just loved it.

Of course, I was balling my eyes out in parts (but I swear I could cry at anything these days!).

There's a link to it in my tips for this week if you want to watch it for yourself and your partner!

I sympathise with the partners (and right now I have every uncomfortable, ice-cream-craving pregnant women giving me the death stare!), but I do!

The documentary I spoke about above was really good in seeing other Dads speak about how they feel.

And just like with pregnant women,'it's different for all partners.

I think it's important to remember that you';re a team. Everyone's relationship is different, but this is certainly how we feel.

We're in this together, it's what's got us through the last 10 years of our relationship and certainly what's going to keep as strong in the many years to come.

My Pregnancy Week 18 – Slowing down

I need to slow down from what my life was. I would always leave things to the last minute (as still am in many cases!), but I can't afford to do that now. The stress of rushing needs to go.

Plus, I can't run anymore!

That's when my hips hurt if I do, so it's just not worth it.

I've had to re-prioritise, and top of my list has certainly been my health and wellness. Resting when I can, fueling my body with good nutritious food and exercising. Oh, and planning ahead!

Because if I don', I pretty much turn into a pregnant version of the Hulk (except I don't turn green), just really angry, frustrated and grumpy.

Let's be honest, it's not pretty.

So if it means a 15-20 minute nap and some extra snacks will help to avoid it, that's what I'll do.

It's also really important for the health of our baby.

Apparently little bub can hear now (they say this can happen from 18 weeks onwards), and I don't want bub hearing me get frustrated.

Feeling so grateful

I am literally surrounded by pregnant women and new mothers. They all understand and are so supportive and caring.

I just love it.

The question each week as I teach the different classes is 'now, how are YOU feeling?' and they genuinely want to know.

Week 18

Get some resources that you think might be helpful for your partner.

If you're reading any books, highlight bits and chat them over with your partner

Be open with your communication about how you are feeling and what they can do to help.

Any built-up feelings now are not going to help you later down the track of your pregnancy OR in those early weeks and months when you're both tired and dealing with a newborn.

Week 19

So amazing to feel the baby move, I'll get to that in a second, there is so much to cover this week!

Firstly, haircuts.

It's a weird reality when you start counting down the amount of appointments you have left, and very surreal to think I only have two more haircuts booked until our little munchkin arrives.

Or maybe just one left, who knows, this baby could arrive sooner!

We're almost at that 'half way' mark and it's absolutely flown by! I know it will continue to go fast, and just so grateful I'm documenting this diary.

Alright, let's get into the good stuff:

Our Little Get Away to the Country

As we were driving down to the country on our three-and-half hour drive, my tummy was beautifully warm as the sun was perfectly sitting on it, I felt some little kicks.

I think our little bub is just like their dad and loves the warmth of the sunshine!

It was a row of rapid little kicks and it was so cool to be able to feel them with my hand on the outside as well as that weird butterfly type feeling on the inside.

What was even cooler, was that night when we were lying in bed, those little kicks happened again and I grabbed my husband's hand and placed it right where our little bub was saying hello to us.

That was incredible.

That moment, having him feel our baby, oh - I'll remember it forever. Just so special.

Even writing this my eyes are swelling up with joy as I think back to that moment and the look on my husband's face.

I think that was a 'this is real' moment for sure.

We dedicated this weekend to us, the pregnancy and starting to prep for the birth. We had some print outs and went through all of them covering a range of topics and chatting openly about everything.

We completed our birth plan, knowing full well it's flexible. But it was nice to go through all the options we have and tick what we want and cross what we certainly don’t want.

We googled a whole lot of words, because sometimes the medical language is confusing, but once you understand it all makes sense.

Some of those words are big and scary, so totally get it that women get freaked out - or don't want to know about it and go in naive.

Feeling Completely Refreshed

We were like a little Grandma and Grandpa.

We chilled out, went for walks, had naps, went out for dinner and then sat on the couches with our cups of tea and blankets and read.

It was amazing.

I tell you what, old people have worked out what is good! No need for late nights, alcohol and kebabs at 3am.

Oh, I am getting old aren't I!

One thing I love about a bed and breakfast is the bed is always SO good and the breakfast is simple yet so delish!

After two nights and two full days, and an actively kicking little bubba, we hit the road again and started our journey back to the suburbs.

So glad we went, we came home feeling refreshed and organised.

Week 19 Tips

1. A birth plan is great to have, as long as you're not attached to it.

It gives you guidance and a way to ensure you are your birth partner (and medical team) are on the same page, but also knowing that things could change

2. If you don't know what something is, google it.

Ensure you know what all the words mean and have a chat with your health care professional about it.

