PregActive Review - Bradi's Story

member stories Jan 29, 2021
PregActive Review - Bradi's Stronger Mama Story

Bradi's Story

Bradi is a mother of two, and just like many of us, struggles with the balance of finding time for her self amongst the life of raising two little humans. Here is Bradi's Stronger Mama PregActive review and personal story.

I first met Bradi when she came along to in-studio classes and I remember her first being so stressed about 'what if my baby cries.'

Just like the hundreds of other Mothers who had the same question for me, I smiled at her and reassured her that everything will be fine, and I'll hold her baby if they cry.

And I did.

And that was the beginning of a beautiful journey that has led Bradi to now really prioritize her, even living regionally with so many few options around her, our online program has allowed her the space to have for her, and to get the results she deserves.

Here is Bradi's Stronger Mama Success Story, because that's exactly what every Mama who enters our programs is, a success. And we celebrate each and every one of you, just like you deserve to be celebrated.

What Did Your Fitness Program Look Like Before Pregnancy?

I did not have a fitness program at all before pregnancy. My body felt awful after a miscarriage and 9 months of IVF treatment. I struggled to even walk around the small park across the road from my home.

Which PregActive Program Are You Doing Right Now And What Do You Think Of It?


What's Been Your Biggest Obstacle To Overcome To Get To Where You Are Now?

Finding the mentality to put myself first.

How Has PregActive Helped You?

I quickly realized how great I feel physically and emotionally after I complete my daily exercises.

Looking Back, What Advice Would You Give Yourself?

Don't give up, even if you cant finish the whole daily exercise, even half is great.

What Advice Would You Give To Another Mama Who's Nervous To Start?

One of Kerryn's programs; Stronger Mama is specific to mums and focuses on gentle but effective exercises and stretches (especially core exercises and pelvic focused), she is also motivating and calming. Its a lifestyle that you can implement and soon be addicted to.

What Do You Like About The PregActive Online Studio?

The online studio is a great way to communicate with others that are doing the program with you.

Is There Anything Else You'd Like To Add?

I did Mums and Bubs in Melbourne with Kerryn and fell in love with her classes, now I have moved I am so grateful I can still have her in my life helping me keep strong.

I highly recommend Kerryn's Program, it has helped me regain my confidence and awareness in my body again.

I also found a new love- STRETCHING! A beautiful lifestyle program. Thank you Kerryn x