15 Common Pregnancy Problems and Solutions

prenatal health
Common Pregnancy Problems and Solutions

Common Pregnancy Problems and Solutions

We love hearing about the success stories from our PregActive Mamas. But what a lot of women do not talk about enough is common pregnancy problems and solutions.

When pregnant, we can suffer from the never-ending back aches and pains, constipation, fatigue and insomnia that go along with it. Your body goes through a lot during pregnancy and it is important you get the best advice from your doctor and the required tools to give you a viable solution to your pregnancy problems.

If you are recently pregnant, then you will find this post informative. And be sure to discuss any pregnancy problems or health concerns you have with your doctor.

1. Problem: Constipation

Constipation can be caused by slower digestion, the pressure of your uterus on your rectum and even the iron in your prenatal vitamins can back up your system.

Solutions for Constipation when Pregnant

1. Eat foods high in fiber.

2. Avoid refined grains (white bread, white rice, refined cereals, pasta)

3. Avoid eating too much as big meals can over-tax your digestive tract.

4. Go to the toilet when you need to go, don't hold on! Holding it in can weaken the muscles that control your bowels and lead to constipation.

5. Probiotics can help as the probiotic acidophilus, found in yogurts, that contain active cultures, can stimulate the intestinal bacteria to break down food better to keep things moving.

6. Exercise mama! Regular exercise during pregnancy encourages regular bowel movements.

2. Problem: Nausea

Throughout your pregnancy you will experience rising hormone levels. As a result you may notice a heightened sense of smell which can lead to vomiting and persistent queasiness.

Solutions for Nausea when Pregnant

Here a just a few food and eating suggestions that may help manage symptoms of morning sickness or nausea include:

1. Limit fatty, spicy and fried foods.
2. Avoid large drinks.
3. Eat smaller meals more often.
4. Try eating a dry biscuit before you get out of bed in the morning.
5. Avoid foods if their taste, smell or appearance makes you feel sick.

3. Problem: Heartburn

When you are pregnant, the pregnancy hormones relax muscles in the lower esophagus, which can cause stomach acids to splash upwards, causing painful acid indigestion.

Solutions for heartburn when Pregnant

1. Changes to your diet and lifestyle may be enough to control your symptoms.

2. Eat healthy foods - You're more likely to get indigestion if you're very full.

3. Change your eating and drinking habits. Avoid drinks containing caffeine, and foods that are rich, spicy or fatty.

4. Stay upright - try sitting up straight when you eat as this will take the pressure off your stomach.

5. Avoid alcohol - for many reasons you should try and avoid alcohol. Alcohol can lead to increased indigestion.

4. Problem: Fatigue

I know, you're tired! It's common to feel tired, or even exhausted, during pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks.

Solutions for fatigue when Pregnant

1. Avoid tea, coffee or cola drinks in the evening, as the caffeine can make it harder to go to sleep.

2. Rest and relax before bedtime. Every week, i include a relaxation audio in my program to help my PregActive mamas rest and sleep.

3. You could join an prenatal yoga or Pilates class.

5. Problem: Gas

You may experience burping and flatulence due to your digestion slowing down. When you're pregnant, your body naturally produces more of the hormone progesterone to help nurture your baby. These increased hormone levels also relax the muscles throughout your body, including your intestinal muscles. Um...excuse me!!

Solutions for Gas when Pregnant

1. Know what foods are your triggers.

2. Take your time eating. If you eat quickly, you're likely taking in a lot of air with each bite which can settle in your stomach to form gas bubbles and cause bloating.

3. Avoid sugary, carbonated drinks and fried fatty foods.

4. Drink plenty of water.

5. Eat more fiber. Increasing fiber can make you more gassy. But over time, a fiber-filled diet can reduce constipation, which can be a big cause of gas pain.

6. Exercise helps stimulate digestion.

6. Problem: Swollen Hands, Ankles and Feet

Additional blood and fluid in your body can cause extremities to swell. Watch out for those wedding rings!

