How I Lost The Baby Weight FAST After Pregnancy!

postpartum health
How I Lost The Baby Weight FAST After Pregnancy!

How I Lost The Baby Weight FAST After Pregnancy!

If you want to lose baby weight then one of the most important keys to your success is committing to having a positive mindset to achieve your goal. This involves making important lifestyle changes and implementing these steps to help you lose weight.

I get it, as a mama, life is busy and your priority is your baby. But what is important is for you to acknowledge that your health also matters. You deserve to find the time to look after you!

So, if you are up throughout the night feeding your baby, then there is nothing you can do about trying to get an uninterrupted night of sleep. It's just not possible at this stage, but it will get better! The point is to make lifestyle changes that you can implement and are actionable in your busy life as a mama.

You Need a Simple Weight Loss Plan

A simple, easy-to-follow weight loss strategy involves exercising, eating well and living a healthy lifestyle.

Where many women go wrong is participating in a weight loss diet or fad that is not sustainable. Endless cooking, buying expensive weight loss products, extreme dieting or exercising is not the way you want to live.

So, I want you to keep it simple. Start by making some positive lifestyle changes that you can continue for life.

15 Steps to Help You Lose the Baby Weight

1. Stop Paying for Fad Diets

I have listed this one first for a very good reason. And that is you may lose baby weight fast by significantly restricting your caloric intake, but these crash diets are not sustainable for life and you when you stop you are likely to quickly put that weight back on.

Also, pursuing a low-calorie diet will probably leave you feeling tired. This is obviously something you do not want when trying to take care of a newborn. And you will likely make excuses to not exercise because you have low energy and are too tired.

The billion dollar weight loss industry is always coming up with some new and convincing weight loss diet promising hope to those who have yet to win the weight loss battle. Quite simply, you can often lose immediate weight on some of these diets but it is not sustainable or manageable for life.

2. Avoid Sitting Down for Long Periods

There has been a lot said recently in the news about how research is showing that sitting down for extended periods of time is bad for your health. If you are at work, watching TV, in a waiting room, or sitting down with friends then make it a plan to get up and walk around every 20-30 minutes.

In order to avoid back pain you should put a plan in action to get up and move around every 20 minutes.

3. Commit to Healthy Eating

It is OK to enjoy the occasional treat as long as 80% or more of what you eat is healthy and good for you. You should not feel guilty or punish yourself for enjoying that dessert or chocolate bar. Enjoying treats is a part of life. What is important is that you maintain the discipline to resist these treats all the time.

Consume Healthy Proteins

According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; when you include healthy protein in your diet you will help boost metabolism, decrease appetite, and reduce calorie intake.

Protein has a 'thermic' effect which means that the body uses more energy to digest it than other types of foods, which results in more calories burned.

Healthy protein sources include:

  1. Eggs
  2. Lean meats
  3. Legume
  4. Nuts and seeds
  5. Dairy

Eat Foods High in Fibre

Eating foods that are high in fibre has been shown to help with weight loss. Soluble fibre foods may help you feel fuller for longer by slowing down digestion and reducing hunger hormone levels.

Avoid Added sugar

This is our greatest challenge as lollies, candy and sweet treats taste so good! But these high sugar treats and refined carbs are high in calories and usually low in nutrients. Research associates a high intake of added sugar with an increase in diabetes, heart disease, weight gain and some cancers.

Avoid alcohol

We all like to talk about how research has shown that small amounts of alcohol (red wine) has some health benefits to justify that nightly drink. But when trying to lose baby weight, alcohol provides extra calories without much in the way of nutrition. Alcohol may lead to more fat being stored around the organs, also known as belly fat.

Avoid Highly Processed Foods

Processed foods are bad news when trying to lose weight. They are often high in salt, sugar, unhealthy fats, and calories, all of which can counteract your weight loss efforts. I want you to replace any highly processed foods you have at home with fresh, whole, nutrient-dense foods.

4. Clean Out Your Fridge and Pantry

One of the first steps to successfully losing weight is to clean out your fridge and pantry of all the unhealthy food items. If you leave these food items around then when you are vulnerable to temptation then it is just too easy to go and get that packet of chips, chocolate bar, packet of biscuits or soft drink.

5. Quality Sleep is Essential to Losing Weight

Being tired is an emotion and feeling that can often lead to making poor choices to what we eat. Getting enough sleep is vital to maintain a healthy weight because of the impact it has on your hormones that control how you burn and store fat. Be consistent on when you go to bed and what time you wake up.