3. Enjoy those little baby kicks if you're getting them, but if you're not, don't fret!

For every woman it's different, so it may be in the coming weeks that you'll feel them.

Week 20

A few weeks ago I remember writing down to say I was slowing down. Well I am, because I can't really go fast anymore, but I still didn’t leave enough time and had to rush!

Now I am in week 20 of my pregnancy.

You see we had our 20-week scan and my husband was coming from work and meeting me at the hospital.

It's a short walk from the train station, so really not hard for me to make my way there at all.

Unless that is, if I'm running late.

It's a 13-minute walk to the station. But that is from my front door to the platform, no interruptions.

To be honest, I think I need to add a minute (or more!) for every week of my pregnancy as it progresses, because it seems like my pace is slowing down.

Any who, 13 minutes is not a good idea for me to have in my head.

I need to allow 20 minutes.

And did I?

On this very special day where this was the ONE train I could catch otherwise I was going to be late for our 20 week scan!

No, of course not.

I allowed 15 minutes.

Which in my little pregnant head, was ample time.

So I clearly took my sweet arse time, and as I was coming towards the station I heard the TOOT TOOT sound of the train as it was approaching.

I muttered several swear words, and then - I started running.

A pregnancy-kind-of-run, certainly not my normal 'the train is here I must make it or the world will be over' kind of sprint I've done several times in my years.

But my run was close enough.

And as I was going, a young man was doing the same. He was coming from behind me, so in my mind I'd given up and thought we'd both missed it.

But no, he whooshed past me and as I approached the platform and the doors were closing, he was the one who held the door open for me so I could get in.

I thanked my new hero and sat down with a pain like sensation 'down there'.

It was weird, like nothing I'd ever felt before.

I hadn’t peed myself, and I feel good that it wasn't my pelvic floor, but something a little deeper. I couldn't quite work it out.

That was until we got to the scan and the lady said 'OK, look at that, your baby';s feet are right on your cervix'. I think little bub was jumping around as I was running and their little feet pressing down, down, down onto my cervix.

As soon as she said that I thought to myself 'that's exactly what it felt like!

The 20 Week Scan

Let's back track.

I made the train, and so I made the appointment with plenty of time. My husband arrived in perfect timing and a lady called out my name, greeted us and we went walking towards a room.

It was this moment I thought, 'I better say something'.

So, as we walked in, I said to her that we have one request 'we'd like to know the sex of the baby, but just not now, are you able to write it down for us?

As if she'd heard that a thousand times before (because let's be honest, she probably had - that week!), she simply said 'not a problem at all'.

So, in we went.

I laid down, lifted up my top and on went the gel and up on the screen was our baby!

Or part of our baby.

The last scan we had was the 12-week scan, where there in front of us was our whole baby - in one view. Here in the 20-week scan, our baby is too big to fit all in one screen.

Isn't technology just incredible?

We got to see our baby in so much detail! We saw their brain, their full skeleton, their little feet and hands, their face, their arms and legs. It was so cool.

I did have to keep asking 'ah, what is that?'

The kidneys looked like the brain, and sometimes it certainly wasn't clear until she said what it was.

So very unlike it's Mama, this little bub is camera shy.

Every time the scan went near their face, they'd put up a little hand across their face.

Oh, it makes me so excited to think what their little personality is going to be like. What features will they have of me and what will they have of their daddy?

I can't believe we made a baby! It's just so surreal!

Oh, what a journey!

About forty-five minutes later, they scan lady took off the machine, gave me a towel and started to pack up. I turned to her and said “are we done?” she said in one up-beat word 'yep!'

With a hundred questions racing in my head I said to her, hesitantly 'ah, did you work out the gender?'

As cool as anything, she said 'sure did! I'll go write it on a card for you now'.

As she left, we looked at each other.

My husband completely convinced it's a girl before for the split second that the scan went down in that 'area' he didn't see anything.

The lady came back with an envelope that had our little bub's gender written on it!

Just a few more weeks to our wedding anniversary and we plan to open it in the same place we got married.

Because it's such a special idea, I can easily hold on.

Slept in, Cramp and Blood Nose Blood Nose

I am enjoying this pregnancy just so much! When people ask, how's it all going, I love telling them the fun and how good I'm feeling. But let me tell you, it's not rainbows and unicorns ALL the time.

This same week that we got to see our little bundle of joy,

I also.. slept in, got a cramp and a blood nose, all in the space of about 30 seconds.

I was super tired, I'd had a massive day the day before.

I was wide awake between 3am and 5am and then when my normal alarm went off at 6.30am, it was an OFF rather than a SNOOZE that I hit.

