My Pregnancy Diary First Trimester

prenatal health
My Pregnancy Diary for Weeks 1-7

My Pregnancy Diary First Trimester

I am writing my journal for every week. I hope you enjoy these journals. If you're wanting to get pregnant and have stated 'trying'; the day you get your period is like a big 'no you're not pregnant' being yelled in your face.

And it's disappointing.

The two weeks before that you sort of live in an unknown land, certainly not wanting to get excited, but often wondering 'what if'.

As someone who works with pregnant women every day, I have many different types of conversations. Some of those conversations are quite in depth about the struggle to conceive.

And the thought that maybe it just won't happen.

I'm a healthy 32-year-old woman with a regular menstrual cycle and no known issues regarding fertility, but I'm not going to lie to you: it scares the heck out of me thinking 'what if we just can't get pregnant?'

I can excitedly announce that we are pregnant and it's taken me 8 weeks to put this blog down in words. I'll continue regularly from now, but I made notes in my diary through the journey and remember vividly thinking this.

And yep, I cried when I got my period this time.

But little did I know, it was just all the very beginning of it all.

Here's my tips for this week:

1. I went to the dentist and got any final check ups and X-rays, super important before getting pregnant

2. Finish up any laser treatments or anything that is not recommended for pregnancy

3. Start a prenatal supplement. I started mine three months before we started officially trying to top up and balance out all my nutrient levels.

Week 2 - No expectation

But who doesn't have expectation?!

We live our lives expecting this will happen. As a little girl you play with dolls one day knowing you are going to be the best mother there is.

And then your time comes and you try not to have expectations.

Good luck!

Hands up if you're in the same boat as me.. you're just at that time of life; it's not just you that expects YOU to get pregnant.

Insert comments from friends, relatives and any other person your possibly know: 'so guys, when are you thinking of having kids, oh your drinking wine, damn it, I thought you might have been pregnant, do you have any news for us?' - are you pregnant?

And you can't get angry, because all they are doing is caring. They are excited for you that you will be great parents.

But it all just adds to that expectation doesn't it?

The big thing to remember is the only person that has power over your thoughts is YOU! So what you need to do to get yourself into a good head space.

Allocating some me-time that's not just watching trash television can really help. You need to find what connects with you.

For me, my yoga is that special me-time I just love.

And over the years I've found not just the strong yoga, but also really the gentle yin-like yoga give me balance.

Here's My Tips for this Week

1. Prioritise your me-time and mindfulness. Welcome to the journey of pre-pregnancy to pregnancy. It's a mind game and you need to be as relaxed and mindful as you can, to help you, your partner and your future child.

2. Start looking into gentle exercise like yoga that helps you relax and unwind (as well as get your mind off everything)

3. Have a cuppa, a long hot shower or a bath. Relax and start to journal how your feeling if it helps.

Week 3 - Yep, I'm ovulating!

The female body continually astounds me. And if you're really quiet, and stop and observe it, it's dam cool to watch.

Every woman is different, and as I blog through my pregnancy I'm simply blogging about my personal experience.

I almost wasn't going to, in case there was one person in the world (or many) that didn't agree with what I said and chose to bombard me with negativity (if that's you, please don't!

It will probably make me cry, and I'm an ugly crier.

For me, I noticed everything; the higher sex drive and the body changes. So incredible to almost sit back and just listen to my body.

I saw an acupuncturist this exact week and she recommended having sex on day 11, 13 and 15 of your period.

I'm sure there is lots of different information out there.

But I think there's a lot of pressure to 'do it all the time' when every second day across your most fertile time may be what you need.

And remember that that golden day of day 14 is only a guide (if you have a regular 28-day period), as we know there a women who ovulate at all different times.

I know someone who conceived on day 23 of her period. And it can go down as early as day 8.

If you're not sure maybe get an ovulation kit or go see an acupuncturist to give you guidance on how to track it.

Here's my tips

1. Chill out, stress isn't going to help you in any shape of form

2. Be mindful of your partner as well if you're choosing to do this together, then communication from the start is key. If you are choosing to, inform them of your fertile days so they know as well.