AND as mentioned above, if you have a newborn, then this step may not be achievable at this point in time. So when the time is right and baby is sleeping through the night, then you can take the required steps to establish a healthy sleeping routine. 

6. Enjoy Restaurants - But Make The Healthy Choice!

A good tip is to look online and study the restaurant's menu before you go so you can take you time and make the informed choice about what you eat. All too often when rushed to select an item from the menu you can be influenced by what your friends are ordering or by what your waiter recommends.

7. Take Healthy Snacks When You Travel

A common problem when you travel is finding a healthy food option on the road. You are unfamiliar with the area or are in such a remote location that your choices are limited to unhealthy fast-food choices.

To avoid the unknown, you should pack and take your own snacks and meals when travelling as this is a great way for you to control what and when you eat.

8. Eat Before Going to a Party

Parties are notorious for endless eating due to the constant stream of plates of food being presented to you. By eating a small meal before you go to a party will help to alleviate your cravings and hunger.

9. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking enough water is vital when it comes to losing weight. Drinking water may increase your sense of fullness and stimulate your metabolism, leading to weight loss. Make sure you avoid sweetened water, as it contains more calories so always choose plain water.

There are many health benefits to staying properly hydrated. One benefit is that staying hydrated can curb hunger. Water is what makes us move, live and keeps us healthy. Buy a BPA free water bottle and carry it with you throughout the day.

10. A Positive Mindset is Essential to Success

Instead of making endless excuses as to why you can't lose weight now is the time to start talking positively and telling yourself that you are now in control and you can make these healthy lifestyle choices.

11. Keep Healthy Foods Front and Center

One reason we struggle to lose weight is due to eating high-caloric and unhealthy snacks. I want you to clear out your pantry and fridge and replace unhealthy snacks with healthier options such as mixed nuts, dried fruit, cut vegetables and hummus, Greek yogurt, and home made granola.

Place your healthy food items right in front of you by placing them at the front of the fridge and on the most visible shelves in your pantry. This way when you are hungry you can reduce temptation by grabbing an unhealthy snack that is directly in your line of sight as you open the fridge.

12. Ration Your Junk Food

When we shop, we often buy too much food thinking it is better to buy it all now to store for the future. When you do this with junk food it can be a bad decision as during an emotional moment you are just likely to eat the lot.

Therefore, avoid buying more junk food than you're going to eat in one day. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate as much junk food from your diet as possible, but this is a good first step.

13. Monitor Your Calorie Intake

So, when I say you should 'monitor your calorie intake,' I don't mean becoming obsessed with calorie counting as this is not sustainable for life. Monitoring calories can help you work out how much you are eating and where any problem areas in your eating plan may be. A mobile calorie tracking app may be good for you.

14. Get Active - Get PregActive!

Living a sedentary lifestyle is bad news when trying to maintain a healthy weight. And if you are trying to lose baby weight you need to include regular exercise into your weekly weight loss plan. Walking, jogging, cycling, interval training and participating in your weekly PregActive workouts all help to burn calories.

Exercise combined with good nutrition will help you to lose weight.

Besides losing weight, exercise and staying active will help reduce the risk and severity of diabetes, may reduce the risk of several types of cancer and will improve heart health.

Include Strength Training

I love strength training and for good reason. Strength training will help you lose weight and retain muscle mass. To effectively lose weight, a combination of diet and strength training has been found to be the most effective method for reducing weight and improving heart health.

15. Get the Support You Deserve

A key part of my Stronger Mama Challenge is being there to support you and all of our amazing mamas throughout their weight loss journey. So, please introduce yourself in our online community and join in the daily conversations to keep you motivated and inspired to workout.

Key Takeaway

Weight loss after pregnancy can take time, and you may not go back to your pre-baby weight or a healthy weight straight away.

You have just brought new life into the world; your body did an amazing thing. Along with that comes the fact that you will carry some extra weight after pregnancy is common and nothing to get down on yourself about.

Attaining a healthy weight post pregnancy is important, but please do not let your weight become a cause of stress or anxiety. If you aren’t coping well, ask for help from your doctor, family or friends.

Getting back into a healthy weight range is beneficial for your health as I have already outlined. Being healthy will allow you to enjoy time with your baby and get the most out of motherhood.

Replace processed foods with fresh whole foods.

Protein supports weight loss by boosting your metabolism, increasing feelings of fullness, and reducing appetite.

