Exercise Recommendations by Trimester

prenatal exercise Nov 08, 2021
Exercise Recommendations by Trimester

Exercise Recommendations by Trimester

Is it safe to do the same exercise throughout the entire pregnancy? Below I chat to Obstetrician Dr Thevathasan about how you should participate in trimester-specific exercises to accommodate your growing belly.

There are exercises that are recommended to do throughout your pregnancy.

There are also exercises deemed safe early in pregnancy (before 16 weeks pregnant), but not recommended later in the pregnancy, that include supine exercises where you are lying on your back.

Consistency is the key in helping reduce the shock on the body.

Related: 15 Benefits of Exercising during Pregnancy

You will experience a huge change if you do nothing for a pro-longed period of time in your pregnancy and then try to start again. Your body is continuing to change, at a rapid rate, day by day, week by week.

Exercise Recommendations by Trimester

Video length: 4 minutes 26 seconds