It doesn't need to be scheduled sex, but if you're both on the same page it can help.

3. Eat well, you could be making a baby this week and you need to get those nutrients in.

Week 4 - Drink til it's pink!

And that's actually a saying!

So, I didn't know this, but apparently the pregnancy test will go pink (or say you're pregnant or whatever these new ones do!) once the hormone HCG is in your blood stream.

So, you could be a couple of weeks pregnant and peeing on every pregnancy stick there is and it still says NO!

The thing is, it's not connected to your blood stream, so if you did have a drink of alcohol don't go freaking out, because it probably hasn't even touched your baby in the slightest.

Everyone makes different decisions through their pregnancy and with the research not 100% on how much is OK, it's my decision that I'm not going to drink at all through my pregnancy.

But that's me.

I only heard about the 'you can drink until it's pink after we got a positive pregnancy test (two pink lines!).

For us, it didn't go pink until week 5.

I did one at week 3 and week 4 and only had that one line show up (not pregnant apparently!).

Here's my tips for this week:

1.Get regular exercise, pregnant or not it's going to help you get into and stay in a good mood

2. Hydration my dear, drink water now because your body will be need to stay well hydrated when your pregnant

3. Get rid of any nasty chemicals in your house, check the packaging. It needs to claim that it DOES NOT CONTAIN Parabens, SLS, ALS, Petrochemical cleanser.

Otherwise it probably has them in it.

I use Organic Care for all our shampoos and soaps. But there are plenty of natural options (I just find these work for me!).

Week 5 - My new super woman power

The sore boobs and incredible sense of smell is what drove me to do 'just one more test'. Plus this is the week I should have gotten my period.

So, we did the test. We looked at it together and in some sort of disbelief; we celebrated! 'We're pregnant!

It certainly doesn't feel real though.

And I know for us, it wasn't a screaming jumping up and down, because we didn't want to get too excited just in case it all.. well didn't work out.

That week we'd heard of two miscarriages and the fact that it is just so common, we are both just mentally aware that could be the reality for us too.

But regardless, it is exciting!

Oh yeah, and getting back to my new found super power – wow! I wrote in my tips for last week to you to get rid of any nasty chemicals.

One reason is for the health of you and bub, but also because they smell extra strong if you get this same super power!

Isn't it just an incredible journey.

Apparently your scent hasn't gotten stronger, just your sense of smell has improved. There you go!

My tip for this week:
1. Get some cranberry tablets.

If you've never had a urinary tract infections (UTI), trust me, you don't want one. I used to take this special herbal stuff if I felt one coming on, but I can't take that in pregnancy (not enough research to show it's ok).

But the thing with cranberry is that it's actually more of a preventative that a cure. It can help if you get onto it early, but if your UTI gets too bad, you'll need to see the doctor.

And probably go on antibiotics (which if you do, make sure you get probiotics too, otherwise thrush will be your next adventure!).

So yep, get yourself some cranberry tablets.

I have one or two a week just to help, but ask your health care professional before you start anything new. And keep hydrated too, that always helps.

2. Start journaling how you are feeling.

It's a great way to document this journey, but also just to keep you updated with how you are feeling and if you need to chat to anyone

3. Doctors Appointment

Schedule your doctor's appointment once you’ve had a positive pregnancy test, they'll take your blood test and confirm your HCG levels and give you an estimate on your 'week of pregnancy'

Week 6 - Doctor, what do you think?

I have the cutest doctor ever! She's tiny little 40-something-year-old and full of energy. She has three children herself (including a set of twins).

Tell you what, having someone so happy and positive along this journey with you at each appointment is just the best.

So the first appointment you chat over everything, but you get the blood test done at the end and then you have to go back again the next week (or a few days later).

Apparently, the HCG results come back the next day, but some others can take longer.

This is what I got tested:
  1. Vitamin D
  2. Folic Acid
  3. Iron
  4. Thyroid function tests
  5. B12 / Folate
  6. Blood Group
  7. HIV
  8. Syphilis
  9. Rubella

And a few more that I didn't really understand. But everything came back just fine!

My tips for this week:

1. Get yourself a folder to put all the print outs they give you, as you'll need to take them all with you to your first midwife / obstetrician appointment at 14 weeks.