I don't want you to become obsessed with counting calories. You need to keep things simple. But if you do want to monitor your caloric intake then an app may help you keep track of what you are eating.

Keep healthy snacks within reach.

These include foods like fruit, vegetables, nuts, and yogurt.

AND of course, get PregActive with my Stronger Mama Challenge where I provide you with 28 days of guided workouts that you can do at home. Each month, we start a new Challenge so join other mamas just like you (and me!!) as we become the strong mamas we deserve to be. 

If you want to lose baby weight for good then there are some achievable steps you can take. Are you eating well and exercising but still gaining weight? If so, you are not alone and I can understand your frustration if you are trying to lose baby weight for good!

Losing baby weight can be a different experience for each person. Some women find weight loss after pregnancy easy, why others find it a tough battle. 

7 Habits to Help You Lose Baby Weight for Good

Step 1. Avoid the calories

Many years ago I thought I was doing the right thing by drinking orange juice. I thought I was getting the vitamin C I needed. Little did I know that these drinks were full of sugar and unwanted calories. When you are thirsty, drink water!

Avoid the Gimmicks and weight loss fads

The weight loss industry is a huge billion dollar business. There are many weight loss gimmicks, diets and fads on the market that if you are having a vulnerable moment you will likely fall victim to the great sales tactics used by these companies to get you to buy their products.

Ignore them!

To lose weight you just need to; exercise, eat healthy foods, reduce how much you eat and pursue a healthy lifestyle.

Step 2. Never shop on an empty stomach!

This is a saying you would have heard before and for good reason. It is hard to resist temptation when you are hungry and you are being presented with endless opportunities in a supermarket to buy a sugary item to satisfy your hunger.

First of all, the more sugar you eat the more you will want to eat so it won't satisfy your hunger. Secondly, if you stick to your shopping list them you will avoid those impulsive buys.

Step 3. Do you eat when you are cooking?

Ever wondered why a lot of chefs find it hard to keep off the weight? As a part of their job they have to always taste the food they are cooking.

If you are constantly eating while cooking or eating any left-overs then this is contributing to your inability to lose weight. Make a conscious effort to not eat while cooking!

Step 4. Know where the hidden calories are!

This is one of the biggest problems for people trying to lose weight. The main culprits are sauces and dressings as they are loaded with sugar. Read the food labels and try to eat healthy fruits and vegetables straight from the market. Processed packaged foods are high in calories and unwanted preservatives.

It is very easy when you are busy caring for your baby to grab the closest snack out of the pantry. The problem is that this will become a habit and eventually you will find yourself eating foods high in sugar just because they are the easy option.

Instead, stock your pantry and freezer with healthy food options so that the next time you are hungry, you have a healthier food option ready-to-go.

This is also where you can get your support team (friends, family) to make some healthy treats for you.

Step 5. Portion size is important!

If you eat too much food, even healthy food items, then you will gain weight. You should eat in moderation and pay attention to portion size. One tips is to reduce the size of your serving plate as we naturally fill-up the plate regardless of its size.

Step 6. Are you constantly snacking?

We are programmed form an early age to have three main meals and have a morning snack followed by an afternoon snack. But are these snacks required? No!

If you can reduce your caloric intake by eliminating snacking from your daily routine then this will go a long way in helping you to lose weight. And we are probably all guilty of this but try avoid to snack when your children are snacking.

Are you finding yourself filling in time by eating? Sitting on the couch nursing baby? You're not alone! This is where a lot of mamas put on weight and find it hard to lose baby weight. What you want to do here is complete a full pantry and fridge make-over.

Get a big box and go through your pantry throwing away all junk food. The next time you are craving something, you will have a healthy option readily available. 

Step 7. Get up and Move!

There has been plenty of research published lately about the negative impact on our health of sitting too much. If you sit down at work or at home, you need to set reminders to get up every 20 minutes and move.

I know this will be dependent on the type of work you do, or your responsibilities and time availability at home, but get up and move when you can.

When you get stronger your metabolism will speed-up which only helps you to lose more weight. You don' have to go to the gym of lift heavy weights to get stronger. My workouts include body weight exercises that you can do at home without any equipment.

When the weather allows you to get outside, grab the stroller and take baby for a walk around the block. As your fitness improves, increase the distance and pace a little each week. Along with getting fresh air, these walks will help boost your mood.

Even better, ask a friend to go on a walk with you to make it more interesting as you chat away.

