My Placenta Previa during her Pregnancy Story by Nikki

My Placenta Previa during her Pregnancy Story by Nikki
Nikki is a beautiful member of our in-studio classes who shared her experience with having placenta previa during her pregnancy. This is her story.
Being diagnosed with severe placenta previa at 24 weeks was a shock to my whole system.
Although it was a 2 year long road to pregnancy for me, it was going so well this time around and I was trying to stay active and positive and I was feeling OK.
There are different levels of severity with a low-lying placenta and mine was quite severe which meant I couldn’t do any type of exercise, including the travel to and from work.
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I had to work from home and was basically put on what they call 'pelvic rest'.
I had weekly check-ups and had to be very mindful changes in my body and report any bleeding immediately.
This was so hard for me, not only physically but emotionally.
I was an active person because I love exercising, it really helps keep you in a positive mindset.
Without being able to do a task as simple as vacuuming my house, I felt my moods fluctuate and really had a tough time.
Luckily, I had formed some close friendships with others going through their pregnancy at the same time as me and they were an amazing support.
As a group we started going to the PregActive classes together, but due to my condition I couldn't go anymore. We did still get to meet up and I found I could openly talk to them and it really helped, as did the support of my family and my partner.
At a 32 week check-up they found the placenta had moved and I was able to have quite a 'normal' last section of my pregnancy which I am so grateful for.
I gave birth naturally to my little girl without any complications.
She is nearly 3 months old now and I am back on track with my exercise and fitness – and feeling so much better for it!
7 Best Exercises When You Have Pelvic Pain
Discover the 7 best exercises when you have pelvic pain during pregnancy, doesn't have to happen to you! These pregnancy injuries are common in pregnant women, so don't worry you are not alone. You also do not have to suffer through it, so we're here to help!
It is amazing what we take for granted.
That ability to exercise (or move really!) was taken from me made it really hard. What I would say to any woman going placenta previa or any other complication throughout pregnancy, is talk about it.
Surround yourself with support networks, and yes you may not be able to catch up every time or get out of the house as much as you want to; but pick up the phone and call someone.
Actually talking to someone is the best medicine.
I still needed to monitor myself after I had my baby girl and progressed slowly back into exercise.
As a woman, our bodies go through so much throughout pregnancy and birth, it really is important to ease back in progressively.
Looking after you is so important as it helps with your moods and helps you to be a better partner and mother.