Solutions for swollen hands and feet when Pregnant

1. Reduce Sodium Intake

You may be able to reduce swelling during pregnancy by limiting your sodium (or salt) intake. Salt makes your body hold on to extra water. Be sure to check with your doctor as for some pregnant women, they need to increase their levels of sodium.

2. Reduce Caffeine Intake

Drinking too much caffeine can also make swelling worse. Caffeine is a diuretic, which causes you to pee more, which then makes your body think it needs to hold on to fluid.

3. Increase Potassium Intake

Being deficient in potassium can also make swelling worse, as potassium helps your body balance the amount of fluids it holds onto.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drink more water will help. If your body thinks you're dehydrated, it will hold on to even more fluid to try to compensate.

5. Stay cool

Avoid vigorous exercise out doors in the heat. Exercise inside as this can help keep you cool and reduce swelling.

6. Walk

I loved walking when I was pregnant and for good reason. Going for walk a couple times a day can help improve your circulation, which helps reduce swelling.

7. Wear comfortable shoes

Wearing comfortable shoes is key to reducing foot swelling, as well as to preventing hip and back problems that can arise as your center of gravity shifts and your weight increases.

8. A Massage May Help

Massage helps circulate the fluids that tend to accumulate in your feet, which will in turn reduce swelling.

9. Sleep on your left side

Sleeping on your left side when possible can improve blood flow, which reduces swelling of the feet. Be sure to buy a recommended pregnancy pillow.

7. Problem: Leg Cramps

Painful spasms, especially in the calves, are very common, and may be caused by increased body weight or compression of the blood vessels.

Solutions for leg cramps when Pregnant

1. Try stretching the muscle by pulling your toes hard up towards your ankle.

2. Alternate periods of activity with periods of rest throughout the day.

3. Put your feet up as often as you can when you're seated.

4. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water when pregnant.

5. Eat a well-balanced diet that includes lots of calcium and magnesium.

8. Problem: Incontinence

Pressure from the uterus on your bladder may cause you to leak a little pee, especially when you sneeze, cough or laugh.

Solutions for incontinence when Pregnant

Doing your Kegel exercises are a great way to help control urinary incontinence as they help to strengthen and tighten the muscles in the pelvic floor.

9. Problem: Backaches

Experiencing lower back pain when pregnant is very common. Everything from weight gain, posture changes to relaxed muscles can all contribute to aches and pains.

Solutions for backache when Pregnant

Once given the all clear from your doctor to exercise; I want you to follow the back-strengthening exercises I include in my pregnancy workouts. You should also focus on having the correct posture. If you sit for long periods of time, sit straight and don’t slouch. And if you pick something up, make sure you use the correct lifting technique.

10. Problem: Acne

The pregnancy hormones are likely messing with your skin.

Solutions for acne when Pregnant

Ah, do you feel like a teenager again with acne? I know it's not nice but it will pass as its due to your raging pregnancy hormones. Try to drink plenty of water, avoid foods that make your acne worse and chat to your doctor in case they can prescribe something for you.

11. Problem: Stretch Marks

As your belly grows each trimester it puts pressure on your skin which can lead to stretch marks on the abdomen, buttocks, breasts, and thighs.

Solutions for stretch marks when Pregnant

So, there little you can do to stop them from occurring. Try to maintain a healthy pregnancy weight and avoid gaining too much beyond what is recommended.

12. Problem: Nasal Congestion

Estrogen swells the mucus membranes in your nose which can cause pregnancy rhinitis.

Solutions for nasal congestion when Pregnant

Ask your doctor to recommend a saline nasal spray.

13. Problem: Insomnia

You're tired and exhausted when pregnant so you would think you would sleep well. Unfortunately not. This insomnia when pregnant may be caused by difficulty getting comfortable, leg cramps, frequent trips to the bathroom, and even your high levels of anxiety about the baby.

Solutions for insomnia when Pregnant

What I loved doing when pregnant was to relax before going to bed. For you this could be listening to calming music, taking a warm bath or enjoying a relaxing skincare routine. Ensure your bedroom is free from bright light and is cool. Doing your daily exercise routine will help tire you out. But avoid exercising right before bed as it can be counter-productive.