Play with Baby

It is important to note that certain post-baby conditions, such as recovering from a caesarean, will require you to avoid exercises and movements in the first few weeks because they may cause further harm.

If you are still recovering, then dedicate your time to healing, not trying to lose weight! Enjoy your time playing with baby in the months following birth until you have been approved to start exercising again.

Stay positive

You will undoubtedly have set-backs and moments where temptation gets the better of you. Don't stress about it. It's what you do next in getting back on track that is important. You should be proud of what you've accomplished so far and the weight you've already lost.

We are all different!

So please do not compare yourself to others. Here at our PregActive family we do not judge! We celebrate each other's success and support all. And I hope you are kind to yourself as you set your own realistic personal goals. 

Nor is it about replacing all meals with smoothies.

To lose weight you need to exercise, eat well and make positive lifestyle changes. But you must keep it simple! If it requires too much effort and sacrifice then you are more likely to give up. You need a plan that is sustainable to fit into your busy lifestyle.

And just to clarify; we have many women doing our Challenge who don't need, or want to lose weight. They just want to get fit and strong for motherhood.

How About You?

Are you struggling to lose weight after childbirth? Are you always looking at your post baby belly? You're not alone.

What I don't want you to do is get on some quick weight loss fad diet. I don't want you to try some extreme crash exercise program while your body is still recovering after childbirth.

What I do want you to do is implement some positive lifestyle changes that you can sustain for life and keep that weight off!

Your lifestyle as a busy mother will be very hectic looking after your newborn baby. If you are ready to start losing baby weight, then one action point for you is to stop eating on the go.

I know there is endless running about to complete daily tasks, looking after your other children and even the possibility that you are also committing time to working a job outside of the home.

As a result, more often now than ever, you may find yourself eating on the go which is only making it more difficult to lose pregnancy weight.

The problem with constant eating on the go is that you may satisfy your immediate hunger but you will likely increase your food intake later in the day.

This will lead to the consumption of unnecessary calories and subsequently unwanted weight gain.

In fact, a recent study published in the Journal of Health Psychology backed this theory up as the researchers found that people who eat on-the-go may increase their food intake later in the day, resulting in extra weight gain and obesity.

Tips to Avoid Eating on the Go

Plan your meals ahead and avoid impulsive eating or stopping by the local convenience store to grab something to eat. This is where your meal planner can help you.

To avoid a last minute scramble in the morning; try and pack a healthy breakfast, lunch and snacks the night before and store it in the fridge.

Locate the healthy food stores near you.

If you must eat when you are out then identify the stores or cafes that can provide you with a healthy option. If you are hungry and stop by any unknown cafe then you will likely select the convenient high-sugar option such as a muffin or banana bread.

While my post pregnancy weight loss program does not get you to count every calorie you take in, it is still advised to have a reasonable idea of the calories you consume.

If you are unaware of the calories in some so-called healthy food items you may be making your challenge of losing pregnancy weight more difficult.

Hidden Sugars

Many of these items can contain a lot of hidden sugars without you even knowing it.

If you do not cook the food you eat then it is difficult to know just exactly how many calories you are consuming. Remember, most cafes or restaurants sell you food where they prioritize taste over the health rating.

Do You Create Excuses?

I want to start by saying being a mother is not easy! But I want you to be able to differentiate between valid reasons and excuses. Valid reasons include medical reasons, health issues with a family member, and many more. Excuses are what you can change.

One of the greatest barriers to losing weight is making excuses and not being honest with yourself. Are you on a mission to lose weight after childbirth?

Have you allowed sufficient time for your body to heal and recover? First, you must you must overcome the dramatic changes your body has endured post-birth.

Then, let's aim to lose that baby weight.


When you set-out to lose baby weight, you may find yourself finding excuses why you endlessly fail.

You need to attain a 'healthy mindset' towards weight loss that includes acknowledging the excuses you constantly make and then to positively address each one so that they are no longer a barrier to you losing weight.

Losing weight is so much more than just eating better and exercising.

