How Personal Trainers Should Prepare their Pregnant Clients for Birth

prenatal fitness certification Apr 03, 2024
How Personal Trainers Should Prepare their Pregnant Clients for Birth

How Personal Trainers Should Prepare their Pregnant Clients for Birth

You see, the way you train your general population is different you will train your pregnant clients. Things have changed significantly for your pregnant mamas.

Preparing for childbirth and having a birthing plan for the big day will help to ease a lot of stress and anxiety. I was very organised and had everything planed. Oh, and yes, not all does to go to plan. But I was ready for any hiccups on the day and was able to adjust to what I need to do.

My Prenatal and Postnatal Exercise Course has been designed to show how you can train and prepare your client for each trimester of their pregnancy and to help them get physically fit for childbirth. 

By improving your knowledge and skills you will become to 'go-to' trainer as your reputation will grown and exceed those personal trainers who lack the required knowledge to train pregnant women.

in her pregnancy, prepare her for birth and help her recovery better postpartum.

This course is ideal for:

  1. Doulas
  2. Midwives
  3. Personal Trainers
  4. Yoga instructors
  5. Pilates instructors
  6. All health professionals

How Personal Trainers Should Prepare their Pregnant Clients for Birth

I hope you enjoy this video. It is just a very small example of what you can expect.


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