2. Make your decision if you are going in the public system or private system (if you have the choice)

3. Be prepared to maybe not really know what week of pregnancy you are as the HCG test gives you a range, it's not until you have your dating scan that you actually officially find out.

Week 7 - Good bye Sushi, it's been good.

I had my first ever food court experience where I just stood there going.

Sushi, no can't have that.

Pre-made sandwich, no can't have that.

Pre-made salad, no can't have that.

Fried food -no thanks.

So instead of my $6 two sushi salmon and avocado rolls, I bought a $15 poke bowl kinda thing that had chicken (because the lamb option came medium rare) with sweet potato and cooked vegetables.

It was nice.

But I really need to keep this whole 'don't just get lunch on the run' option outta my head, because it's hard!

But no need to focus on the bad, when the good is so much better!

We had our ultrasound dating scan.

We actually booked in last week (thinking that was week 7, but we were only 6 weeks and only saw the sac, no little bub had formed just yet).

So seven weeks and we had our scan and we got to see the little heart beat!

We also got our due date! So you're due date is 26th January 2020 as they guy said it.

The likely hood of having your bub on your due date is something like 3-5% I think.

So we'll see.

It's all becoming a bit more real now. I still can't get myself too excited, I'm wanting to see that 12 week scan to feel more at ease with everything.

This is our first pregnancy and I work with a lot of women who have miscarriage anywhere from 7 weeks to 12 weeks. It's common and I think it's just best (for me at least) to keep that in mind.

Of course I hope it doesn't happen, but I just want to see that little heart beat at 12 weeks before I get more excited.

Oh and just and FYI before your scan, you have to drink a litre of water before you go and then hold on. Then when they push the ultrasound it's pretty much pressing down on your bladder.

So after the excitement, you're welcome to ask 'excuse me, where' the nearest toilet?

Leaving that scan, for the first time 5 weeks seemed like an eternity away.

We're excited to tell our parents the news, but keeping our cards pretty close to our chest with this to pretty much everyone else - at least for a little while.

With these house renovations we're doing (although I'm becoming more and more useless) we're pretty much spending our entire weekend there, so not the social butterflies we normally are.

Which kind of helps to keeping this all a bit hush hush.

If you're following along with your own journey, take my tips for this week.

Our bodies are really starting to change (although that bump isn't necessarily showing, our hormones and changes internally are certainly happening!

My tips for this week:

1. Pelvic floor exercises, start them now lovely! 3 x 10 reps If you're not sure, watch this (link to pelvic floor cue / explanation video)

2. Read up on what you should and shouldn't eat, here's a really good article all about it (link article)

3. Focus on the positive. I do often hear women complaining and I can't have this and I can't have that there would be so many women who would sacrifice anything to have a healthy bub growing in their belly.

4. I loved doing my yoga workouts and Pilates classes throughout each trimester so set your exercise habits right now.

Be grateful for the fact you are creating a miracle.

My Pregnancy Week 8

'What's that you're drinking Kerryn?

As I reply 'soda water and lime' with a quick rebuttal of ';I have a urinary tract infection and on antibiotics.' (complete lie!)

The excitement soon drops and the conversation moves on to something else.

I do wonder how many times that excuse works. Feel free to take it ladies, because it will get those 'I'm watching your every move' kinda people off your back (at least for a week or two).

So yep, pretty much have gone into hiding.

Kind of fortunate though, no one has really noticed because we're doing house renovations (as you do!), and well, every weekend we're there doing house stuff and then exhausted afterwards!

Last weekend though we had an event. I still feel bad we didn't go.

I was never actually going to go, it would have just been too hard, plus how long can urinary tract infections actually last?

It's just still too early to have people on our back about it all, with all these appointments and body changes (and my incredible sense of smell), going out AT NIGHT seems like the least of my priorities.

I was in bed at 8.10pm the other weekend.

Woo! Party animal!

And back to the 'house stuff', since we found out I'm pregnant I've been pretty useless.

Given my main role was actually to paint as my husband was doing pretty much everything else; ah, I kinda can't do that anymore. The fumes are too much and my doctor said 'no, get your husband to do all the painting'.

