Megan's Story - Weight Loss Success Story as a Stronger Mama
Megan's Stronger Mama Story
I want to share a story from one of our amazing mamas who has been working out and losing baby weight with our Stronger Mama Challenge. I love it when we can change lives and as a mama myself, I get even more satisfaction knowing I have been able to help a new mama re-gain her body-confidence and become an empowered mother for life.
This is Megan's Story
I've honestly never felt more confident. Even before I had kids I always felt ashamed (even though I was still 12kg lighter than I am now) but I've learnt to appreciate where my body has been and what it has been through, carrying and feeding two children.
Before pregnancy my fitness routine was the old walk here and there.
Now I've been doing the PregActive Stronger Mama Challenge I'm so happy with my results and my fitness.
It's not easy for us as Mothers, there's always so much pressure on our time and it really is a balancing act.
I know it is for me as a Mother of two, I found my biggest obstacle to achieving my fitness goals where my motivation and sticking with something for more than a week. It was easy to get started, but to keep going is always the challenge.
I'm still shocked at how far I've come. Looking at these before and after photos, I'm so proud of myself. I'm happy to share my story if it helps to inspire other Mothers to know they can do the same.
PregActive has helped me to stay motivated and on track.
It's certainly not easy, but if I could go back in time and tell my younger self one piece of advice, it would be to:
'Stick with it. You'll see the difference you’re looking for if you keep going.'
And what I would say to another Mama out there who is nervous to start:
'Do it with a friend! Mamas supporting other mamas is where's it’s at.'
I've honestly loved what PregActive has helped me with, the PregActive Online Studio is easy to use and follow and I don't feel guilty if I miss an exercise workout.
I'm so proud of how far I've come. I started my healthy journey 6 months ago and I can't say how proud of myself I am for keeping on going.
It's so important for Mothers to support each other and that's exactly what I found so good about the PregActive community. We're all Mamas and we're all here to support each other.
Cheers to us!