Pregnancy Yoga for Third Trimester: Exercises, Videos, Classes

third trimester exercise Jun 25, 2021
Pregnancy Yoga for Third Trimester: Exercises, Videos, Classes

Pregnancy Yoga for Third Trimester

I hope you enjoy this at home 30 minute pregnancy yoga workout for the third trimester. You can do it earlier in your pregnancy but it I loved doing it during my 3rd trimester.

 These gentle and safe exercises are designed to help expectant mothers stay active and relaxed during this crucial stage of pregnancy. Whether you're looking for guided videos or interested in joining a prenatal yoga class, this video has got you covered.

Pregnancy Yoga is known to help improve flexibility, reduce stress, and prepare the body for childbirth. Our expert prenatal exercise instructors will guide you through various poses and breathing techniques that are specifically tailored for the third trimester.

So, if you're an expecting mother looking to stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy journey, be sure to watch this video and start incorporating these exercises into your daily routine.

Pregnancy Yoga for 3rd Trimester

In this workout, designed specifically for 3rd trimester moms, I share with you some specific movements and breathing techniques to help you rest, relax and prepare your body for labor and beyond.

This is the perfect pregnancy yoga workout you can do in the privacy of your own home. Reduce stress during pregnancy and tension in your body and relax a busy mind with this short pregnancy yoga video.

The More You Learn the Less You Fear When Pregnant!

When it comes to exercising in the third trimester I know that the more you educate yourself, the more empowered you become.

I will help you to trust the beautiful reality that you are built for pregnancy. So, starting right now, do not let the fear of the unknown get in the way of your empowering pregnancy, birth, and motherhood experience.

You've got this mama!


Video 2


When should I start prenatal yoga?

As long as you are practicing under the guidance of a qualified prenatal yoga instructor, starting prenatal yoga in your first trimester has many benefits. 

Can I do yoga in third trimester?

There are plenty of poses you can perform in the third trimester, but you may need to modify them to avoid muscle strain and other distress. Once you have the green light from your doctor, look for a prenatal yoga class.

What yoga to avoid in third trimester?

1. Deep backbends
2. Postures that twist
3. Hot yoga
4. Breath retention
5. Postures with belly down
6. Pretzel pose
7. Lying down on your back
8. Crunches.

Is it too late to start yoga in third trimester?

No, it's never too late to start. Because every PregActive yoga class is specifically designed for each week of your pregnancy. Therefore, your third trimester yoga workouts have been modified to suit your exact stage.

Is downward dog OK in third trimester?

Yes, but if you are experiencing severe balance issues then best to avoid it. In a 2015 study published in the journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology found downward-facing dog is safe to practise during pregnancy for women who have no health or pregnancy complications

When should I stop bending during pregnancy?

Are you in your third trimester and wondering if you should still be bending? You're not alone. I get this question quite often. Even in your third trimester of pregnancy, bending is still considered safe for your baby.

As get late in the 3rd trimester you will find that it does get more difficult so judge for yourself when you need to avoid bending down.

Can you do pigeon pose in third trimester?

Yes, but only the modified pigeon pose is considered safe during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Is butterfly pose safe during third trimester of pregnancy?

Yes, you can safely include Butterfly Pose in your prenatal yoga routine throughout your pregnancy. This pose can help relieve tension and tightness in your low back, hips, and inner thighs.

This in turn may increase flexibility and promotes relaxation. This posture can also build strength and boosts circulation in your pelvic floor muscles.

What are pregnancy yoga poses recommended?

These ones! This pregnancy yoga sequence shows Kerryn in her third trimester. Releasing back ache and tight hips, this yoga sequence is ideal for third trimester.

3rd Trimester Yoga Poses that are Safe

Exercise 1.

Exercise 2.

Exercise 3.

Exercise 4.


I have been yoga for nearly twenty years. For many of these years I have focused on teaching prenatal yoga classes. And the main point I want you to take away with you today is that yoga is a great way to stay fit and strong throughout your pregnancy.

But there are some poses you must avoid so only participate in workouts created by a qualified prenatal exercise instructor.