Prenatal & Postpartum Mental Health

Along with your physical health, you must ensure you are maintaining a healthy mind. You deserve to get the support and love you need!



I have a dedicated section just for pregnancy mental health where I provide you with tips on how to relax, attain a healthy mindset, prepare for childbirth, and overcoming the fear of pregnancy. I deliver these tips to you through interviews with Women’s Health Psychologists, podcasts, videos and expert posts.


Did You Know?

Did you know that approximately fifteen per cent of women will have depression or anxiety during pregnancy. And after childbirth, there are many more women who battle mental health issues.

Many women suffer unnecessarily and for a long time with mental illness because they feel a sense of shame, guilt and even embarrassment because they have “allowed themselves to be depressed.”

Having a baby is a time to be happy, but of course, depression is not something you have control over especially during this vulnerable time.

An untreated mental illness can have long-term health and well-being impacts for you and your baby so it is important to get the right treatment.

It is vital that you are aware there are a number of safe and effective treatment options for depression during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. I want you to visit your GP if you need help.

Real Women. Real Results.

Recommended by OB.GYN's, Physiotherapists, PT's and Physical Therapists. We are here to support, inspire and motivate you.



Postnatal depression and anxiety can be of all levels (mild, moderate or severe). And symptoms can begin anywhere from suddenly after birth or appear gradually in the weeks or months during the first year after birth. I want you to learn now how you can be ready for overcoming mental health concerns when pregnant, and also during motherhood.

Postnatal Depression adfter Childbirth

Postnatal Depletion

Mental Health Tips for Moms

Pregnancy Mental Health

Pregnancy Relaxation Videos

Why PregActive is for You

While you are busy looking after your baby we are here to look after YOU! As a mother myself, I know how important it is to get the support you need to look after your health and wellbeing. When you log in in to PregActive you will get the tips, support and help you need and deserve.

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