Jeyda’s Pregnancy and Postpartum Story

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Jeyda’s Pregnancy and Postpartum Story

Jeyda's Pregnancy and Postpartum Story

Today, you are about to hear about Jeyda's pregnancy and postpartum story. It's inspiring, honest and provides some great tips and advice from experience. Being a first-time mother is a unique journey. It's all new. It's all happening for the first time, and there's a lot of learning, mostly on a very steep curve.

Taking time to reflect on what has happened across that journey of pregnancy and postpartum is important. That first year of your newborn is celebrated widely, but there's one more highly significant milestone.

Carrying your baby for 9 months in utero and then having your baby with you earthside for 9 months is a beautiful time to celebrate both the pregnancy and postpartum journey.

Read on as Jeyda shares her beautiful story of her motherhood journey.

It all happened so quickly. We got married in May and then four weeks later we were pregnant. I feel like I was still catching up on that fact as the pregnancy developed that, and now looking back it seems like a lifetime ago.

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Look, to be honest, pregnancy wasn’t great for me. I felt sick, nausea and fatigued the whole way through. I kept thinking it would ease off at a point, but it never did.

We moved house in that time too, there was a lot happening, but I'm forever grateful of my photos that I took as it's incredible to look back and think just how amazing my body is that it grew our baby boy.

This photo was taken less than a week before I gave birth and I felt huge. At 39 weeks pregnant I was so nervous about the upcoming birth.

I was being guided by Kerryn and her amazing PregActive Birth Preparation Course, so each bit of learning I was feeling more at ease.

When I first become pregnant I thought I just wanted to elect for a c-section as the idea of a vaginal childbirth scared me so much.

Then I thought, well I'll just get induced and that will help me.

As I learned more and more from Kerryn I realised my inner strength and looking back that was just so empowering.

My baby boy has taught me so much more about myself than I could ever have imaged. I found a strength in me I didn't know existed and I've found a love so powerful, so unconditional that it seems at moments that nothing else really matters.

My birth was an incredible, empowering experience. Birthing my baby and becoming a mother has changed me. I feel stronger, more connected and confident in what I can do and achieve.

Postpartum is a journey in itself. It certainly hasn't been easy, but it's been the most rewarding thing I've ever done.

Those early weeks Kerryn's guidance through her 0 to 6 week section of the Core Rehab program was the support and guidance I needed as a new mother. I felt like she was right there with me on the journey and knew exactly what I was going through.

Not all support is equal. Some friends don't fully understand what it's like to have a newborn and others, especially those who are already parents themselves, come with cooked meals, wise words and the supportive hug right at the point we needed it.

I’m forever grateful for my husband, he is incredible and my love for him has grown even more as I've watched him become a father. The joy seeing our baby cuddled up in his arms is something words can't describe.

We created this bundle of joy and now we get to enjoy every moment together with him.

As he grows and there's more giggles, smiles and reactions it's just the most amazing thing and all the sleepless nights and rough patches all seem so worth it.

To any new Mother out there I just want to say, you've got this.

It's so hard in those hard times, but those highs are like no other. Your baby needs you and loves you so much. And little do you know, but this little being is going to be your biggest teacher.

Here we are thinking we're here to guide our children through life, but in so many ways, they guide us.
Looking back now at 9 months of pregnancy and 9 months postpartum I'm so proud of myself and what I've achieved.

Here are my top highlights and tips of pregnancy:
1. Know if you're not feeling great, that 'this too shall pass'
2. Rest, hydrate and don't try to push-through the fatigue / nausea
3. Keep moving (the feeling fatigued section of the PregActive program helped me!)
4. Take photos and you'll love to look back on them

Here are my top tips about preparing for childbirth
1. Try not to expend your energy worrying about what might happen
2. Invest in a Birth Course (like the PregActive Birth Preparation Course)
3. Communicate openly with your partner about how you feel
4. Avoid anyone who wants to talk about their own birth story negatively

Here are my top tips for the postpartum journey
1. Listen to your intuition, it's always right
2. Say no more than you say yes
3. Build that inner circle bond of you, your partner and your baby
4. Be okay that your social life has changed, especially this first year

And I just wanted to say a massive thank you to Kerryn and her PregActive team for her support every step of the way. It's made this journey so much smoother, I wish that every expecting and new mother can experience this too.

The guidance week by week through pregnancy, the support in the lead up to childbirth and then recovery postpartum - there's no other program like this. It's amazing, and accessible from the app on my phone. I loved it. Every new and expecting Mama should have Studio PregActive.