Why Are You Making Excuses? Do You:

1. Like instant gratification and go for a quick weight loss option.

2. Don't know how to lose weight.

3. Make excuses is easy for you.

4. Have your priorities wrong.

5. Are too busy.

6. Cannot afford a personal trainer.

7. Cannot afford fitness equipment.

8. Don't have time due to work and family commitments.

9. Always make excuse about the weather – It’s too hot, too cold.

10. Find exercise boring.

11. Play the role of a victim of circumstance.

12. Live in a state of denial.

13. Can't afford to eat healthy.

14. Believe you cannot lose weight because you’re hormonal.

15. Believe you are too out of shape to start.

16. Are too busy taking care of the kids.

17. Are just too unhappy and upset.

18. Have too many other priorities.

19. Have limited time available each day.

20. Don't know how to start losing weight.

More Excuses

21. Don't know anything about nutrition.

22. Believe you are too old to start.

23. Are afraid to fail.

24. Just hate exercise.

25. Are not a motivated person.

26. Believe you can always start tomorrow or next week.

27. Feel that nobody wants to help you.

28. Lack the required commitment to lose weight.

29. Can always find more enjoyable things to do.

30. Convince yourself that being overweight is not that bad.

31. Have a negative attitude so sticking to a weight loss plan is not for you.

How to Overcome the Most Common Excuses

1. I Do Not Have the Time!

1. Identify where you are spending most of your time.

2. Now try and reduce or eliminate unnecessary or unimportant tasks.

3. Devote time at the start of the day by getting up 30 minutes earlier.

4. My workouts range from 5 - 30 minutes so you do not need to exercise for hours.

5. Acknowledge the importance of prioritizing your health.

6. Improve your time management skills.

7. Simplify your life as you may be taking on too much.

2. I'm Too Old!

1. You are never too old to exercise and get in shape!

2. Maintain quality of life by staying fit and healthy.

3. Exercising can help you maintain or improve mobility.

3. I Will Just Start Tomorrow!

1. Stop procrastinating and start today - even if it is a 5 minute workout!

4. I Don't Have the Self-Motivation!

1. Our PregActive family is there to support and motivate you.

2. Commit to your weekly  workouts.

3. Book in a weekly session with personal trainer.

4. Book in a monthly session with Dietitian.

5. Join a local gym with a workout partner.

5. I Do Not Have A Healthy Mindset!

1. Always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

2. Exercise can help reduce stress so that’s even more reason to start exercising.

3. Often, the hardest part is starting!

4. As you improve your health and fitness the more motivated you will become.

5. Improving your health and fitness will also improve your mind!

6. Keep it simple and start with a short workout of 10 minutes.

I am Here to Help You!
6. I am Too Busy Looking after My Family!

1. Be active with your children when they go bike riding or playing at the park.

2. If you have very small children, push their pram around your local park.

3. Your deserve time to look after yourself!

4. The healthier and happier you are the happier your family will be!

7. I Am Too Tired!

1. Learn to prioritize your time and work out in the morning before you feel too tired.

2. We all lead busy lives these days and exercising will help boost your energy levels.

3. Exercise will also help improve your quality of sleep.

4. Initially, exercising may make you feel tired but in the long run it will give you more energy to take on life.

8. I Have An Injury Preventing Me From Working Out!

1. Work with your physio or doctor to identify forms of exercise you can do.

2. PregActive workouts are low to non-impact so are much better than running.

3. Swimming is a great form of exercise if you have to avoid high impact exercises.

4. Seek medical advice from your doctor or physiotherapist.

9. I Just Don't Like Exercise!

1. The goal is to find an activity, sport or form of exercise you do enjoy.

2. You do not have to exercise for an hour or more - start with a 20 minute workout.

3. Our PregActive workouts add variety to keep you motivated and avoid boredom.

4. Many women do not enjoy exercising or going to gyms so you are not alone.

5. PregActive provides unique video workouts you can do in the comfort of your own home.

10. I'm Too Overweight to Exercise!

1. Firstly, if you are excessively overweight consult your doctor for advice.

2. Start with a simple 5 - 10 minute workout and progress form there.

3. Even more reason and motivation to start exercising!

4. Find your mental strength to lose weight and not give in!

11. I Can't Afford A Personal Trainer!

1. If a PT is too expensive for you then join a group PT session.

2. Find a friend to exercise with you.

3. PregActive is designed to provide you with an affordable way to exercise. You get every program for only $19 a month.

12. I Can't Afford Fitness Equipment

1. Buying fitness equipment for your home gym can be very expensive.

2. Walking and swimming are two cheap or affordable ways to exercise.

3. Our PregActive programs do not require expensive gym equipment.

13. Buying Healthy Food is Too expensive for Me!

1. Fruit and vegetables can be quite reasonably priced at your local market.

2. You don't have to buy 'healthy food' at so-called expensive health food shops.

Prioritize YOU and You Will Lose Baby Weight

1. You are important so prioritize time for you.

2. Communicate this goal with your family so they know when you are exercising.

3. Set and then stick with your weight loss goal.

4. Remind yourself how important your weight loss goal is to your health and happiness.

Lose Baby Weight with a Winning Mindset

Your mind is a very powerful tool that can either help you to lose baby weight or it can make it more difficult based on how you think.