It was really interesting what my doctor said: just one little particle of chemicals that you breathe in could affect the baby.

Maybe not now, but it could have an impact in their development as they grow up.

I think she was using a little scare tactic on me (and it worked!), but it's an interesting fact.

Baby is literally consuming everything I do. Whether I am breathing it in, drinking it or eating it. That's what my baby is getting.

Which kind of makes my new obsession with hot chips not so great?! And by obsession, I'm talking maybe twice a week! So not the worst in the world, but certainly a change from what I normally eat.

I am certainly not feeling my energetic self this week.

Napping has started to become a thing, and what I'm finding is that getting up from the nap is hard! But once I get up, I feel much better. There is so much risk though if I press stop on that alarm and don't get up.

What was a 20 minute nap could soon turn into an entire afternoon!

I'm still doing my normal yoga, and feel good afterwards. I haven't started modifying anything as yet. I'm feeling good when I do the exercise, it's just that dam motivation to get started that's the hard bit!

Let's see how that goes over the coming weeks shall we!

My tips for Week 9:

1. Have your excuses you want to use pre-planned and tell your partner or anyone who knows what the drill is. Because if people ask you don't want to give different answers!!

2. Paints, chemicals, petrol, diesel: these are all fumes that can just be too much. Maybe ask your partner to fill up your car if it's too much for you.

3. Be okay with staying in. Your body is having a party inside, and you're the host! So feel free to chill out, nap when you need to and don't push yourself beyond your limits.

My Pregnancy Week 9

I have a student midwife!

And just like that, I have a student midwife! I always wanted my own private midwife to follow my pregnancy journey and to be another support person.

So, when I was contacted by this lovely lady I knew it was a sign.

But it's like anything, you need to ensure it's a right fit for you.

Meeting in person is important before making that final decision.

Your midwife is going to get to know you very well and you need to be completely comfortable with them (and anyone else you're deciding to have on your birth support team!).

A student midwife must come to 4 of your prenatal appointments, so if your 35+ weeks pregnant it's too late.

If not, and you're keen on the idea have a look at 'my tips for this week' as to how to get in touch with a student midwife.

In terms of a body update; Pelvic Girdle Pain started! It's at the back on my Sacroiliac joint (SIJ), and it's not fun.

As soon as I felt the pain I knew what it was and I acted straight away (and you should do the same too if this is happening to you!). I often get asked; 'what does pelvic girdle pain feel like?'

The short answer: pain anywhere around your hips. Mainly at the back (near your tail bone) or at the front in the middle (right where your jeans zip is located).

I booked in for a myotherapy session last week (as that's when it initially came on), she helped release my glutes (tightest butt muscles ever!) and release a few other things.

I felt better, but this week I needed another session.

It's one of the things I promised myself whenever I got pregnant, to go see a range of specialist and get different opinions.

And so I have.

My Women's Health Physiotherapist spent 90 minutes on me doing a full assessment, which I love. Because it's getting right down into what is the cause.

So interesting, she did all these tests to see if I'm more susceptible to having laxity in the joints, and I am! Which means I've just got to work harder on my muscle strength to help keep these joints stable.

I often see women suffer through PGP, and if you can get onto it early (and actually do your exercise homework!) then often it can alleviate the pain or make it manageable!

Trust me, you don't want to be one of those women who can't walk later in her pregnancy due to the pain. Some women end up on crutches, I couldn't think of anything worse!

Often women get it when the are standing for long periods of time or seated and then go to stand.

Keep watching this space as I'll update you on my journey with it - but also, I must emphasise, act on it straight away if you feel anything.

That fee you pay to see a specialist to help you will be work 10 times that amount if they can help you reduce the severity of the pain.

My tips for this week:

Start thinking about who you want in your birth support team. If you're thinking about getting a student midwife or a private midwife, start looking into it now.

They are a useful resource throughout your pregnancy not just for the birth!

And you want to find someone that's right for you and not feel pressured to stay with someone because you're running out of time.

Contact your hospital, although they don't always have contacts, but may be able to help.