So, what felt like five minutes later I woke up naturally, still tired, but figured I better check the time as I had a class to teach at 9.30am, but there's not way it's!;.

Oh my goodness it's 8.58am!

As I go to jump out of bed I get the worlds worst CRAMP in my left calf. As I'm holding my leg and trying to catch my breath, my nose starts dripping out blood!

So foggy from over sleeping and still with a cramping leg I stumble out of bed into the bathroom to gather some tissues to relieve me of this blood nose.

In that exact moment, I thought to myself “is THIS what pregnancy is all about?

Given I can't teach a class with tissue stuffed up my nose, I sorted the blood nose out, brushed my teeth, got changed and made the quickest smoothie ever and raced out the door.

And this is what I love about teaching Mums and Bubs classes.

I rocked up just minutes before the class was due to start, my Mums had set the room up and were ready to go.

I dramatized my morning to them with a massive smile on my face.

Because I knew exactly what was about to come back at me when I (half joking / half not) said 'I've just had the worst nights sleep ever, I feel so tired and I got a cramp and a blood nose'.

They just laughed at me!

lt's 'Oh just you wait Kerryn - there's more to come.'

As they went through their 'awake every hour last night' and 'I got spewed and poo'ed on this morning' stories.

It's all part of it hey!

Week 20

1. Ensure you say at the start of your 20-week scan if you want to know the gender or not, don't just assume they'll keep it a secret until you ask.

2. If you are experiencing any pelvic pain in pregnancy, running may be a bad idea as it could certainly add to it.

Leave yourself plenty of time so you're not rushing to get places.

3. Apparently, blood noses are fairly normal thing in pregnancy, as are cramps and sleeping in!

But if you have any concerns, never feel silly asking your health care professional about it.

Week 21

Today, I want to share with you my pregnancy diary for week 21.

Yep, it's time.

I need a pregnancy pillow for my bump when I sleep. And thank goodness a friend has given me a butterfly style pillow.

Here's how it works.

One 'wing' of the butterfly is on one side, I lay in the middle and the other 'wing'; is on the other side.

When I role from one side to the other, I don't need to move the pillow. As I roll over I then slide the one between my legs back through. It's actually really good!

Way better than trying to do a 20-point-turn with a pillow between my knees!

Before this week, I didn't really need a pillow, so it was kind of annoying to have in the bed. I'd often just chuck it out.

But now, I feel like it's coming with me, even if we stay somewhere else!

I love it!

So important to support the bump as it grows. We forget we’re in that position for such a long time. It's the same with wrists.

I know so many women who curl up their hands and have bent wrists for 8 hours at a time.

It can't be good for you!

The other thing is the pillow between the knees is a helpful support to put less pressure on my hips, glutes and back. I'd certainly recommend it to any pregnant woman to start sleeping like this, as it helps at any stage.

And you do get used to it!

I'm enjoying sleeping well whilst it lasts, because I have a feeling it's not going to last.

Weird dreams

Like really weird. I often dream and I can remember it when I wake up, but of late these dreams have been super weird and super intense!

And then, I pick up my copy of a book called 'Up the Duff' (which I love!) and I read about this week and it talks about the weird dreams.

Well, at least I know I'm on track. So many of the PregActive mamas said they experienced the same thing.

I really wonder why?

Can someone answer that for me?

What is the purpose of these weird dreams?

I bet it's just so we wake feeling unrefreshed!


Hopefully they ease off!

Midwife appointment

Met my back up midwife, Tanya.'So happy, she's just so awesome.

I'm loving the fact I'm in the midwifery group practice. Seeing the same two midwifes all the way through is really helpful and makes me feel I get to know them.

Tanya, just like Christina is an absolute legend. Just so calm and at ease and reassuring too. I'm sure they see a lot of stuff, the good and the bad. But their perspective on birth is just what I love.

The whole aim is to have a natural birth and to keep Mother and baby safe.

It's exactly what I want, and hopefully what happens!

Maternity Bras

Never in my life have I had big boobs.

Often, I don’t need a bra, and to be honest, when I'm home I LOVE taking it off!

But now, all of a sudden, I've had a growth spurt!

Very exciting let me tell you!

I'm sure I'll get over it, but for someone like me (and all my flat chested babes out there!) it's exciting for us!

I did have a girl tell me once she went form a size A to a double D, which is a dramatic change!

I'm a small B cup size and I've gown into a C. The other thing is that the band size has changed too.

A lot of women don't think about this, but it's not just the cup size that changes, the ribs expand from a very oval shape to a rounder shape as the baby grows.

So I've started to feel that the bands are getting too tight.

The solution? Go out and get some new bras!

No need to spend a lot, particularly if they are going to change size again!

