Vinyasa Flow Prenatal Yoga Modifications

first trimester exercise prenatal yoga
Vinyasa Flow Prenatal Yoga Modifications

Vinyasa Flow Prenatal Yoga

I love yoga but did you know you MUST modify your Vinyasa flow prenatal yoga workouts? This is also very important when pregnant and as a new mama. In this power-packed 4-minute video I share with you these modifications to keep you and baby safe.

#Vinyasa is a style of yoga which can be done when pregnant. It is characterized by stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath.

This pregnancy yoga video is with our qualified instructor and PregActive Founder, Kerryn Boyle. It will help ease pregnancy back ache and help relax your mind and body.

Yoga during pregnancy is so important to keep you and baby safe and healthy.

This pregnancy yoga flow guides you through the best yoga poses safe for pregnancy. If you are wondering what are the prenatal yoga poses, then you have come to the right place.

Vinyasa Flow Prenatal Yoga Modifications

Here's what I want you to know.

The biggest piece of advice I want to give you is this. The yoga class you join MUST be taught by a qualified and experienced prenatal yoga instructor. If what you are doing feels uncomfortable, please stop or chat to your instructor.

Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy

There are many benefits for practicing prenatal yoga as you progress through each week. There are many benefits of exercising during pregnancy. long as you take certain precautions.

During pregnancy your body goes through many changes, which creates stress on you mentally and physically. A way to maintain a healthy mind and body is yoga.

Yoga Classes have a Social Benefit

After my classes, I know a lot of the women catch-up for a coffee or at the local park. This only adds to the sense of belonging and knowing you have the support there when needed.

Taking a prenatal yoga class is also a great way to meet other moms-to-be and embark on this journey together.

Benefits of Yoga

1. Develops stamina and strength.

2. May help to improve balance.

3. Relieves lower back pain.

4. Calms the nervous system.

5. Helps you to mentally prepare for childbirth.

6. Allows you to workout with other pregnant women.

7. Increases circulation.

8. Practice breathing techniques for childbirth.

9. Yoga can increase the nutrient and blood supply to your body's muscles.

10. Improve the way you move, function and feel.

11. Hip openers.

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