Natural Ways to Bring on Labour
Natural Ways to Bring on Labour Podcast
Look, let’s be honest. Getting to the pointy end of third trimester can bring on a lot of emotions for many women, especially about whether they will ‘easily’ go into spontaneous labour.
It’s a complete unknown as to the actual day your baby will give you signals that they are ready to descend, and for some women the stress and worry is just too much.
Inductions and planned C-sections are a new way to bring that day forward, and in some medical reasons it’s necessary for health of Mother and / or baby.
But for many women wanting to go into spontaneous labour, they’re actually wanting to avoid the medical interventions mentioned above and try for something a little bit more natural.
Acupuncture has been high on the list when it comes to ‘natural ways to bring on labour’ and I so naturally, I wanted to interview Rachael West, a highly sort after health care professional with so much knowledge and passion.
As I ask Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist, Rachael West all about how she helps women prepare for birth, naturally.