14. Problem: Problem: Dry Mouth

You need to drink plenty of water when pregnant because dehydration is common in pregnancy due to frequent urination, vomiting and even sweating.

Solutions for dry mouth when Pregnant

You Can Try:

1. Chewing sugar-free gum as this may help encourage your mouth to make more saliva.

2. Drinking lots of water.

3. Use a humidifier at night.

4. Practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth.

5. Avoid coffee.

15. Problem: Hemorrhoids

So f you may experience constipation and because of all the straining you have hemorrhoids which are swollen veins near the anal opening.

Solutions for hemorrhoids when Pregnant

When you feel like you need to go to the toilet, then go! Avoid sitting for longer than needed to so as to not put any extra pressure on your rectum. You can also sit in a tub of lukewarm water to ease your pain and reduce inflammation.

Prenatal Health Tips

Now, I want to give you some tips to be proactive in staying healthy. Your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing becomes very important when you are pregnant as not only your health depends on it but so does your growing baby's health.

Here are some prenatal health tips to include in your lifestyle and wellbeing program.

By taking on board and actioning the following tips you will give yourself the best chance of having a problem-free pregnancy and a healthy baby.

1. Book in to See Your Doctor

Once you believe you are pregnant it is vital you book an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible so you can start your antenatal care.

Your doctor will help to pinpoint your due date and advise you on any ultrasound scans and tests that you may need.

2. Rest and Relaxation Videos

When you are pregnant your hormones can play havoc on your energy levels and increase fatigue. An important and often neglected aspect of being pregnant is that you require time in your daily schedule to slow down, rest, relax and recover.

3. Devote Time to Exercising!

Exercise has many benefits when pregnant. As you enter the late stages of pregnancy there are some exercise you must avoid and this is why my PregActive programs are designed to guide you on what to do and what not to do.

Make sure you ask your doctor during that first appointment if there are any exercises you should avoid due to your specific requirements.

4. Pelvic Floor Exercises

You will undoubtedly have heard of 'pelvic floor' but are unlikely to have paid much attention until you are actually pregnant.

These muscles are important as they support your bladder, vagina and back passage and if you suffer from weak pelvic floor muscles then you may be at risk of developing stress incontinence.

5. Healthy Balanced Diet

Check out our prenatal nutrition blog for more great tips on what you should and what you should not eat when pregnant. A healthy diet consists of consuming fruit, vegetables, fibre and daily recommended intake of carbohydrates and protein.

6. Pregnancy Supplements

As with most supplements, their benefit is derived if you are deficient in one area. This is a question to ask your doctor during your first visit. They will be able to help guide you on a supplement available to you in your country.

7. Food Safety in Pregnancy

There are some foods that can potentially cause harm to your growing baby so it is best to identify and remove these food items (soft cheese, pate, unpasteurised milk) from your diet immediately if you have not yet done so.

The main concern is Listeriosis which is an infection caused by listeria bacteria that can cause pregnancy or birth complications.

8. Reduce Your Alcohol Content

If you have enjoyed a casual glass of wine or bubbly pre-pregnancy then now is the time to reduce, or even better, eliminate alcohol all-together.

This has and still is a controversial topic. Some women choose to continue to drink alcohol when pregnant without any side effects.

However, there has been plenty of research showing that alcohol can be dangerous to your baby's health. What is not yet known at this stage is just how much alcohol is safe to drink while you're pregnant.

9. Quit Smoking Today!

If you have previously lacked the motivation or ability to quit smoking then now is the time to find that strength to quit for you and your baby!

Smoking during pregnancy can cause increase the risk of; premature birth, miscarriage, low birth weight and cot death. Your doctor will advise you on some programs to help you quit.

10. Reduce Caffeine Consumption

Caffeine can be found in numerous drinks from coffee, hot chocolate, tea to energy drinks. Research has shown that too much caffeine may increase your risk of miscarriage and may contribute to your risk of having a low-birth-weight baby.


The above tips are of general guidance only. If you experience any of these please make sure you chat to your doctor.

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