I get it, losing weight after childbirth is not easy and it does take commitment. No-one should judge others; we all have different circumstances or personal health issues that may impact on your ability to lose weight.

So I what I want to chat about here is that when you are ready to lose weight, you need to find the 'right mindset' to help you achieve your goals without making endless reasons or excuses why you aren't succeeding.

If you can implement some strategies to attain a 'positive mindset' then you will soon find out just how amazing your mindset can be when it comes to losing weight.

When you want to lose baby weight is not just about healthy eating; it also involves regular exercise, making healthy lifestyle choices and achieving a strong and positive mindset to making the required changes.

Work Towards YOUR Goals!

A positive mindset involves being able to take a more optimistic outlook on the decisions you make in life and the goals you want to achieve for yourself.

It is about taking a positive approach to challenges you are confronted with in life and instead of avoiding issues to implement strategies to overcome them.

Weight Loss Excuses After Childbirth

On the hand, maintaining a negative and pessimistic mindset will only your goal of losing weight more difficult. While you will not always feel positive and optimistic you can use a positive mindset to get back on track and move in the right direction.

How Often Do You Find Yourself Complaining?

Are you even aware that you complain a lot? Do family and friends tell you to stop complaining so much?

We all can fall into a bad habit of complaining and unless we make a concerted effort to stop complaining we will just continue to complain. This endless complaining creates a negative mindset.

Thinking Negatively Can Perpetuate More Negativity!

At various times we will all experience negative thoughts. However, you can reduce a lot of your negativity by becoming 'aware' of your thoughts and replacing these negative thoughts with more positive and constructive thoughts.

When Do You Stop and Appreciate What You Do Have in Life?

In our fast paced world we rarely stop and think about all the good things in our lives. It is important to occasionally stop and appreciate the small things in life we take for granted such as nice weather, family or our good times with friends.

Stop Making Excuses!

Just like complaining is habit-forming so is always making excuses. The more often you make excuses the more you will keep doing it.

There can be reasons for failing to lose weight (medical issues) and there can just be excuses (not enough time). You must become accountable for the decisions and choices you make and stop making excuses for not being able to lose unwanted weight.

It Takes CONTINUAL Effort to Lose Baby Weight

To achieve and maintain a healthy weight for life requires you to continually make an effort. As soon as you stop trying and revert back to bad habits or making excuses then you will start to gain weight again.

You must continue to eat a healthy and nutritious diet, you must continue to exercise regularly and you must continue to make healthy lifestyle choices.

While our workouts are designed to provide you with the information and tools you require to lose weight; you will only succeed if you continually make an effort to implement the required healthy lifestyle choices.

In other words, we can guide you to making the required choices but ultimately it is up to you whether or not you continue to eat well, exercise and to continue with your positive mindset to being a 'Healthier You!'

When We Lose Weight Where Does the Fat Go?

I think you will be shocked to find that most people in the health and fitness industry do not know the answer to that question. But it is interesting to know so you're about to find out.

I can tell you the most common misconception was the belief that fat is just converted to energy.

Some people think that fat turns into muscle. Oh, that would be great if it did; but unfortunately that does not happen.

So Where Does the Fat Go when We Lose Weight?

We know it isn't converted into energy or muscle.

According to a study published in the British Medical Journal we mostly exhale it.

Yes, when you lose weight, 84 per cent of the fat lost turns into carbon dioxide and leaves your body through the lungs.

The remaining 16 per cent becomes water and leaves the body through sweat, tears and urine.

The study calculated that over the course of 24 hours, a person exhales 200g of carbon from their bodies from doing just the basics such as sleeping, sitting, and participating in light activities.

So if you ate a 100g muffin it would get 'exhaled' in about 5 hours.

If you went for a run you would exhale the muffin in just an hour which is why participating in a regular exercise program is essential to helping you lose weight.

Here's the Interesting Question

So the question you may be asking now is; 'if fat turns into carbon dioxide, could simply breathing more make you lose weight?'

Unfortunately not!

By trying to breathe more, or harder and faster, will only result in hyperventilation causing you to feel dizzy and possibly faint.