But the bonds bras I've now bought are my favourite, as are the bonds feeding singlets (that are a comfortable single with a built-in bra).

Underwire is out. I just don't like it anyway, but it's just not feeling comfortable. But certainly, having some support is important, for the breast tissue, but also for the skin.

So many changes in the body at the moment!

The Last Supper

I really feel like this is a completely new chapter in life. And to add to that my parents have sold our family home which we grew up in.

We've had two family homes. One from when I was born until I was 12-years-old and then this second one which housed all our teenage years!

The first house my sister and I shared a room, thank goodness we had separate rooms in the new house! I don't think we would have survived being two teenage girls. Although it would have made stealing her clothes much easier.

Yep, I was THAT younger sister that wanted to be cool like my big sis.

A lot of changes happening, we moved into our new home and my parents are now moving out of theirs!

So, we had a 'last supper' at the family home before the big move happened.

So many memories, it's incredible what you remember as a kid.

And now, we're starting that process with our own little child.

Social catch up with pregnant women

Lots happening this week!

We also had a PregActive social catch up with a bunch of the pregnant mamas. It was so cool, there were first timers' mamas, first timers with step kids on the scene and second / third time mums.

It's so unique how different every experience is.

No pregnancy is the same and now mother experiences it the same as someone else, but it is nice to have someone else who is going through something similar to you.

I loved the conversations we had! One of which was, 'what's your code word?'. The word you give to your birth support person or team to tell them 'if I use this word it means I really want the drugs'.

The words we all came up with were hilarious.

Because you really want it to be a word you're not going to easily just say, but a word that you know means business.

Let's hope I don't have to use my word ' although to be honest, I don't yet know what word I'll use!

Week 21

1. If you are wanting a water birth, check that your midwife is water-birth accredited, as not all midwifes are.

You are still able to be in the bath for parts of your labour, but if you don't have a midwife that is accredited in water birth, you can't actually birth your baby in the water.

2. Check out a Tens Machine of you're thinking of using one, and have a practice run. Not on you, but on your partner, it's worth a laugh.

3. Exercise in your day can help you to sleep better - although it's not a given.

Going for a walk outside just before you go to bed, listening to some calm music or reading can help relax your mind and may help have a more restful sleep.

Week 22

I'll be sharing all the exciting developments happening in my pregnancy, including bump updates and feeling those precious baby kicks.

Join me as I document this special journey and share all the ups and downs of being 22 weeks pregnant.

Hey everyone, welcome back to my pregnancy diary!

It's week 22 and things are really starting to get exciting.

My bump is growing more and more each day, and I can definitely feel it getting heavier. It's such a surreal feeling to watch my body change and adapt to growing this little life inside of me.

One of the best parts of this week has been feeling those baby kicks.

It's like my little one is saying, "Hey mom, I'm here and I'm doing just fine!" The kicks are getting stronger and more frequent, and it's such a beautiful reminder of the miracle of pregnancy.

I've been trying to stay active and healthy, going for walks and doing some prenatal yoga. It's important to me to take care of myself and my baby, so I'm making sure to eat well and get plenty of rest.

I can't believe I'm already halfway through this incredible journey.

I feel so grateful to be experiencing all of these changes and milestones. Stay tuned for more updates next week!

My goodness, I am set! Here is my pregnancy diary for week 22. I am staying fit,m active and feeling good about my pregnancy.

One of my best friends gave me a whole heap of maternity clothes and, basically has me all set up for now, for later when I'm HUGE, and for those early months of having a newborn.

I actually don't think I'll go back to normal jeans, ever. Anyone agree?

These maternity ones are so good!

Why did I ever suffer through tight banded jeans that, let's be honest are 'stand up jeans only'.

You know the type, when you go to sit down, somehow the jeans get smaller and you feel like even if you eat a carrot you'll bust out of them - let alone the burger you have sitting in front of you that looks so delicious.

No more busting open a button when needed, these jeans do the stretching for you.


I do have one suggestion for the maternity clothing world though - more colour please! For someone who barely wears black, I'm now completely stocked up with black, grey and- stripes!

These are the three things I hardly ever wear.

But I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Some of these maternity dresses are just beautiful. Despite the hot hot days, I'm looking forward to being pregnant over the warmer summer months. I feel like I will live in dresses! They just feel so nice and there's no tight bits!

But there is a reason for maternity wear, and I'm starting to understand that. The longer the better! That little area between where your pants start and your top finishes is the exposed space you just don't want to have.. and that's exactly where all my other clothes.

STOP. Right there, showing that exact gap.

Kind of cute for a little while, and then just dam annoying! So much pulling down happening, so yes, bring on the long maternity tops thank you very much!

