Why Do I Still Look Pregnant? Here's Why!

Why Do I Still Look Pregnant?
How long will I have a mummy tummy? What is this postpartum pooch? There are lots of names for this but when it happens to you, there is no name that really gives you comfort. We just want to know what it is and how to get rid of it!
We're talking about when your stomach sticks out farther than it used it before pregnancy. People still look down at your tummy and wonder why you still look six months pregnant. And some strangers even ask when you're due. That's a question that really gets to you.
Am I Pregnant or Postpartum?
Why Do I Still Look Pregnant?
I'm feeling good in my body and consistently doing my exercises that I know, given time, will help heal my body.
Two weeks ago, in the afternoon after having a snack, I felt bloated. I had the exact same feeling of when I was early pregnancy. This tummy that, although served a purpose, was neither big and round, nor was it flat.
Early pregnancy and early postpartum have often give the same emotions about your tummy. It's that 'in-between time'. Although the difference is, that in pregnancy, you're wanting your belly to grow and become bigger.
I write this to remind you that postpartum is a journey.
Every day is different and what your tummy looks like in the morning may not reflect the same as the afternoon.
You start working out and you notice your arms and legs start to go back to normal, even your face reduces in puffiness. But your mummy tummy hasn't gone away.
What you may notice is that feels firm and sticks out, literally like when you were pregnant. Hence, why people may think you're still pregnant.
And this is the True Story....
Are you doing this?
What most mamas do is they try to exercise the belly away by doing dangerous crunches and planks and other similar exercises. And you know what? They are actually the WORST type of exercises you can do. In fact, they will possibly only increase the gap.
What to do
I want you to stop doing these exercises until any potential diatasis recti is fixed. You should only be including safe medically recommended postpartum exercises into your workouts. I want you to feel strong, happy and confident so that you can be the happiest and healthiest mama you can possibly be!
How long you might look pregnant
From the moment your baby is born, hormonal changes cause your uterus to contract, shrinking it back to its pre-pregnancy state. As a result, it may take six to eight weeks for your uterus to return to its normal size.
All the cells in your body that swelled during pregnancy begin to release the extra fluid, which is eliminated from your body through urine, vaginal secretions, and sweat.
And the extra fat you put on to nourish the baby starts burning off (especially if you're exercising).
The speed and degree of this transition depends largely on:
1. Your normal body size.
2. How much weight you gained during pregnancy.
3. How active you are.
4. Your genes.
If you gained less than 30 pounds (13 kgs) and exercised regularly during pregnancy and have had only one child, then you are more likely to slim down quickly.
Postpartum Pelvic Floor Healing
I hope you enjoy my latest video on postpartum pelvic floor healing. While it will vary for every mama, here are some guidelines you can use for your recovery.
What about stretch marks?
Stretch marks usually become considerably less noticeable six to 12 months after you have your baby. Their pigmentation fades and they typically become lighter than the surrounding skin. The dark color of the linea nigra will gradually fade over a year.
Why Do I Still Look Pregnant?
1. Diastasis recti
Well, yes you are probably still carrying a few extra pounds after your pregnancy and that is normal. But what you need to know is that one of the biggest contributors to mummy tummy is diastasis recti.
Diastasis recti (abdominal separation) is when your ab muscles called the rectus abdominis separate.
This abdominal separation occurs during pregnancy and it is completely normal. It is necessary for your body to make room for a baby.
What happens is that after the baby is born, your stomach muscles gradually come back together. There are various options available to you but my workouts will help you naturally heal diastasis recti.
2. Food and Your Diet
Certain types of food contribute bloating which will make your tummy look bigger. There could be excess sugar in your diet. Or maybe you have developed an intolerance to certain foods.
All of these will cause swelling and bloating, as undigested food in your intestine is literally 'pushing' your stomach outwards.
What I want you to do is to try an eliminate the 'unhealthy' foods in your diet. The main culprits are processed foods which include items that contain a lot of sugar.