Start researching the health care specialists in your area that specialise in pregnancy.

You really want to see someone who regularly sees pregnant women, as the changes we go through are quite different to not being pregnant.

My Pregnancy Week 10

Let's talk stretch marks

We had our blood tests this week, but don't get the results back until week 13.

Just another waiting game!

We decided to just go with the regular test rather then the extras.

Everything is totally personal preference, and we felt comfortable with that decision.

The house is coming along so well! Our renovations are almost complete.

We have lights and electricity now!

I keep walking into the baby room and just stopping and enjoying being in there.

My little mind goes off into imaginary world and I get goose bumps thinking about what the next year looks like for us.

I'm loving rubbing my little belly.

Every morning and every night I rub a mix of my moisturiser and either a drop of my serum or a repair oil I have. Both natural products and I've checked they are safe for pregnancy.

Just be careful of too much vitamin A, it's not good for bub, although it’s great for your skin!

Lots of other options you can choose from in pregnancy.

Had a conversation this week about stretch marks with one of our PregActive mamas.

They can certainly creep up on you!

And everyone is different.

Some women won't get them no matter what they do, and some will get them no matter what they do!

But regular 'oiling' or moisturising of your belly and areas you feel need it, is a really good way to keep the skin supple. The other thing to note, is it's not just the outside you need to think about.

Keep well hydrated (even if you're like me and peeing so often!) and eating your good fats (nuts, oils, fish, avocado) and you'll be a glowing pregnant goddess in no time.

Or not a glowing goddess (everyone's pregnancy is different), but hey, may as well try right?

Week 10 Tips

1. Talk to your partner and your doctor about which 10 week test you want to do. The regular one costs less, but gives you less information and the results later.

Do your research and make your decision, don't be persuaded by anyone else.

2. Oil up baby! Now is a good time to start testing out what oils or moisturisers work for you. Always buy a small amount and test it first. I had one lady find our she was allergic to bio oil after buying a big container of it!

Get into routine of taking your pregnancy supplement and oiling your body.

Two to three times a day my aim, although getting that middle of the day oiling hasn't yet been successful!

Morning and night is good enough for now!

Week 11

You're getting another Great Grand Child, Nana!

Do you do this too? Build something up in your head of exactly how something will pan out.. and it doesn't go that way at all?

We wanted to wait until the 12-week scan to tell everyone, but it was my Mum and Nana's birthday (yep born on the same day!) and all the family was getting together.

Now at 11 week's we're so close, we agreed now would be a good time to tell.

And here I was, with my little plan all ready to go. I'd written on Nana’s card the words 'and we have another birthday surprise for you.. a Great Grand Child due January 2020'

And this is how it went down.

We arrived, my parents and Nana were there. Half an hour later, my sister, brother-in-law and little niece turned up. 45 minutes late, my brother and his girlfriend turned up.

Everyone sat down and I got Nana's card out and announced 'Nana's just about to read her card out loud everyone'.

As she opened it, she realised she didn't have her glasses, my sister next to her read it and jumped with excitement as I'm giving her the 'shhhhhh' signal.

Then Nana comes back in and starts reading the card to herself.

So then I just read it out to everyone and the celebrations started!

Too funny.

So if you have anyone else involved in your plan at announcing, just be mindful, it; doesn't always go to plan!

At 88 years old now, Nana is just so excited to have another little Great Grand Child on the way!

Week 11 Tips

Over the next few weeks you'll probably start announcing your news, just work out who you want to tell and how.

Also let them know not to spread the word if you haven't told everyone yet.

It's your news not theirs, so ensure uncles, aunties and others who aren't necessarily in your direct circle, get to hear the news from you if you are wanting that, not through your Grandma.

Get excited! It's an emotional and exciting time!

I cried, don't know why.

I think it's all the excitement and build up.

But happy tears, for sure.

Week 12

My goodness, the biggest week so far.

This week is certainly one of the biggest weeks I've had this year.

  1. We Moved into our new home after 6 months of renovations.
  2. We had our 12-week scan and saw our healthy little bub up on the screen.
  3. It was my 33rd birthday.
  4. We announced to family and friends that we’re pregnant.