I can't party past 8pm.

Who am I kidding, I can't party Full Stop.

Unless of course it involves me sitting when I want to, standing when I want to and going for a nap if I feel like it.

Every year we host a football final house party.

Well, every year expect last year.

The Grand Final was the week before our wedding, our place was packed full of 'stuff' ready to take down to our beach destination wedding and just days before the grand final I had friends texting: 'so what would you like us to bring to the party?

In return I wrote, 'uh, we're not hosting this year, sorry!

But we were back on track and in our new home ready to have all our friends over for a fun-filled afternoon. Surely a party that starts at 12noon doesn't go too late?



I was loving it, up there with everyone on the dance floor (also known as our dining room by day) having a laugh and shaking my booty.

Then it hit me. 9pm came around.

I stopped, looked at all the mess, all my drunk friends and then at my feet (which had just told me they were sore and sick of standing up!).

I made the announcement 'righto, who wants a lift to the pub' and between me and a few Uber drivers we got everyone out of the house.

Bless them, before they left, they sobered up enough to help clean up. I think they felt bad for leaving the (now grumpy) pregnant woman to do the cleaning.

And so, by the time I returned from taking them as-far-from-my-house-as-possible, there wasn't that much I had to do.

I ran the bath, added my magnesium salts and soaked.

It was bliss.

And that, my friend, is now how I like to spend my Saturday nights.

Heels are out. Standing for long periods at a time are out. And, to be frank, anything after 8pm that involves loud music and drunk people out.

The PregActive Podcast is Live!

Very excited that this week we launched our PregActive Podcast. It's something I have always wanted to do, and I have a full line up of guests I can't wait to get on the podcast.

What I find, as a prenatal and postpartum fitness expert who's been in the field helping women for over a decade now, is that I repeat myself. Quite a lot.

The audience is always different, which is why I continually say the same things over and over again. I get the same type of questions and the same reactions when I give my answers.

So why not broadcast it?

Let's get this information out there. For all the pregnant women unsure on when to start their exercise, or when to stop it.

For all the new mothers wanting to get rid of that tummy they don't love so much but do it the right way so years later there is no nasty issues like pelvic organ prolapse or hernias.

For all the women fearing birth, let's talk through tips, techniques and some incredible, inspiring birth stories.

That's what I want.

I want to spread the positive, motivational, yet practical advice to all of these women.

So do tune in, because it's good fun. Oh and, I also hate podcasts that fluff. So mine are pretty much straight to the point. Get your info, no messing around.

Week 22

1. Ask around for maternity clothes, or get some second hand. It's just like baby clothes, women don't need them for very long.

And especially those ladies that know they're done with having babies - they'll throw the clothes at you!

2. Listen to your body, both in exercise and in life. If you can’t get through a party, go home.

Your body is growing a baby, and it's tired. Don't try and keep up with everyone else.

Have a bath instead, it's so much better!

Schedule your social catch up with friends after your afternoon nap, but before 8pm. That's when you'll probably have your most energy!

3.Tune on into our PregActive podcast!

You can listen to it on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

Week 23

We've just come back from the most amazing weekend away.

One year ago, we got married on a perfectly sunny afternoon down. One year on and 23 weeks pregnant with our first little bub, we went back to celebrate.

I didn't know it was possible, but I love my husband even more than I did the day I married him.

My love for him just continues to grow.

Our wedding was just one part of our incredible journey together, and since that day, we've done so much!

We moved out of the only house we;d ever lived in together, we had an incredible four-week honeymoon in Europe over Christmas and New Year.

We did a whole-house renovation in five months and moved into our new home the day before our 12-week scan that showed our little, healthy baby.

It's all pretty special.

So, for us, October 5th is not just a day to celebrate that incredibly fun day where we were surrounded by our closest friends and family and danced the night away. It's also a time to reflect on what we have achieved to date and where we are right now.

Seeing our gorgeous celebrant / event manager / wedding planner was just the best. Kat is truly the most amazing person to have around you in any life event.

She's so passionate, caring and kind.

And for my husband and I, she made our wedding just so special.

So, it was a no-brainer that we'd love to spend our one-year wedding anniversary having lunch at the place we said 'I do', and I'm so glad we did.

The views of Sorrento back beach are just perfect, and as we sat eating our lunch and reminiscing on what a great year we've had, I had flashbacks on just how happy I was walking down that aisle to my future husband.

Gender Reveal

Not only did we celebrate our one-year wedding anniversary, but we revealed the sex of our baby!

It was so perfect! We stood under the arch way in the exact position we stood one year ago, we read some nice words and promises to each other, which were so perfect in every way.

And then we looked at each other with anticipation as we knew what was coming.

