Pelvic Girdle Pain is Not Fun, At All.
Yet it is so common for women to experience Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) in their pregnancy. Relaxin is a hormone that makes everything a little bit less stable. The glutes have to work extra hard, and often there is imbalance in the muscles.
That's why I'm here. To help.
'Above I've listed some simple movements to take modify, including how you sit! Below I have some more tips for exercises that can help.
Suffering from Pelvic Girdle Pain?
Here are some vital exercises you need to know if you are suffering from any pain in your hips whilst pregnant.
It blows my mind mamas-to-be don't know these! Don't let that be you.
YES - I WANT this!I'm Here to Help You!
Be Strong for Pregnancy. For Motherhood.