Try and replace any sugary drinks with water and eat plenty of fibre such as whole fruits and vegetables.
3. Postural Alignment
How is your posture?
During pregnancy you tend to attain a certain pregnancy posture that pushes your tummy outwards. This is where you are over-arching your back. As a result your pelvis is not optimally aligned, and there is outward pressure on the rectus muscle as well increased downward pressure on your pelvic floor.
4. Incorrect core exercises
Are the exercises you doing engaging the transverse muscle correctly? It is often to my horror when I see new mamas being shown potentially dangerous exercises.
Some exercises will increase intra-abdominal pressure which causes the muscles to push outwards. Ideally, when you engage your transverse muscles correctly, the lower abdomen should go 'inwards' as the muscle contracts.
Breastfeeding helps, especially in the early months after childbirth. Women who breastfeed burn extra calories to make milk, so they usually lose pregnancy weight more quickly than women who don't nurse.
So what to do?
This is where I have helped thousands of women through their postpartum recovery. And now I want to help you. You see, there is no need for drastic diastasis recti surgery (unless you doctor recommends it to you).
Your recovery starts with progressive postpartum workouts that have been created to specifically heal your ab separation.
C Section Recovery Week by Week After Childbirth
Let's chat about C section recovery after childbirth week by week. A C-section or caesarean can be planned or unplanned. For many women it's not even a thought, until it happens. And then, in those early weeks postpartum the overload of information on what to do can all be too much.
Understanding Postpartum Body Changes
The postpartum period brings a host of physical changes as your body adjusts from pregnancy to its non-pregnant state. Hormonal fluctuations, along with the stretching of muscles and skin to accommodate a growing baby, contribute to the prolonged appearance of a 'pregnant' belly.
Moreover, factors such as the retention of fluids and the expansion of the uterus mean that it takes time for the body to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size.
Understanding these changes can help set the stage for a kinder and more patient approach to weight loss. It's important to acknowledge that the body needs time to heal after childbirth, and that the journey back to your pre-pregnancy figure is not immediate but gradual.
Setting Realistic Goals for Weight Loss
When it comes to postpartum weight loss, setting realistic goals is paramount. Aiming to lose one to two pounds per week is generally considered safe and attainable.
Remember that rapid weight loss could be detrimental, particularly if you are breastfeeding. It's essential to focus on a balanced approach that includes a healthy diet and regular exercise rather than quick fixes.
Patience is key, and it's helpful to set small, manageable milestones that will lead to long-term success. Celebrate each achievement to stay motivated, and remember that some weeks might be more challenging than others.
Nutrition Tips for Postpartum Weight Loss
Nutrition plays a critical role in postpartum weight loss. Opt for a well-balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These choices not only support weight loss but also provide the necessary nutrients for recovery and, if applicable, breastfeeding.
It's also important to stay hydrated and be mindful of portion sizes. Instead of skipping meals, consider smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day to maintain energy levels and prevent extreme hunger that can lead to overeating.
Effective Exercise Strategies for New Mamas
While the idea of exercise might seem daunting for new moms, incorporating physical activity is a crucial component of postpartum weight loss.
Begin with gentle exercises like walking or pelvic floor exercises. As you gain strength and receive approval from your healthcare provider, you can slowly introduce more structured workouts.
Always listen to your body and understand that it's okay to take breaks or modify exercises as needed. Group classes specifically designed for postpartum women can also offer camaraderie and tailored workouts to help you regain your fitness safely.
Emotional Well-being and Support During Weight Loss
Weight loss is not just a physical challenge but an emotional one as well. Hormonal changes can affect your mood, and the demands of caring for a new baby can be overwhelming. It's vital to seek support from friends, family, or a professional if you're struggling.
Take time for self-care and recognize that it's normal to have ups and downs. Joining a support group or connecting with other new moms can provide a sense of community and understanding. Remember, it's not about bouncing back quickly; it's about moving forward at a pace that's right for you and your body.