That very moment we opened the envelope was when we found out if it’s a little boy or girl growing inside of me.

I'd rather have no idea than have an 80% chance!

We both had absolutely no expectation, we just wanted a healthy little baby. Whether a little girl or a little boy, it didn't matter, to us, the health of our baby is more important that if it has a penis or not!

I filmed this exact moment, not to share publicly, but just for us. And since that moment I've watched it over and over and over again with the biggest smile across my face.

I had the envelope in my hand, I slowly opened it and took out the card that was inside. I eagerly looked at Paul and said 'ready, okay' and giddily I opened the card as we both read:


You are going to be the proud parents of a bouncing baby BOY!

I squealed, jumped up and down and gave Paul the biggest hug EVER!

What a moment!

And we are just so incredibly happy!

We would have been over the moon if the result was a girl too of course! But now just imagining our life with our little baby boy, it’s just so incredible!

And from that moment on, there is no way you could have taken the smiles off our faces! We sang and danced as we drove right up the street and got an ice-cream.

Because, these things need to be celebrated! And when a girl can’t have champagne, ice-cream it is!

Telling Family and Friends

Since that moment it's been visits and phone calls to tell our closest family and friends, and they are all just so excited for us.

Well, almost everyone.

You see, we have one nephew who has just turned six, followed by four gorgeous little nieces aged four, three, two and a half and the final little one is almost two.

Our little nephew is stoked!

Finally, another boy to play with!

Our littlest niece is still trying to work out what we mean when we say 'there's a baby in there' pointing to my belly.

Our three most disappointed people are our three little nieces that as soon as we announced 'it's a boy' dropped their bottom lip and said 'but I wanted a girl!'

Lesson in life; you can't please everyone!

I'm sure by the time he's born, they'll love him no matter what!

Week 23 Tips

1. Don't feel pressured to find out the sex of your baby. If you want to, great, but make sure it's a decision purely between you and your partner, no one else needs to have an influence.

2. Remember that there are so many women that would trade places with you right now, just to be pregnant and knowing there is a baby coming.

Gender disappointment is real for many people, but it really is a first world problem, because reality is, you really just need to be grateful their healthy!

3. Anyone under the age of four will tell you their honest opinion, as will anyone over the age of 80, so be ready for it!

Week 24

My gorgeous little bub is an active one. He loves kicking about and moving, particularly just before bed and as we wake in the morning.

With all the excitement of the start of this week, I stopped and realised I hadn't felt bubba move all day. I thought he must still be resting from all the excitement.

Then that night, as we went to bed - no kicks.


I lay there, trying to relax. Trying to be okay with the fact that he probably just wants to chill out tonight.

But I couldn't.

The 'worst case scenario' thoughts came into my head and I started to get really worried. I thought, do I go to the hospital and get them to check he's okay?

Do I go to the hospital where I'm having my baby, or is any hospital okay?

When do I go?

How long do I wait?

So, to answer your question, no, I didn't sleep a wink that night. I woke up exhausted and with little kicks in my belly.

I'm not sure what happened, but he's fine.

And there we have it'. The start of a long journey of worrying! I was speaking to some beautiful 60 year-old women I teach Pilates too and told them my story.

They said, 'yep, and you never stop worrying.'

I asked how old their kids were and the answer '35 years old'.

So yep, that'd be me!

I'm going to be honest here, birth doesn't scare me.

Stillbirth does.

Having this little life inside of me right now is the most magical thing I've ever experienced, I dream of what our little boy is going to look like.

I dream of my husband and I playing with him and watching as he grows and grows.

To experience a stop to all of that would be so hard, and I've seen plenty of mothers go through this.

As part of the podcast I'm excited to interview a range of experts and mothers that share a range of stories.

And in due time.

I'd certainly like to get some women on who have gone through this, mostly as a way to help other new mothers who experience the same thing.

At this stage, little bub is doing just great and I'm trying not to have these types of thoughts.

I'm enjoying every single week, soaking up those gorgeous movements and by beautiful belly growing and growing.

Oh I can just feel the love

On a much more positive note, I am just so grateful for the love surrounding me and bub at the moment. We have friends visiting from interstate and they are just the best!

My good friend Ash is like a sister to me, she's amazing.

I love her and she has so much love for me and our gorgeous bub.

We had such a wonderful time with them, we went down to the beach, went to wineries and went out into the country and enjoyed a beautiful picnic sitting in the sunshine surrounded by gorgeous greenery.

Being in a winery is when you really notice you're pregnant.

Those cheeses and the wine are what wineries are all about!

But I just loved being able to be the driver as we hopped from winery to winery and everyone else in the car got happier and happier with every wine stop.