Phew, I'm puffed out just writing all of that.

So this is how it went down.


We have the scan tomorrow. I'm really hoping it all goes well.

I do have a good feeling about it all, but it will certainly be reassuring once we hear if from the doctors / scan specialist.

Final moving of our stuff from the old house to our new home today. I'm so happy we're finally in. Waking up for the first time in our new home today felt so amazing.

Morning:Today was a big day. 8.20am scan: we got to see our baby!

Probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen. The whole baby.

Right there in my belly.

Head, legs, arms, everything. And he / she even waved at us too!

The scan man said to me 'now hold still, this might tickle, but just try to hold still' and he jiggled my belly and the baby jumped.


So amazing.

I was trying so hard to stay still as tears just flooded down my face. The happiest tears I've ever shed.

As scan man printed off some photos of our bub, he passed them to me and I passed them to Paul.

He squeezed my hand and really it all just happened like that. We're a family. A beautiful family of three.

It really was one of the happiest moments of my life, I'm so excited for what is to come.


After the scan, I went off to Medicare to officially change my name to my married name; two hours later, and all my snacks eaten, I’d done it!


Next was my physio appointment to have an internal pelvic floor assessment.

I'd called when I was 8 weeks to talk about it (and the pelvic girdle pain I was experiencing at the time) and it was suggested to wait until after the 12 week scan.

So literally the same day of the scan, I was booked in! I'm so glad I did this, and highly recommend all pregnant women and new mothers get an internal pelvic floor assessment.

Now here's an interesting fact, I was totally fine with my exercises, great tone and good activation and release.

BUT, the physio said I was slightly inflamed on the inside. Then the guilty question came 'Have you changed anything in your diet lately?'

And the answer - yes!

Between renovations and being pregnant I had made MANY unhealthy choices.

And her question certainly made the Drive Thru burger run we did yesterday (plus fries and coke wit that please), feel a whole lot more guilty.

People often think of the outside issues of junk food like weight gain, but not what's happening on the inside.

And since this conversation there's been no more junk food.

If I have a craving, I've (generally) found a pretty healthy option for it.


And the announcements started! I had to tell a couple of friends over the phone rather than in person, but that's okay. It's going to be a big week of telling people.


My Birthday! And this one is certainly a special one.

Blueberry pancakes with my amazing husband in the morning, and then off to teach a Pilates class before lunch with my family.

And here I was, ready to tell the new class of complete strangers I was pregnant. My belly has popped and it's not as easy to hide any more.

And as I walked up.... there was one of my very best friends mothers; 'Hi Kerryn, happy birthday!'

And just like that, I engaged my core throughout the class and didn't say peep about my pregnancy! I think it took me half the class to get my head around it all. I hadn't told my friend yet, and I couldn't have her Mum finding out about my pregnancy before she did!

Lunch was fun, beautiful place.

Just to rub it in, it was a glass of complimentary wine with any main meal ordered.

So yep, Dad got mine.

My little niece is 18 months and she dam cute! She's got absolutely no clue that she's going to have a little cousin by the time she's two.

But I'm sure she's be excited when she works it out.

And then I had PregActive classes in the evening and got to share my incredible news with the gorgeous girls.

They all squealed when I told them. So much excitement and so much fun!

A beautiful dinner with my husband, and then off to bed as a 33-year-old mama-to-be.


I had lunch with my beautiful besties.

And FINALLY could tell them all. I had always thought I'd want to tell all my girlfriends that I was pregnant straight away.

But when it came down to it, I had just a few key people that knew and I liked it that way. I was in a bit of a bubble and no one really was asking ';so, how are you feeling?' every second minute.

But so so nice now to announce.

And I have the cutest little bump going on. I just LOVE it.

So no wine or cured meats for me, but the long lunch eased well into the afternoon and it was just perfect.

Week 12 Tips

Announce when you're ready.

Never feel pressured.

Do it your way, and enjoy the process.

When you announce, may be a good idea to say; and please keep it to yourself for the next few weeks as we're still in the process of telling people."

Soak in the 12-week scan. If you haven't started a diary, maybe now is a good time.

It's fun to look back on these memories.