Lose Weight after Pregnancy with Portion Control

Have you ever had someone say to you that you 'lose weight with portion control!' What exactly do they mean by this and how can lose weight by with healthy portion control?

First, I want to emphasize the key point that immediately after pregnancy your focus should be on 'YOU' with regards to your postpartum recovery. You must give your body time to heal. And only then can you think about losing weight.

Quality vs Quantity

We often judge value for money on quantity rather than quality. As a result, many food items we select are larger than what we really need. Many fast food places allow you to 'super-size' drinks or meals as we see this as value for money.

Free refills on drinks only encourage people to drink as much as they can so that they feel they are getting value for money.

The bigger the portions and the more free refills we have the more calories we consume and this is what leads to weight gain. When we consume more calories than we require we gain weight which predisposes us to increased risk of weight-related diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Important Point

To maintain a healthy weight you need to do more than just choose healthy foods and exercise. You must also consider how much you eat and that means paying attention to portion size.

One key PregActive goal is to provide you with the information need to be able to sustain healthy eating throughout your life.

And this involves keeping it simple and not having to weigh food or measure everything out. Instead, we want you to develop the ability to recognise standard serving sizes when dishing up a meal.

Portion Control Tips:

1. Replace your large plate with a smaller plate.

2. Don't feel guilty about leaving food if it is too much.

3. Eat breakfast every day to give you the energy you need to function.

4. Avoid eating in front of the TV as you lose track of just how much you eat.

5. Stop eating when you begin to feel full.

6. When cooking large batches, freeze food that you will not serve right away.

7. Freeze in single-meal-sized containers to avoid future over-eating.

8. Eat slowly so your brain can get the message that your stomach is full.

9. Know that pre-packaged foods often contain more than 1 serving size.

10. Choose vegetables or salad instead of high-calorie foods like desserts.

11. Avoid skipping meals as this can lead to over-eating during main meals.

12. Avoid eating out and take-way foods.

13. Choose an entree for main meal.

14. Share your over-seize restaurant meal with a friend.

What is Stopping You?

You are now a busy mama looking after your baby and we all know what that involves. But if you are trying to lose baby weight and not succeeding; then you may be able to achieve better results by avoiding these eight common mistakes listed below.

Losing weight is often a challenge that involves making some significant lifestyle changes when it comes to what you eat and how you exercise. If you are guilty of one of the following then you will likely find losing weight a more difficult challenge than expected. Your goal is to change bad habits.

Let Your Body Heal First!

And just a reminder before you read on - you need to allow your body to heal and recover after pregnancy. Ignore the 'body shaming' from external sources and ONLY commit to losing weight when you are ready to do so!

1. Do You Have An All Or Nothing Approach?

My Stronger Mama weight loss challenge does not promote extreme dieting, crash diets or extremely high levels of exercise.

Instead I focus on providing you with exercise workouts that you can continue to perform for the rest of your life because they are enjoyable, easy-to-follow and fit into your life as a busy mama.

Sustained weight loss will occur if you introduce changes to your lifestyle that you can continue to maintain. An all or nothing approach is not required as it is too difficult to maintain.

2. Do You Fail To Devote Time To Yourself?

If you have a family to look after, it can be difficult to find time for yourself to exercise. I get it. All our PregActive mamas get it!

But we have learned to devote some time to look after our own health and wellbeing as we know this will allow us to enjoy a healthier, more empowered motherhood.

Your goal is to find at least 30 minutes each day to complete your PregActive daily workouts.

My workout videos have been designed so you can do them in the comfort of your own home thus avoiding wasted time driving to and from the gym. Speak to your partner, a close friend or a family member and see when they can help out to allow you this time to exercise.

3. Do You Eat Too Quickly?

As a mama, it is easy to fall into the bad habit of eating quickly because you have so much to do. Maybe you're being constantly interrupted. Your little one is constantly demanding your attention.

Studies have shown that when you take your time in eating and enjoying your meals the more 'fuller' you will feel thus leading to you eating less. The act of chewing sends chemical messages to the brain that you are satiated or full.

4. Do You Have A Target Weight Based On Someone You Want To Look Like?

While many of us would like to look like that model in a beach bikini; all too often it is not a realistic goal for many obvious reasons.

Yes, you can lose excessive amounts of weight on some of the fad diets being advertised - but you will be unable to sustain such a rigid diet for the rest of your life.

Your goal is to identify how much weight you want to lose based on your body shape, height and what is achievable. Then make positive lifestyle changes to achieve your goal.