The music was blaring and we were all just singing and laughing.

Loved it.

We took our 'gender reveal'; photos down at the beach and it was so fun. I actually love knowing and it's fun now with everyone else knowing too!

Our friends bought us some little football booties that are the team we barrack for.

I say 'we' but I don't really care for football that much, but I do like that my husband has a team he loves and is so excited for our little boy to follow along too.

The little booties will certainly come out in footy season that's for sure!

Week 24 Tips

1. If you feel worried at all, talk to your midwife or doctor. They will reassure you that it is so okay to ask them questions. They would much rather it than have you sitting at home worried.

2. Try to avoid working yourself up.

Talk about your feelings to a close support person (as well as your health care professional).

Bub is also affected by your emotions, so if you're stressed, tense or upset, it's not great for bub.

Try to find something that relaxes you and your mind. Go for a walk in the fresh air, have a bath, listen to some relaxing music. Something that helps you.

3. Enjoy the excitement of your friends and family. Send them little notes on how you're doing and how bub is, they love it.

My Pregnancy Diary Week 25

It's funny, you forget people look you up and down before they speak to you. I went to an aqua class on Sunday morning, just me and a bunch of oldies.

As we were waiting for the class to start, one little lady said to me 'you're new, is this your first time.

It was so lovely chatting with her, and then, covered completely by the water so no bump to be seen I said 'I'm pregnant' and went to tell her that I was going to do laps today, but saw the class on and thought 'why not'.

But before I could, she quickly replied with 'yes, I know'. She'd already sussed me out!

Standing at the bakery, you know 'just looking' as you do.

The lady behind the counter could have said anything along the lines of 'is anyone waiting' or 'can I help you', but instead she said 'it must be pregnant day!

Now thinking back, I must have given her the most confused-blank look. And she went on to say that she'd seen a bunch of pregnant women. 

Almost like we were a rare kind of leopard that are hard to find, and she'd successfully, whilst being behind the bakery counter, spotted a bunch of us!

It's so funny!

Because people make judgement of you before your pregnant too.

Everyone does it.

You look at someone, suss out if you think they'd be nice, ponder why they cut their hair like that and check out what their wearing and if you think it suits them.

Am I right?

It's so wrong, but we all subconsciously do it.

The difference with pregnancy is that people get excited. Which personally I think is nice, so I honestly don't mind at all.

But in the excitement, they often say Exactly. What. Is. On. Their. Mind.

Like, exactly.

Whether it's a; 'oh you're growing, look how big you're getting' OR 'since last week you've really changed,' OR 'from the side I can really see it.'

I'm all belly right now, and I'm loving my belly.

As long as my little boy is growing well and getting all the nutrients, he needs to be the healthy, active little boy we want him to be, I'm happy.

If, I wasn't feeling great in my body, those 'wow, you're getting big' comments would annoy me!

In the line of work, I'm in, I mostly see people weekly. Or even more spread out than that. The only person I see every single day is my husband.

So, there is a big jump from week to week when people see me.

Pregnancy Week 25 - Almost at third trimester!

I cannot believe we're at the very end of the second trimester. It's going so fast!

I sort of want it to slow down, but at the same time, so excited for what the new year will bring and the exciting 12 times we have ahead of us.

We're writing a little journal to our son. We just pick it up and write a page every so often.

I love re-reading what we've both written and how we're feeling at that point in time.

I find myself just thinking about us as a family, down at the beach, at the park, or even just in our back yard.

I'm still re-reading my books, but because I have so much more energy at the moment I'm finding I'm not reading as much as I was when I couldn't be stuffed doing anything!

I'm sure that will all change very soon, but for now I need to force myself to slow down at the end of the day, relax with a bath and then hop into bed and read for a little bit before drifting off to sleep.

He'll be a toddler before we know it.

We had friends around over the weekend and boys are just SO very different to girls.

Aren't they?

It's funny to watch. I mean, that's a complete general statement, but on average, it's true.

I heard a fact that girls can release hormones that help them concentrate when they are still, where as boys need to move more to do this. I have no idea if this is true or not, but interesting!

I have a feeling we're going to be very 'BALL' focused.

All little boys I know just love balls, whether it's a round ball or a football, they just enjoy kicking it, pushing it and picking it up and running with it.

The BIG list

I've had a big list from a friend sitting in my inbox for a while now. All the things she got once bub was born, and I've been putting off looking at it.

I think when it's a reality that there is a next step, and it's approaching, mentally you think you can just ignore it and it will go away.

Nope, it won't go away, and our very empty babies room needs some essentials before little Mr. decides to arrive.

I've been so blessed with people offering items for us to borrow or to keep. If you went out and bought every little item that was on one of these lists, you'd truly spend a fortune.

And so, the list is printed.

I still haven't looked at it properly - that's next week's job. This week was to print it. Step one complete, tick!

Week 25

1. Enjoy your energy if you still have it!

But also, don' be scared that you'll feel the same as first trimester. Each trimester is different and often people do say that the first is the worst.

As you grow, you'll just start to become more restricted physically, and of course you'll be more tired.

But not necessarily in a complete fatigue-what-are-my-hormones-doing kind of way.

2. Start thinking about post-birth if you haven't already.

It's so hard, I know. But the reality is, birth is such a small part of this whole equation.

And every mother I've spoken to says 'focus on the weeks and months after you have baby rather than just the birth, as no one tells you to.'

3. So here I am, telling you to do it.

If you're standing at a bakery for longer than two seconds, be prepared to have a comment about your pregnancy!

Week 26

As trimester 3 approaches, I am feeling fit ans strong but I know from here on out I will start to experience greater body changes.

At the moment I have two of my best friends that are also due early next year!

And I JUST found out that one of them, who was due three days behind of me had her due date changed to be just one day behind me.

Ah my goodness, how cool! Imagine if we had our babies on the same day!

Just so blessed with the fact I literally am surrounded by gorgeous pregnant women. Both with PregActive, and my friendship group.

We did a whole bunch of filming for the PregActive for Pregnancy program and had a bunch of our mamas come over.

My gosh it was fun! My energy was beaming!

Seeing these PregActive Mamas - to-be and my beautiful PregActive mothers with their little ones all in my house as we laughed and enjoyed each-others company before we got into the photos and filming. It was just awesome!

I'm genuinely excited as to who I will meet in the next 12 months.

I feel like I have formed so many close bonds in the last 12 months and enjoying this gradual transition of life as we've moved, built a home, and now soon to be bringing a little mini-me into the world.

Life is ever changing and forming new friendships is all a part of that. Having a child is certainly a big change in life and certainly lifestyle!

Change of pace

It's no surprise I enjoy staying in on a Saturday night. It's time I am genuinely enjoying! I'm still being social, just when I can, I schedule it for day time!

Otherwise I just hit a wall, and to be honest, I don't think my yawning half way through a sentence makes anyone else feel like I'm full of energy and ready to keep going.

But you know what, that's okay. It's so okay.

I have had so many years of partying, I certainly don't feel like I'm missing out. Back in my early twenties I used to work the 6am shift at the bakery on a Sunday.

So, I'd go out until 3am or 4am, get home by 5am, lie down for 20 minutes and then get up, get dressed and go to work.

Then of course, I'd be a zombie that afternoon, have an early night sleep, and (kills me to think this now), wake up fresh as a daisy on Monday morning ready for university!

And then of course, I'd go out Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and do it all again that week!

So yep, I'm okay with my early nights now.

Gosh, just writing that I think back to when we'd leave the house at 10pm to go out. Ha! If I'm not home and in bed by 10pm now days, it's a tiredness that lasts for days!

This bond is so special.

I just love rubbing my belly and thinking of our baby. As he moves, I just love it.

He’s moving more often now, and throughout the day rather than just in the morning or at night.

We do want more kiddies, and for the next we don't want to find out the sex.

But I'm enjoying knowing it's a little boy.

I don't know, I feel like as soon as we found out I was able to bond with him even more. It's a funny feeling of connection.

Every day I dream about what it's going to be like to have him here with us. I also remind myself to reflect and enjoy even in those really tough moments.

The ones where he's screaming his little face. Don't panic. If he';s stressed and I'm stressed, it's not going to help.

He's certainly going to be an active little boy and love the outdoors.

We both do, so I feel like he really doesn't have a choice.

My husband bought him some cute little outfits that are the football team we follow (I say 'we' because if they win the household is so much happier, so as much as I don't give two hoots about football, I'm happy to barrack for them!

And so excited for our little guy to love his footy just like his dad.

Week 26

1. Start to be open to new relationships forming over the coming years.

If your current friends are not going through what you’re going through at the same pace, then sometimes it can be hard.

Join some prenatal groups now so you have some connection and be open to once bub arrives to join mother's groups if you want to create some new friendships, both for you and your little bub.

2. Embrace your life and the pace of your life right now.

If you start looking back and wishing you could do what you used to, it's not going to help you. Before you know it, this phase of your life will be over and you';ll be onto the next!

3. Are you connecting with your bub?;

As I'm writing this piece my little guy is doing somersaults.

It's just so special, start connecting with them now as you'll never have this exact feeling again. Every pregnancy is different, every baby is different.