Just because you're now a mama, does not mean you cannot look amazing and feel sexy again. You can do it!

5. Do You Skip Meals?

It is easy to think that if you skip meals you will lose weight. The problem with skipping meals is that it can trigger lowered blood sugar levels thus causing you to be hungry and irritable which can result in overeating during your next main meal.

'Fasting' has shown to have numerous health benefits. If you do 'fast' then please ensure you are still getting your required nutrients. Skipping meals is a problem when you just fill up on junk food later in the day to satisfy your hunger.

6. Do You Avoid Exercise?

Studies have shown that you will be more successful in losing weight if you eat well and also exercise. My workouts combine exercises and movements that help to build muscle which leads to a more toned body shape.

If all you have is 15 minutes, then start with that. Increase that time to 30 minutes when you can. It's about small progressive steps.

7. Do You Fail to Plan Your Meals?

A meal planner can be a beneficial tool as it helps you to maintain control over what you eat and when you eat. It also provides you with the ability to shop for only the ingredients you need and avoid last minute buying of unnecessary food items at the supermarket.

If you fail to plan your meals you may find yourself at home without any prepared meals ready to cook. As a result you will likely give in to temptation and order take-away.

8. Do You Eat Only Diet Foods?

So if you think you can only consume weight loss or protein shakes, bars or consume diet drinks indefinitely then you will soon find out that it is near impossible to sustain this type of eating.

What you will also find once you improve your skills in reading food labels; is that many of these weight loss foods and drinks can be misleading in just how healthy they are.

Post Pregnancy Weight Gain

Postpartum weight gain can occur because of various reasons. From being fatigued to an underlying health condition such as postpartum thyroiditis, diabetes, or polycystic ovary syndrome.

Being a new mama is not easy. There are the sleepless night. The significant body changes we are dealing with as our body heals and recovers. The feeling of being overwhelmed, unsure of what we are doing is right. And so much more.

I want to start by saying 'please be kind to yourself' during your recovery. When you are ready, and only after your body has healed, should you start to consider starting a more intense program to lose baby weight.

What is Emotional Eating?

Emotional eating is when someone tends to eat more during a time in their life when they feel stressed, sad or over-tired.

Or one of many other emotions that lead to unnecessary over-eating.

There is often a 'trigger' that leads to over-eating such as stress, sadness or loneliness.

Emotional eating often causes us to eat the same unhealthy food options such as chocolate, ice cream, high sugar sweets or that big bag of chips.

After over-eating, then the guilt can set-in as you feel like you have let yourself down and this will again result in eating even more.

Factors Causing Postpartum Weight Gain

1. Excess weight gain during pregnancy.

2. Obesity increases risk for postpartum weight retention.

3. If you quit smoking while pregnant and don't begin smoking again postpartum you are at a higher risk of retaining weight.

4. Suffering from postpartum fatigue can cause weight at one year after giving birth.

5. Being a new mom means that you have less time for self-care.

Are You Over-Eating Due to an Emotional Reason?

Take a moment to look back at the food you have eaten over the past week or two and see if any of your poor food choices were at times when you were experiencing one of these emotions.

Also, have a look to see if you ate more during this time.

By making yourself aware of the fact that you do eat more when emotional, will help you in the future to implement some strategies to avoid binge eating.

What 'Triggers' You to Over-Eat?

The 'trigger' for over-eating can be different for each person. It is vital you identify what your 'trigger' is and to find a healthier alternative to handling this emotion than turning to food.

Post Pregnancy Weight Gain Action Plan

What emotion is causing you to turn to over-eating - is it stress, loneliness or a sense of being over-whelmed?

Are you feeling over-whelmed as a new mama? Your are not alone let me tell you! That's pretty much all of us as our life is turned upside down as our beautiful little baby demands our attention day and night.

So What to Do?

Plan in advance a solution for handling this ’emotion’ instead of turning to food.

It could be to go for a walk, do a yoga class, watch a movie or go out. It's about removing yourself from the temptation to go and grab that unhealthy snack that always seems to be right in front of you as you look in the pantry.

Stop Unnecessary Post Pregnancy Weight Gain

1. Remove temptation by clearing out your pantry to avoid spontaneous emotional eating

2. Maintain a good supply of healthy (and delicious) food items in your fridge or pantry.

3. Choose a healthier option such as a homemade pizza instead of a take-away pizza.

4. Identify when you are feeling down so you can implement your strategies before they control you.

5. If you find yourself over-eating when at home, try to get outside and be active.